Hunting... Haunting?

A male stood in the middle of the crowd, moving silently, unnoticeable. The next thing that happened, happened so quickly that no one knew what to do or what to say. A body fell on the ground, screams following after. Blood pooled under the body, getting larger by the minute as people stood by, speechless and fearful.

What happened? Did someone kill him? If so, who did it?

The ambulance were called, the police arriving along with their blaring siren. A crowd formed around the body and pictures were taken, murmuring spreading throughout the spectators.

In the midst of all the chaos, the lone male smirked under his hood, and turned to leave further into the alley. One down, and the hunt continues.


"V, that was so obvious, you know that right?"

"But hyung, it's because it was obvious that no one saw it happen. Blending in with everyone was an easy task, no one noticed anything."

"You say that now. The fallen are not easy pickings, doing this will alert them more."

"That body will disappear soon anyway, and everyone will be none the wiser. After all, the fallens' bodies never last longer than they need to. Most will think it's a prank of some sort."

V or Taehyung, was a hunter. He hunted for those that had abandoned their duties, duties as a protector. They were demons, sure, but even demons had their duties, and not doing so led to punishment. And V was part of the group that handed out said punishments. Death, V was the executioner.

The one he was arguing with was Seokjin, better known as Jin. Said man was the oldest of the group. In fact, no one knew his age anymore as no one bothered to count. There was only so many candles that a cake could fit after all. Jin was the administrator of most things. He handled the paperwork and reports, hence why he was pissed off with V's actions. Because more paperwork. you V.

That didn't mean he was weak. In fact, he was only in this group because he was one of the strongest demons. But he was stuck with paperwork because hell, he was the only one with enough patience to go near anything that required signatures and all that .

"V, you're a ing idiot. Who cleans your messes up? I ing do. So think about me for once and stops creating more paperwork for me for 's sake or Satan help me, I will shove the paperwork up your ."

"There, there hyung. V was just doing his job. Now do yours."

" you Hobi."

Hobi, better known as Hoseok, was one of the most cheerful demons Jin has ever met, which was saying something. However, piss him off and you have one of the most scary demons you'll ever meet. Jin learnt that a long time ago when one of the fallen had belittled Hoseok's powers and questioned his position as one of the seven. The fallen had then proceeded to make fun of the rest of the seven, and Hoseok listened with a smile on his face that only grew larger.

The next thing anyone knew, the fallen was on the ground with Hoseok straddling him, unable to move as Hoseok picked off his joints and limbs one by one, pushing the fallen's body to its limits before it forced the fallen out of it. Once that happened, the fallen vanished as did all fallens when they left their bodies.

The fallens were not made to live in the human world. They did not have permission to enter the human world, and so upon leaving their barrier, their human body, they would cease to exist.

Hoseok tormented the soul to the point that it ceased to exist, and from that day on, none of the six dared to piss him off no matter how bright and happy he seemed. He was their healer, and hence he knew how to hit where it hurt most.

"I should make one of you do the paperwork, seriously because if you guys won't stop causing trouble I'll make you see WHY you should stop creating trouble. I'll tie you guys to the chair and put a restraining spell on you guys so you can't use your abilities, and let's see how well you do you s."

" We understand your es hyung, but leave them for the bedroom with Namjoonie, seriously, no one needs to know. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"You er. He's in a meeting with the council, yes again, discussing about the huge increase of fallen. Apparently Hunchul has had more followers, and until we kill him, the numbers will keep increasing."

"Problem is, he's such a slippery bastard that even Kookie has trouble tracking him. He can't track the bastard properly because he's been hiding his scent or wearing some extremely strong cologne that's easy to wash off or alter. His scent changes every time and Kookie's about to go ballistic."

Namjoon, their leader and representative. Whilst Jin had the patience to deal with the paperwork, he in no way wanted to deal with the old coots of the council. All of them were self centred and had different beliefs, believing theirs to be the most important, and hence had no respect for anyone else. It was always chaos there, and who better to deal with chaos than chaos himself.

Namjoon was the God or rather, Demon of Destruction, yes with capital Ds, for many, many reasons. Breaking almost everything he was using was one of those reasons. Another was that he had a way with words, and could often destroy the mentality of others with just words. Dangerous in many ways, Namjoon was.

Kookie, or Jungkook, was a tracker. He was the youngest of all of them, and despite being just barely a century old, he was one of the most talented Jin had seen. He could track the fallen down like nobody else, having a large sensory network did that. His sense of smell, in particular, was extremely strong.

Jungkook didn't travel like most demons did. He travelled amongst the shadows, hence appearing wherever and whenever he so wished. It made him hard to find, but he would come to them when they called. It also made him the most mysterious, as he didn't open up to anyone, but when he did so, those moments were cherished.

Because Jungkook was cuter than he seemed. Sue them.

"Kookie must be pissed off, so where is he now? Still on Hunchul's case, or does he have a new target?"

"He's having a field day with the increase of fallen. Have you seen how many he has captured already? Yoongi hyung and Jiminnie have been stuck down there for so long offing them and torturing them for information like you wouldn't believe, I think it's been a week already hyung."

"No wonder, I thought they had disappeared on some vacation of some sort."

Yoongi, or Suga was a torture specialist. He was the controller of pain, and he could intensify it or weaken it if he so wished. He could turn something as minor as a small cut into something that felt like a thousand stabs, which made him all so effective as an interrogator.

Others usually mistook him as a pushover of some kind, seeing how he slept most of the time. He was anything but. Many could testify to that. Majority were dead though. Nevertheless, he was still a 'cuddly grouchy bear' as V always put it.

Jimin on the other hand, was a charmer. With a cheerful personality, one that could rival Hobi's, he easily gained other's trust, letting them spill everything that they knew , even if it was against their will. Because as he put it, "mind games are so much more fun than just pure physical pain." Creepy, but efficient.

The two together made for a deadly pair, and they enjoyed what they did. Which also explained why they went so well together. What makes better bed talk than torture tactics, amirite?

"We're finally done, I thought we would never see the ing light of day ever again."

"Finally, time to catch up on some sleep. If anyone wakes me up and no one important is dying, there will be hell to pay. I mean it. Come on Chim."

Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand and pulls him up the stairs, towards their bedroom as Jimin laughed and waved goodbye at them.

"See you guys whenever."

Jin shook his head. Those two were always doing things at their own pace, actually, all of them did. He gathered up the trash from the table, yes he had been eating while lamenting at V, and threw them into the bin.

Just then, the front door opened, and in came Namjoon and Jungkook. Jin was shocked because Jungkook had used the front door for once, and not the usual popping out of the shadows and scaring the out of whoever he appeared in front of.

(He had appeared in front of Hoseok once while he was peeing, and had flipped when Hoseok screamed at Jungkook. Cue the golden showers. Ahem.)

"Holy balls Kookie, did you just use the front door?"

"I told you Jin's gonna flip."

"Screw off hyungs."

Jungkook pouted slightly, and Jin laughed at their cute maknae. Namjoon chuckled, and the three soon erupted into a fit of laughter.

And so the seven have gathered once more.

The Games Have Begun.

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