
Before You

"Where are you going?" He asked, yet there was no response. 

He looked at the lady in front of him. His vision blurred as tears threatened to fall. "What-"

"I'm sorry." 

Before he could finish what he was about to say, the woman had turned his back on him, dragging her luggage with her. 

No, this can't be happening


His eyes snapped open and he jolted in his seat. With his eyebrows furrowed, he looked at the young man standing in front of his desk. "What is it, Kihyun?"

Kihyun sighed, "You have a meeting with the investors from Macau in fifteen minutes."

Hyungwon nodded, before standing up and walking to the room adjacent to his office. Kihyun followed him to the room, a look of worry etched in his face. "Are you okay? Did you dream about that again?"

Hyungwon halted, recalling the dream – or was it a nightmare? – he just had. 

He had attempted to run after her, but no matter how fast he ran, she was out of reach. He had called out for her so many times, but no matter how loud he yelled, she couldn't hear him.

No, that wasn't right. She pretended she couldn't hear him.

And for that, he could never forgive her. 

"I'm fine, Kihyun. Go meet the investors, I'll be there in ten minutes."



 A/N: Since this is written as an introduction to Hyungwon's character, I made it short. Don't worry though, the chapters after this will be much longer.

Thank you for reading ^^ 



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yaaaay, im curious to know what's going to happen ;))