
Recipe of Love

How did I end up here again?

“Look out!”

Junhoe’s voice were barely audible as I crouched avoiding the dragon’s tail.

“Why did I agree to this!?”, I shouted.

“Because you’re my friend!!!”, Junhoe shouted back while panting and running at the same time.

Both of us were running to no particular direction. Anywhere as long as it keeps us away from that big lizard. When we found a big boulder, we decided to hide behind it.

Catching his breath, Junhoe said, “We better do something.”.

“We won’t be here if it’s not for you and your little quest!!!”, I shouted back angrily. However, before Junhoe could response, the boulder crumbled to dust as the dragon smashed it down.

Go back to running it seems… or not.

“The sin in my blood, the shadow in my heart, open the gate to hell! Hellfire!!!”, I quickly shouted the incantation of the strongest spell that I know. Immediately, the earth ruptured and flames appeared, burning down the dragon.

Or so I hope…

To the contrary, the dragon seems just mildly annoyed by the fire…

Ok, now go back to running for real.

“Can’t you just teleport us out of here?”, Junhoe asked while running.

“I need time for teleportation spell!”, I answered hurriedly.

“Then prepare it! I’ll distract that lizard!”

“You’re going to die!”

“It’s either me or both of us.”, he responded as he took his crossbow and aimed it at the dragon’s eye. Unfortunately, the bolt didn’t even scratch its eyes. But that’s enough to draw the dragon toward Junhoe.

I quickly started the incantation for a teleportation spell. Meanwhile, Junhoe kept shooting at the dragon (to no avail); trying to keep it away from me.

Fortunately, it’s not a fire-breathing dragon… But it’s still as dangerous. Times and times again, Junhoe only barely dodged the dragon’s claws or tail.

When the spell was finally ready, I shouted, “Junhoe!!!”.

He immediately started running toward me. As he drew closer, I opened the portal and entered, impatiently waiting for him. Just as he was about to reach the portal, the dragon swung its tail one more time, hitting Junhoe’s and hurling him to the portal.

His body soon crashed into mine, and we both fell to the floor, him on top of me. We stayed like that for a while. No, not because we’re staring romantically at each other, but because both of us were just too tired to move.

“At least we survived.”, Junhoe said as he breathed relief.

“Don’t ask me to help you ever again!!!”, I responded furiously.

“But aren’t we friends?”

“No! Now get off me!”, I said as I pushed him away and stood up. Before he could say anything, I just turned around and leave.


Now, you may ask, but why were Junhoe asking me to hunt a dragon? What was his ‘little quest’? Well, you see, he wants to make a potion. A love potion. Yes, l-o-v-e love. So he’s collecting the ingredients. For whom? I don’t know. He never told me, and he never answer even if I ask.

At the beginning, it started off pretty benign. Berries, flowers, rare mushrooms; easy stuff. But things escalated quickly, and all that hassle was for a dragon heart. Why would a love potion require a dragon heart? Don’t ask me, I’m not an alchemist.


The next peaceful morning, which were quickly interrupted by a voice from the front gate.


I woke up and sleepily walked toward my window. I knew that he’s not going away until he got what he wanted, but I still tried anyway.

“Chanwoo!!!”, he shouted again.

“Whatever it is, no!”, I shouted back at him.

“But you got to help me! This is the last one, I promise!”

“You said that from like, a month ago!”

“This is the super last one! Promise promise!!! Please!!!”, he pleaded. “You’re the only one that I have!”, he quickly added.

Argh, fine…

I slowly walked toward the front gate and opened it. “What is it now?”

“I need to collect mermaid’s tears to replace the dragon heart.”, he said.

Upon hearing that, I immediately slammed the front gate (although he held it) and rushed back inside. “Nope, nope, nope.”, I repeatedly said.

“Wait! Listen to me.”

“You wanted me to help you catch an underwater man-eater hypnotist that lives in pack? Why don’t you just kill me now?”

“It won’t be that dangerous! They’re in the middle of migration now, so it would be easy to isolate the one in the back.”, he explained.

I looked at his eyes for a good few seconds while he was trying to look as innocent and pure as possible (as if). In the end, I realized that I didn’t really have a choice.

“Alright, fine…”, I sighed in agreement. “I’ll get ready.”

“Yes! That’s my friend!”, he shouted in excitement as he suddenly hugged me… I really wanted to push him away out of annoyance, but for some reason, I couldn’t. I let him hug me, even (dare I say) indulging in the hug for a while.

“Are you done?”, I asked when he didn’t show any sign of letting me go.

“Oh, right. Sorry.”, he apologized as he let me go and looked away, avoiding my gaze. I immediately walked away and started making my breakfast.

“You’re eating breakfast?”, Junhoe asked.


“Nothing…”, he answered, looking down on the floor. I stared at him for a while, before sighing again. “I’ll make you breakfast too… Sit and wait.”

“You’re the best!”, he said while smiling, making my heart skipped a beat… Wait, what!? Why did my heart skip a beat?

Anyway, I finished making breakfast and brought it to the dining table. We were eating quietly, until I got a little bored and decided to ask him question.

“Why would you go so far for this love potion, anyway? Who is this person?”

“You know I can’t tell you that.”

“Have I met her? Or is it him?”

“No clues either.”

“You’re not fun…”

“Anyway, I finished my food. Thanks for the meal!”, he said while smiling again… I smiled back. All the little things to brighten up your (soon to be gloomy) day, right?


The walk to the river was mostly quiet. Well, I wasn’t in the mood for talking anyway, knowing what is ahead of me. When we arrived there, we could immediately notice that the river was bustling with movements.

“The mermaids are inside. Just need a way to lure them out.”, Junhoe said.

“Easy to say.”, I responded. After thinking for a while, I decided to just use the safest method that I know. I quickly prepared an incantation, and suddenly, a lightning bolt fell from the sky, hitting the river.

“What are you doing?”, Junhoe asked.

“Killing them.”

I repeated the lightning bolt spell a few times, until the river got calmer.

“Are they dead yet?”, I asked rhetorically. We waited for a while, waiting for any movement. When there were none, I decided to approach the river and checked.

As soon as I reached the river, a pair of hands suddenly dragged me and pulled me inside the river.

“Chanwoo!”, I could hear Junhoe’s shout just before I went underwater. I struggled as a mermaid hold me and dragged me toward her group.

I can’t do any incantation underwater… This is bad…

As expected, Junhoe dived in to save me… Stupid boy, does he think he stand any chance? As soon as he entered the water, a pack of mermaids started circling him. Junhoe swung his knife around, trying to drove the mermaids away, but that didn’t do any good. The mermaids attacked back, and soon he was also overwhelmed.

As for myself, I was already at my limit. My vision became blurry, and I could see a mermaid holding me tight, trying to take a bite out of me. Just before she could bite me, I passed out.


I suddenly jolted awake, and the first thing I noticed was Junhoe’s face… Is this heaven?

No, of course not. If this is heaven, Junhoe wouldn’t be here; he will definitely go to hell. Besides, I immediately noticed the pain on my left abdomen, and noticed that the room looked like Junhoe’s bedroom. In fact, I’m pretty sure it was Junhoe’s bedroom.

“You’re finally awake!”, Junhoe exclaimed, breaking my line of thoughts. He went forward and tried to hug me, although I quickly pushed him away because my abdomen was still hurting.

“Sorry, you’re still hurt, aren’t you?”, he asked as he saw my pained expression.

“What happened?”, I asked.

“Long story. So…”, he tried explaining, but I cut him out after deciding I wasn’t interested. “Never mind. I don’t care. As long as I survive.”

He then brought a bowl of soup and started spoon-feeding me. “Eat. You need to regain your strength.”, he said.

As I was eating, I said to him, “That was the last time, ok. I’m not helping you finding another dangerous ingredient!”.

“Don’t worry. I won’t ask you again after this.”, he replied. “But I can still see you, right?”, he quickly asked.

“Of course. What’s holding you back?”, I answered.

“No, nothing…”

After I finished the whole bowl, he told me to lie down and take a rest, while he sat next to me and watched me.

“Why are you staring at me?”, I asked.

“I just want to…”

“Do me a favour and answer my question… Why do you want to make a love potion so badly?”, I asked him. This time, I’ll get the answer out of him no matter what.

I stared at his eyes to show my seriousness, and I guess, he decided that it’s finally time to tell me. He sighed, “It’s not for a love potion, really…”.

Of course it’s not! Why didn’t I notice?

“For what, then?”, I continued asking.

“Nothing in particular…”, he answered. He then added, “I just want to spend time with you.”


I shouted in anger, “Seriously!!! If you want to spend time with me, you can just ask me out for dinner or to a park or something not dangerous! Who on earth ask his friend to go dragon killing and mermaid hunting just to spend time!!!”

“Whoa, calm down.”

“Why should I calm down!!! I risked my one and only life to help you, for what? For nothing!!!”

“But that’s because I love you.”

“I’ll definitely kill you as soon as I… Wait, what!?”

“I said I love you.”

“Oh…”, I suddenly lost all my words… for a good 3 seconds. But it soon went back on again.

“Then that’s even worse!!! Why would you bring me to a dragon lair if you love me!!! Do you want me to die!? I guess dying together would be romantic… but that kills the purpose of loving someone!!!”

“Ok, I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m too shy to ask you for normal dates… So I have to make something up…”

“By endangering our life!?”, I shouted for one last time.

He stayed silent for a while, looking on the floor with a face full of regret. At times like this, I just wanted to hug him… except I won’t, since he’s wrong. And not even the angels could wash away his sins.

But, he finally decided to speak. “So… do you love me too?”

“You still have the nerve to ask me that?”, I asked back.

“Well, I already spilt the bean…”

This time, I was the one that fell silent. I closed my eyes, thinking to myself for a while? Do I love him? Surprisingly, the answer came easy and clear.

“Yes, I do.”, I finally said, looking away to hide the slight blush on my face.

“Really!?”, he asked. His face obviously brightened; I didn’t even need to look at him to know that. He tried to hug me again, although I pushed him away this time too.

“Oops, I forgot. Sorry, I was just too excited.”

“Why don’t you just tell me from the beginning?”, I asked.

“Tell you what?”, he asked back.

“That you love me.”

“How could I do that? That’s so embarrassing.”

“But you’re not embarrassed to disturb me every morning for your non-existent love potion?”

“Well, I had an alibi…”

“Whatever. You’re hopeless.”

When I finished saying that, he has moved to lie down next to me.

“Don’t try to do anything silly.”, I warned him.


“Because it’s still hurt.”

“Alright, fine…”, he said as he moved to the other side of the bed. “Now I can hug you!”

“No, you can’t!”, I pushed him away yet again. Truth to be told, I was just embarrassed. I mean, he just confessed literally 3 minutes ago.

“Eh, why? This side isn’t injured.”, he said while pouting.

I sighed, “Fine… But gently.”.

“Yes, sir!”, he then went on to hug me. Meanwhile, I just closed my eyes trying to ignore the blush that appeared on my cheeks.

“Sleep well.”, he whispered, leaving a kiss on my cheek.

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 1: weird june as usual XD
Chapter 1: wow this is so cute. I'm a little curious about how they ran from the mermaids but anyway.. Loved the history! <3
Planetoceng #3

I read it while listening to park bom - you and i and its a perfect combine
Chapter 1: Its just so cuteeeeee.. ^^
Chapter 1: Oh Yass!! Its really cute and funny >///<
noname101 #6
Chapter 1: So funny lmao XD
Poor Chanwoo have to go through all dangerous event and that is definitely a weird way to spend time with your crush but at the same time also exciting(for me)
the end is soooo cute and sweet!!
Good luck on your assignment author ^^