As usual.

Love makes me crazy but happy

At a school.


You: *opening the door.

???: Hi!

You: Hello. By the way what's your name?

Heechul: My name is Heechul

You: Oh hi Heechul-ah !

Heechul: Let me introduced to you my other frineds... This is Ryeowook, KyuHyun, Shindong, Kangin and Siwon...

You: Annyeong oppas !

All of the boys: Annyeong __________-ssshhiiii !

You: How did you know my name?

Jessie: Because I told them... HAHAHA ! Are you surprised that they become all of my friends in just one snap! :D

You: No I know that you have that great ability because of your being so talkative.

Jessie: By the way guys this girl is beautiful right?


All of the boys: Yeah she is!

You: Don't believe her she's crazy... *pulling Jessie away from the circle of boys.

Jessie: HAHAHA! sorry guys I have to go...

You: You shut up! It is embarrasing...

Jessie: Yeah I know that it'll embarrased you because you really are a pretty one.


Then the bell rang.


Teacher: Good Morning everyone

All: Good morning miss ! 

Teacher: By the way before I'll start the class let me introduced to you one of your new classmates and they came from Hong kong.


Teacher: This Kim Kibum *points out to kibum and this is Park Shantal *points out to shantal.

Kibum: Hi I am Kibum.

Shantal: Hello everyone ! I'll be your new beautiful classmate! Nice to meet you all

Kibum: Sorry for that everyone.

All: *laughs.

Teacher: Kibum sit beside that girl at the back. *points out to you.

Kibum: *walks slowly going to the sit beside you.

Teacher: And you Shantal sit here in front.

Shantal: I want to sit beside Kibummie! Can I exchange sits with that girl at the back,

Teacher: If I said, that's final. Now everyone let's start the class.


(Your pov)

I remember this guy, this guy is the one who bumped last week... And he is the one who seems to be boastful for me. And based from what I see now to him, he really seems to be a boast person but a very serious guy and he always sleeps in between class. 


Teacher: Miss Kim __________!

You: Ma'am! *standing in surprised.

Teacher: Did you know how many time I have called you?

You: Sorry ma'am I was thinking deeply a while ago that's why I didn't here you.

Teacher: Thinking? or busy looking to Mr. Kim Kibum?


Teacher: CLASS ! Quiet... Now __________, go to the board and solve the equation. NOW !


After classes.


Jessie: __________-shiiii !

You: I have to tell you something, do you remember the guy whom I told you who bumped last time?

Jessie: Yeah ! The guy that is written to be your soulmate?

You: Shut those words. The guy that I am telling you is our new classmate he is Kibum, Kim Kibum.

Jessie: Really! The guy who sits beside you? See... I told you he is your soulmate because that guy is here with us! 

You: And the reason why I was scolded by the teacher in our Math class.

Jessie: HAHAHA! Because you are busy starring to the sleeping Kibum...

You: Oh' com'on I am not starring at him... I was just looking at him because I am just curious to his personality okay?

Jessie: This is really fate my __________. He is the one who is written to be your other half in the future...

You: Really? Then it . Let's go out of here because this school .

Jessie: Kibum-ah !

Kibum: Yes?

Jessie: I am Park Jessie, one of your classmates... 

Kibum: I see. *looking very far,

You: You see... He is really boastful... *in a whispering way.

Jessie: By the way Kibum-ah can we invite you to join us eating in the cafeteria?

Kibum: It's fine.

Jessie: So com'on *pulling __________ hands.

You: Let me go *in a whispering way.

Jessie: Ahmmm Kibum-ah let me introduced to you my best friend. This is __________, Kim __________.

Kibum: I know her, she is my sitmate who stares at me in our Math class.

You: Who told you that I am starring at you? *shouting.

Kibum: Don't be mad I just here it from our teacher. Hey com'on I am hungry you know.

Jessie: *whispering to you, he is really cute ! he complements your personality !

You: Shut your mouth.


Sorry for a boring chapter ! And some wrong grammars ! Hope you like this chapter... •••rachel96•••

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Like the story! <3 ^_^
I am really sorry I hope you all understand I've been busy in school this days and it makes me forget of making stories. :)
@Min_Kyu - hahahaha because maybe it was your fate to see Kibum always just what like the story is showing :D
Kibum always bumped me.. haha! <br />
<br />
love it! :))
Hello there guys !
Uhhhhhh there is still no commenting :(
thank you crazyforKYU :D
it's ok. i just want to help. if your confuse at some words feel free to ask me, i would gladly help.
For those who were reading my story please comment huh ! I want to improve more my story :) it will help me alot if you will :D
@Crazy for you - yup thanks a lot it helps... sorry for wrong terms because I am not used in speaking some korean words and some of it confuses me too ! :D thank you again ! :D