1/1 Final

Sugar Sweet Cuddles
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It’s been 6 months since Yoongi and I started dating and about 3 years since we’ve known each other.

If you knew Yoongi the way I do, or know him at a relatively personal level at all, you would know that he doesn’t like it when people invade his personal space.

You’d know he only tolerates me getting all touchy feely with him because he’s irrevocably and undeniable in love with me (also because whenever he tries to pry himself away, I’ve got him in a death grip of a hug).

Although he’s like that, there are days when he shuts me off (he actually doesn’t, I just say that he does because I like having his undivided attention and his warm affection. He’s usually sleeping during that time and he’s phone is too far to reach, even though it’s on his bedside table… Yoongi is lazy as ) completely.

And then there are days that I honestly strive for, the days where he’s extra affectionate. Drowning me in his wonderful cuddles and peppering my face with his soft kisses.

Where he’s all warm ad toasty and he’d smell like his fabric softener and a scent that is entirely Min Yoongi. He smells sweet, manly, soft and homey all at once.

Yesterday, we had our very first argument. As a couple at least. Cause god knows how many times we’ve fought back when we were still just friends.

Yoongi hardly ever gets jealous, I think. Cause if he easily gets jealous, he hardly ever shows it.

But yesterday he walked in on me and my (gay) best friend cuddling while we were watching Bridget Jones diary. He saw us on my couch and just went completely livid, screaming at my friend, telling him to get out.

I was trying to explain that he was gay and had a VERY pretty boyfriend and thinks hooking up with me is . But his angry, bloodshot gaze stopped me in my tracks and I was at a loss for words. He stormed out of my apartment, making sure my neighbours knew that someone was pissed off in the building from the way he slammed my door on his way out.

So that’s what brought me here, in this situation. In front of his door, in his black oversized sweater that he never takes back (he said he liked seeing me in it, said I looked like a lost kitten with my sweater paws and habit of rubbing my nose like my life depended on it that always leaves my nose red and cheeks all puffy).

Wanting to apologize for not explaining (he never gave me the chance). Explain that I wasn’t cheating on him, cause let’s be real. MIN YOONGI IS NOT SOMEONE ANYONE WOULD WANNA CHEAT ON.

I’d been crying all night my eyes are swollen but it lessened slightly while I was walking here.

I was about to knock on his door when a sniffling Yoongi with an equally swollen set of eyes opened the door with his eyes

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Chapter 1: i'm going to sue you...someday... MARK MY WORDS