The Love Letter - Chapter Seven

The Love Letter

Work Experience Training Day 1


By next morning, Sehun knew for sure he’d been right- He was REALLY an IDIOT!!!



Sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose, Sehun tried yelling again. “HUANG ZITAO!!!! You’ve been in there for an hour already, ing get out!!!”

“….. but I’m….” Indecipherable muttering came from behind the bathroom door, making Sehun sigh again. Honestly!! Especially after that night….Blushing, he turned away, going over to his bed to pack and repack his backpack again. It had been ing uncomfortable!!

They’d been hanging out and talking like normal, having fun, till Yixing Sensei had come around saying goodnight at every room….- Ehehe, Sensei was a real sweetheart like that, you could tell he was really worried they’d be homesick or something, even though he tried to hide it by scolding at them to ‘go to bed, coz you have work tomorrow’…- after he’d left, they’d taken turns showering briskly, before getting into their PJs and into bed..

And then suddenly, the air had suddenly turned so ing heavy!!



He hadn’t been able to fall asleep for ages, both of them so aware of the other’s breathing… in the dark – , but, thank god it was so dark!! Hurray for no windows!!! – sleeping in the dark, in the silence where the whirr of the air con, and the rhythmic up heaving of their breathing sounded so extraordinarily loud…

Their beds so close, if they just reached out an arm….


Desperately trying to control their breathing…


Painstakingly timing every movement, careful not to let the covers rustle too much or…..




It’s no WONDER I’m so ing tired!!!!!!!!!


Going back over to the bathroom, Sehun pounded on the door again. “TAO!!!! We’re gonna be late, jesus, what the HELL are you doing, what’s taking so long!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Sehunnnn!!! This is the only mirror in the room!!”

“……….. …………………… I don’t care, come out already, we’re seriously gonna be late like this, you idiot!!”

“……………..hdgkajs…dkhf…” Only more incomprehensible muttering sounded from behind the door – finally pissing Sehun off enough that he had totally had enough.



“Okay that’s it, I’m coming in!!!” Too irritated to think it through, Sehun barged in, slamming open the door so hard it crashed against the inside wall – a cloud of steam billowing out….. drops of water clinging everywhere….


And ……


A tall black haired guy….




The – true enough – totally washed and dressed kid just turned back to the mirror. “I’m setting my hair!!”


“……………………….. ……………………..oh my god, you know what, I don’t even care anymore!!!!” Striding past him, Sehun stomped to the shower, wrenching the shower curtains closed around himself, hiding from Tao’s view.


“What!!” turning on the showerhead, Sehun yelled back, starting to pull off his clothes, chucking them up to hang over the rod of the curtain. “We’re both guys – and Yixing Sensei has been twice already, saying to hurry up, and he said he’d send Ishihara the Prick next time, and I’m not waiting around for that!!!” also the shower curtain’s really opaque, so… it’s not like you can see in..or anything…

“………….. ……………………..”

“BESIDES, it’s your fault, stupid idiot, seriously, who the hell takes that long!!??? And it’s not even like you were showering all this while, you were just posing in front of the mirror!!” Sehun complained, desperately holding onto his annoyance, that was disobediently fading fast to be replaced by….other……feelings….

“WAS NOT!! I wasn’t posing, I was setting my hair, it’s hard work, ya know~~~ I don’t get this handsome by sitting on my , ha, it- OUCH!!!” Wincing, Tao quickly stepped back, looking down at the missile that had come flying out from behind the curtain. “…you threw the soap at me……” – and promptly burst out laughing. “Ohhhh Hunnie, so it’s not just pillows you throw~~”

“Shuttup! Stupid idiot!! I can’t believe you’d make me get scolded by Yixing Sensei for being “late” and “irresponsible” for such a stupid idiotic reason!!!”

“….ehhhh okay okay, my bad..ehehhe…..” Shrugging, Tao went back to fiddling with that one spike of hair that was really persisting in being totally disorderly, uggh, if he just –



“………………. …………………. The…….ya know……. Soap….”

“……………. ………. Oh……… right, right, of course!” Shaking himself, Tao bent to pick up the bar of soap, rinsing it under the sink, before taking it over to the shower….


Sehun had carefully stuck out just one hand, so it looked like his arm was floating disembodied…

A wet, arm, the palm upward, milky, creamy beautiful skin, starting to redden from the heat of the water still showering down inside…

Little goosepimples rising down the side in the contrast, the sudden cold, on this side of the curtain….



He could feel the heat radiating out, the water…


Sehun”s body inside….

Just behind the shower curtain, some sort of thick weird blue sheet, so he couldn’t even see the faintest glimpse of his silhouette even, but which he still knew was there…


The smell of the soap suddenly overpowering…


Sehun’s …wet…body inside…


Totally 120% panicking out of his mind, Tao quickly dropped the soap into Sehun’s hand, growling something in his fluster, before rushing away. “ehehe – that”ll teach you – erm..sjhad – throwing…hsjka – things next time – ah – Sehun just – ahh ahahah hahaha, look my hair’s done!! Ehehe, so I’m just ognna go, Sehun take your time, okay, ehehhehee….” – firmly closing the door behind himself as he dashed into the bedroom, sliding down onto the floor beside his bed.











Inside, Sehun snapped out of his trance at the door shut, reflexively squeezing the soap so tight it shot out of his fist to smack him on the forehead.












“So, now that everyone’s here, let me go over it again, okay~~” Ugghh…Sehun winced as Yixing Sensei detailed their schedule. As expected they HAD gotten chewed out for being late… ugghh…

He couldn’t even blame Tao entirely, coz he’d ended up …taking longer than expected in the showe- AAHHHHRGH!!! NO NO NO NO NO, N.O, that did NOT happen, ha ha ha… what, nothing, nothing, eheheh, no…


Uggh I feel sick.

Unaware of the turmoil burning in his student, Yixing Sensei continued. “Third years, you’re going to the Science section today, you’ll be with…erm…let’s see – Professor Kagawa… we’ll meet up with him in the Admin Office first anyway, so I’ll introduce you properly. You’re going to go around the labs, assisting the researchers, okay, so I’m expecting you to behave, and work hard. You’re representing our school, so make me proud!”

“Of course, Yixing Sensei.” Taking off his spectacles to wipe them on his handkerchief, Ishihara almost smirked.

“Hahaha, I know I can count on you~~ Then, Second years, you lot are in Restaurant…the Culinary school of this College has a nationally acclaimed program, so it’s an honour! Don’t let it go to waste, learn a lot, okay~~ Ah..I don’t know if you’ll be allowed to actually cook, but maybe they’ll have you help out, and in waiting on the customers in the restaurant…”

“There’s a restaurant?”

“Eh? Ah yes!! They have a pretty famous restaurant attached to the Culinary School… it’s open to the public, of course, but I’ve heard they even have celebrities coming here, so keep an eye out, kay~~hehehe~~ Ah! And make sure you listen to Yuuna Sensei, she’ll be coming with you..”

“Ehehe~~that’s right!! Ah… though you’re just gonna spend all day washing dishes~~ but give it your best, okay!!!”

“……… ……………” Sehun scowled at Yuuna Sensei’s teasing, but she only laughed as Yixing Sensei continued. “And First years, you’re with me, we’re going to the Handicraft School….”

As the talk continued, Yixing Sensei moving on to general instructions on politeness, hard work, manners, etc etc, Sehun’s mind started to drift again – not very far though, just to the area about a couple of feet south of his elbow where that idiot was standing….








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mylovelytaohun #1
Chapter 10: How come i just found out this amazing fic?!..the story is so usual you always make great story of a big fans of your glad that you will finish your ongoing fic..please update soon..cant wait to read the next chapter..
ps..taohun isnt dead..theyre just walking in different path..lets hope they will together again..
Chapter 10: Please update soon!
I love this!!!
Taohun isn't dead. Just open your eyes (widely) and catch subtle... Things ;) ps. I'm referring to real world, not the "fictional" world babe x')
Chapter 5: i kinda agree w u abt this ship...ppl write less n less taohun ff these days tht it just make it feel more dead :/ i guess a lot of ppl just gave up on them

taohun has been n will always be a ship tht i strongly believe in n its hard for me to just forget so the only way for me to feed on my taohun feels is ff haha so im glad u're still writing abt them :)