The Love Letter - Chapter Two

The Love Letter


The Next Morning


Honestly, what the is wrong with that idiot! Just who the does he think he is!
Just as pissed as he had been the day before, Sehun stomped into the classroom, slamming the door open, banging his way to his desk to smash his bag onto it. Ughhhhh! Just coz he can like, do some Wushu or whatever, stupid freak, how dare he!

Merely remembering Mai’s face as she peered in hopefully through the door, only to see that idiot not even take the letter, was enough to get him fuming again. AAAaaaaarrghhhhh! He was so pissed right now! Stupid ing ing ! Ha, what, did he think he was too good for her!? Damn little….. –


“…? Oh.. hey, Jongin….”

“Don’t ‘Oh hey’ me, did you get it???”


“Sehun!!! The presentation, you were gonna give it to me today, right??? Where is it???”

“…..oh…right… for your club thingy…”

“Yeah!!!! Coz Lu senpai did the same topic when he was in club, I was just gonna twist his a bit and present it, so where is it???”

“….erm…ehehe…. that is – “

“You forgot. You forgot, didn’t you!? You forgot – “

“Ohhh c’mon, I’m sorry, it really really just slipped my mind – hey, c’mon – “

“…….. ………… Ahh…ah, it’s no use… I don’t have a presentation.. my stomach hurts…” The life drained out of Jongin’s face as he fell into his chair , suddenly oblivious to Sehun’s presence. “I don’t have anything prepared and when Kyungsoo Sensei asks, I won’t have anything to show… ahhh…. -“

“Gooooodd Moooorning~~ I’m heeereee, so you don’t have to Suffer the Torments of Agony from missing your Yeolie anym- …………. …………… ‘ Looking from Jongin, who was still muttering to himself, and Sehun, who was trying to conciliate him, the high pitched cheerful voice that had preceded Chanyeol bursting into the room slowly fluttered down the ranges. ‘Ehh..why’s everyone…- what’s with this atmosphere of gloom and doom?!”

“Aahh….he’s gonna think I’m totally stupid..and irresponsible.. even though I wanted to impress him so bad I was too nervous even to do it on my own.. ahh…. My life is ruined…”

“….Jon…gin…. ah…..?? Sehun, wtf, what’s going on!?”

“Urm… I forgot to – ah, what the hell, he’s just being overly melodramatic and emo just coz he thinks Kyungsoo’s gonna – “

“Aahhh…. I was so looking forward to him being all happy and pleased with me..praise me and..pat…my head… like…”

“…………………….. ……………………..”




“…………………. ……………… ………………………..”
“So , Sehun, did you watch that new Rider episode??”
“Oh yes I did!! It was brilliant, especially that part when he busted through that gate?? Like Grrwoosshhhh – clang – cruuushhwdwshhsssss~~”
“Absolutely!! Oh ho ho ho~~ And he’s got the bomb!!””I know right!!?? Next episode’s gonna be so good!!! I totally think Big-s will find it!””Huuuhh!! No waayyy!! If theres no explosion, I will sue! He better blow up the docks!”
Pointedly ignoring the black aura surrounding the guy who had pulled his feet up onto his chair, tucking his face into his knees as he garbled curses, Chanyeol and Sehun loudly discussed their new favourite TV show in exaggerated interest –

But the only got darker and more depressing, till finally Sehun caved – leaning in to hearteningly smack Jongin’s shoulder. “Look, get over it, okay? I’ll get my brother to mail it to me and we can send it from my phone to your club computer during lunch or something, stop acting like it’s the end of the world for ’s sake!”

“…….. really?” Struck by the idea, Jongin sat up, eagerly pawing at him. “Sehun, you can do that? But –ah – but will Lu senpai have it with him???”

“Eh…? Ah, ah, don’ worry, he’s at home now, his college is on break for a coupla weeks, and his old computer is still in his room~~ I’ll call him right away, okay~~ Look, see, dialling, so cheer up!”

“…Whaa!!! Sehun, Thank You!”

“Yeah yeah~~” Laughing at the total 360, the way he jumped over to hug him, Sehun patted him over his strong, muscular arm. “Besides, you’re worrying for no reason anyway, you’re so Kyungsoo Sensei’s favourite, if it’s you, you can just say you’ll present it tomorrow or whatever and he’ll totes agree~~~”

“……Ehhhhhhhhhh? Really?...ehhh… - ah!! Ah, no, I mean, I wanna do it for him today itself, ya know? But..ehehe… ehehe….you really think I’m his favourite????? Really??”

“Umm…yeah…..!? Duh….”

“……. …… Uwhaaaa~~~ Sehun’s the best!”

“…Yeah, yeah…aren’t I just though…”  Laughing again, Sehun reached to ruffle his hair, tucking his ringing phone between an ear and a shoulder – before a little drop of disquiet plopped into his heart. Wait -  didn’t something really similar happen recently – oh! That’s right… that stupid little arse! Dammit, poor Mai… why the did she have to go like something like that freak tho!! Arrghh, just wait, next time I see him, I’m soo gonna give him a piece of my min-

“ ‘lo, darlliinnn~~~ Miss me already~~~???”  “…………….. okay, I’m just gonna ignore that, stupid-big-brother, so, listen, remember that presentation you did for your club, that Historical-something or – ‘lo?


Helloooo???? Big Bro??? Big brother????? I said, the presentation for your club –

in second year - Arg-



 Aaarrghhh Ugh.”
Swiping the call off, Sehun scowled at his phone. “As usual, damn, the connection’s really bad in here….. Look, Nini-ah, don’ worry, I’ll call him during break okay, I’ll get……


…………………. ah…..”
Sehun’s voice dropped away as he took in the look Jongin was giving him – before sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fine, fine, I gottit, gottit, I’ll just go outside and call him right now, okay!” Breaking off to chuckle, he reached out again, this time ruffling Jongin’s hair so hard it looked like a bird’s nest. “Aahh, you really spend waayyy too much time with your puppies.. learning all sorts of unnecessary expressions~~”
Mock-pouting he set off back to the door, waving behind him at the now happily excited Jongin (so adorable, it really looked like he had metaphorically sprouted big floppy dog ears and a tail) and Chanyeol, and his other two friends, Minseok and Baekhyun, who had just come in.

“Ah! Sehun, where’re you going, Jongdae Sensei’s just coming up the stairs, you’re gonna get in trouble if you’re late!”

“Eh, eh, it’s fine, this will just take a moment!” Turning to flap his hand reassuringly at Minseok, Sehun snapped back to the door, reaching for the handle –

When –



The door slid open right then, startling him – as well as the (slightly) taller, tanned, severely black haired guy who had just been about to enter.

Oh!! You-

“Ah!!” Gasping again, Tao stepped back hurriedly – for some reason, his whole face flushing bright fire hydrant red.


“Gru-!! Groo – “ Stopping to hastily clear his throat, he quickly tugged his chin down, approximating a nod, before squeezing past Sehun to scuttle into the classroom. “Good morning…”

“…..Huuhhhhh!??? Don’t you- “

“Sehun~~ Come come, into the class, where are you going?”

“Ah!! Jongdae Sensei… urmm – no – nowhere, ah… “ Letting out a puff of air in disappointment, Sehun slouched back to his place towards the middle of the class, disgruntled at having to postpone the ‘piece of mind’ he was totally gonna lay in on that with. Break!! Just you wait, as soon as the bell goes for break!!








One Week Later


“Fwrooooo…” Letting out a big puff of air, Sehun flopped down on his desk, resting his chin on his hands. Stupid Chanyeol…it was only coz he’d dared him to that he’d been walking on the ledge outside the window – ha!! It wasn’t even dangerous at all, even if he fell, he’d just land on the balcony of the floor below, it was not even far enough to break a single bone!! But Jongdae Sensei had seen him right when he was yelling swear words at Chanyeol, balancing on the edge – and now here he was, having to stay back after class to go talk to Ol’ Junmyeon Sensei, the guidance counsellor… dammit, he’s prol gonna go on for hours about how ‘suicide is never the answer’.. uughghh

This was totally gonna be even worse than the time they’d been caught sneaking out of the girls’ toilets – no one had believed that they’d just been scrawling graffiti on the stalls, but at least that time it had been all of them…

“Fwrrooowoooooo….” Puffing out more air, he pushed his face down on his hands, closing his eyes – Junmyeon Sensei wouldn’t be free for another half hour thanks to some Teacher’s Meeting, so he had to wait…. Honestly, if he wasn’t even gonna see him, he should have just let him go home, right?? Seriously… panicking like this.. humph!! Especially when he had totally NOT been even­ –

“..Se..ermm… Sehu.. Hun…”

“…Eh…?”  Sleepily, he half-raised his head – “Ah!!” before snapping up, totally a hundred percent wide awake. “You!”

Opposite him in the empty classroom, Tao tightened his grip over the straps of his bag, trying his hardest not to let his voice tremble, and hating the heat he could totally feel suffusing his cheeks and ears and neck. “Urmm..umm..

that –

I –” Breaking off, he took a deep breath for courage – then burst out in a torrent.


“If Sehun still wants to give me that letter, I’ll – I’ll take it!!”





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mylovelytaohun #1
Chapter 10: How come i just found out this amazing fic?!..the story is so usual you always make great story of a big fans of your glad that you will finish your ongoing fic..please update soon..cant wait to read the next chapter..
ps..taohun isnt dead..theyre just walking in different path..lets hope they will together again..
Chapter 10: Please update soon!
I love this!!!
Taohun isn't dead. Just open your eyes (widely) and catch subtle... Things ;) ps. I'm referring to real world, not the "fictional" world babe x')
Chapter 5: i kinda agree w u abt this ship...ppl write less n less taohun ff these days tht it just make it feel more dead :/ i guess a lot of ppl just gave up on them

taohun has been n will always be a ship tht i strongly believe in n its hard for me to just forget so the only way for me to feed on my taohun feels is ff haha so im glad u're still writing abt them :)