come home to you

you're the song my heart is beating to

summary: a phone call from hansol vernon chwe to yoon jeonghan, his boyfriend who is waiting for him at home.

(au, established relationship, famous!hansol x ordinary!jeonghan)

title from talk me down by troye sivan.

(the story is set right after the nonduck incident.)


(i want to) come home to you


Hansol was lying on the bed, fresh out of the bathroom. His hair was still wet, several droplets of water falling to the shirt Jeonghan had bought him before he went to the tour. He paid them no mind as he waited for his boyfriend to answer his video call. Heart bumping faster and smile plastered on his face, Hansol tried to make himself comfortable.

Jeonghan answered after a while, and Hansol let out a small gasp. Jeonghan was also lying on his bed, using a shirt Hansol had left at home at Jeonghan's request, to remind him of Hansol when he went to tour apparently. Seeing Jeonghan in his shirt, however, never failed to make him feel butterflies in his stomach and the warm affection creeping to his heart.

"Hey," Jeonghan said with a smile. Hansol couldn't help but smile even wider.

"Hey. Are you waiting for my call? You are, right?"

"Waiting for the call from whom?" Jeonghan snorted. "From Nonduck? Not really."

"So you saw the picture!"

"Of course, Hansol. It is all over the internet. Can't believe that's my boyfriend right there," he said with a small, soft smile. The smile made Hansol flutter inside. He loves how Jeonghan smiled, especially the kind of smile he only let Hansol see.

"Hm, say that again."

"Say what?"

"Say that I am your boyfriend."

"What? Why?"

"I love it when you called me your boyfriend."

"Really? Why?"

"Not sure. Don't you like it when I called you my boyfriend?"

"A little?"

"Babe," Hansol whined, "don't do that to me."

Hansol saw the way Jeonghan blushed. Jeonghan always blush whenever Hansol called him babe. It's cute, but Jeonghan is always cute. If not beautiful. Or perfect. It's funny how whenever he took a breath, the sun seems to shine brighter.

"What did you do today?" Hansol asked.

"Nothing much. Went shopping with your mom and sister. We have ice-cream and tried the new restaurant near your house. It's nice, you will love it."

"We should try it when I got back, then."

"Oh, are you asking me out on a date?"


"Oohh, Hansol Vernon Chwe, really cheeky! I wonder if he remember how he confessed back then."

"Hey! I was so young back then! And you didn't seem to mind!"

"But hyung, I was younger. And you were really cute. You were still so cute!"

"So I am not cute right now?"

"Hm, let me think about it..."

"Did you see how we performed today? The leather pants?"


"Do you like it? I was so y, right? Come on, spill it out, babe."

"I might have saved a photo or two. Your fans took a lot of great pictures, really. I am really impressed."

"What do you think?"

"What I think of what?"

"Of me. Do you like it?"

"Hansol, you know how I feel about you."

"I want to hear you say it, though."

"I like it. You were really y and cute and good-looking back then. But then again, you are always really good-looking and y and cute. And even the Nonduck picture. I, you were really cute and funny there. And I, I. I love you. And, and you are only making me blush! I used to be the one who tease you, not the other way around."

"I love you."

"Hansol, really."

"Seriously, I love you."

"You said that this morning."

"I wanted to say it again."

"You are only making me blush."

"But I love it. I love how you blush, how you smile, how your eyes wrinkle, how you giggle. I love everything about you."

"Even though I am... I..."

"You what?"

"I am not. I am not like you? You are really successful, Hansol. You are living your dream, you have thousands of fans, and you are getting more and more handsome as the day passed. Meanwhile, I. I am just me. I am so unlike you and I am so different from you. Who told you to be that tall? I am shorter and I am not as handsome as you."

"Hey, where is the confidence you have? Also, who told you that you are not handsome? The selca you sent me right before I went to stage was what really set me on fire. You gave me strength. And you, don't ever think you are not, I don't know, worthy of me or anything. The reason I could be here is because you always believe in me, no matter what."

Hansol could see Jeonghan trying to hide his face behind his pillow, and he wished he was there, with Jeonghan, who was feeling small, instead of being so far from him. He wished he could take Jeonghan into his embrace, kissed him hundreds of time to make sure he knows he is lovely and beloved. He wished he could be with Jeonghan.

"What... Why are we talking about this. I shouldn't have said that, sorry."

"No, Jeonghan, we have to talk about it. I don't want to be here not knowing how you truly feel. I want you to know that I am here because I want to make sure I could be a man worthy of you. I want you to know that I am here, doing here, because I want to be able to give you a comfortable life in the future. So we could be happy."

"Hansol, I. I don't. I am not."

"I don't know why you think you don't deserve me. I was a nobody back when I confessed. And I was really embarrassing. But still, you accepted my feeling. You are more than what I've ever asked for. You wait for me, every day, always there to support me whenever I feel down. I don't know where I would have been if not for you. I want to be here knowing that you are there, happy and proud of me."

"Of course, Hansol. Of course I am proud of you."

"I love you."

"Me too. I love you too."

"Okay. I will make sure you know exactly how much I love you."

"Are you going to send me chocolate a bouquet of rose every day?"

"I thought you think rose is overrated? What flower do you prefer, then?"

"Hm... What about origami flower? More original, right? I want one with your scent."

"How do you make origami flower, though? I should google it first."

"I am only kidding, love."

"AHH!! Jeonghan, why did you do that! So cute."

"You are sounding more and more like my game character."

"What, that Zen? Should I fight him to win your heart?"

"You are so charming."

"Only for you, babe."

"You are doing that on purpose. Stop."

"Hey, have you had dinner?"

"Your mom cooked for me today. Have you called her? She miss you a lot."

"Hm, yeah, we had a nice talk. She really likes you, you know? Best boyfriend I ever have."

"I am glad, then."

"Seriously, you don't need to worry about my parents' approval. I think they would adopt you if you weren't going to be their in law."

"Hansol... You are... Argh, how could you say such things."

"But you are embarrassed, and that's cute. Don't hide your face, babe, I want to see you."

"Who told you you can be like this! Seriously, one Asia tour and you are suddenly like this?"

"I am always like this before. This time I am not giving you any chance for payback."

"I will make sure to find a way, just you see. What did you have for dinner, though?"

"We had a feast. Going to send you a pic after this."

"You are going to make hungry and I am not looking forward to midnight snack."

"Why not? I think you're too skinny already. Are you eating properly?"

"I am! It's probably you who is just getting more and more, you know."

"My body is getting better, right."

"Stop putting words into my mouth."

"But that's what you are thinking, no?"

"I refuse to answer that question."

"Talking about snacks I bought you several snacks you might enjoy. So you should be looking forward to them! I will make sure you eat a lot."

"You are only making me hungry!"

"Eat something, then! Seriously, you."

Right then, Chan opened the door shouting, "Hansol-hyung! We are going out for a while, want to join?"

"Nah," Hansol shouted back, "I have something important right now:"

Chan made his way towards Hansol. "Is that your boyfriend? Jeonghan-hyung! Hello! I am going to leave you two alone because you two are such goals and I am reminded once again that I am here, forever alone without anyone..."

As Chan left the room, Jeonghan said, "Something important. Such an honour to be someone who is considered important by Hansol Vernon Chwe."

"The honour is all mine, love."

"Are you okay with not going with them?"

"When I have you here? Of course."

"Well, better make the time worth it. What should we talk about."

"Did you buy something for yourself? During the shopping with Mom."

"Yes. I took a selca but I am planning to send it tomorrow."

"No, send it right now. I can't wait."

"I can change into it right now if you want to."

"Oh! Will you?"

"I am tired and lazy, so no. Maybe next time. But I guess I can do this much."

Hansol watched as Jeonghan reached for the flower crown sitting on the nightstand. It was one of their couple flower crown. Jeonghan put it on his head and smiled softly to the camera, turning Hansol into a mush.

"I am hurt. Wounded. Unable to move. Your beauty has rendered me defenseless, I am not able to fight this flawlessness. Help."

"You are the most embarrassing boyfriend I ever had. Stop exaggerating!"

"But your beauty is true and divine. I am so blessed to be able to date you. Hey, we should wear our flower crown during our wedding."

"How old are you, boy... To think you have thought of wedding."

"I didn't mean to pressure you or anything. But I do want to marry you."

"Is this your proposal?"

"No, of course! My wedding proposal will be grandeur, you will be shook."

"I am looking forward to it then."

"He said yes!"

"I haven't said anything!'

"You implied it."

"No, you are just too full of yourself."

"But my heart is full of you?"

"That's the worst pick-up line ever."

"You love it!"

"Definitely not. How did our conversation turn into this?"

"Not sure, but I love talking to you."

"Okay, let's talk more then. You did great today, I really enjoy it."

"You do?"

"I only saw a little bit of what happened, though."

"I wish I could take you here. This place is great, you would've loved it."

"Probably next time."

"During our honeymoon? Should we travel the world for our honeymoon."

"That sounds really good... As long as I get to eat a lot of great food."

"Of course, nothing but the best for you."

"Okay... When are you coming back?"

"Soon, hopefully. Wait for me, okay, love?"

"Okay... I am looking forward to the date. Wait. Are you going for another comeback in early November?"

"Babe, you know I can't talk about it."

"But you need to rest? Seriously, what is your agency thinking? Should I kick their ?"

"Ah, my boyfriend came to my rescue. I will be fine, Jeonghan, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Are you getting enough sleep? Especially with the exams?"

"Don't remind me of the exam... I am afraid I won't be able to do well."

"You are smart, babe, you will do well."

"What if I didn't get into a good enough university? What will I do?"

"Hm, it would still be fine, love. I will take care of you no matter what."

"No way... I have to do well."

"Yes, but don't work too hard. I don't want to see you sick when I am so far away from you. Can't teleport to where you are, you know."

"Okay, but you have to promise not to work too hard too yourself."


"Okay. That's good. Don't make me worry."

"I love you."

"Hm, I love you too. Talking to you." Jeonghan yawned. His eyes are getting heavier, Hansol noticed, and yet he still struggled to stay awake for him. It made Hansol feel really warm inside. Yoon Jeonghan made him feel a lot of things.

"Time to sleep?"

"Not yet. Shouldn't you sleep, though? You must be tired."

"Not really, because I have you. But you should go to sleep if you want to."

"Not now. In a while, maybe. I still miss your voice."

"I miss yours too. Sing for me?"

"It will sound bad."

"Never. It's impossible for you to sound bad. Your voice is so heavenly."

"Ah, again with the exaggerating."

"I am not. You should have been an idol too. I am sure the fans would love you."

"In another world, maybe."

"In another world. It's a nice thought, to know that we will still be together even in different universe."

"That's what I want, at least. To be with you in every universe. Ah, by the way, do you know I pre-order your fansites' photobook and calendar? I am loooking forward to it."

"You have enough photos of me to make your own photobook."

"Yeah, but the calendar? Imagine having a calendar with your boyfriend as the picture. Not everyone has the privilege, you know."

"Well, okay then, my number one fan. That reminds me. I bought you something too, besides snacks. I think it will suit you."

"Is it another bracelet?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"What is with you and me wearing jewelry, really?"

"I don't know, they suit you. Seems like they are make for you."

"Hm. Either way, thank you. Don't spend too much on me."

"Don't sweat it, love. Who am I going to spoil besides you?"

"Your mom? Your sister? Did you buy any for them? And not to mention, your dad."

"Of course, I did! But besides them, I am going to spoil you too."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. What do you want next?"

"I want... Hm, I want a body pillow of you. Did you find one back in Japan? I want to hug you."

"Ahh, you are getting really sleepy."

"Yes, but I am still not sleeping. Not yet."

"Okay, then. I miss you."

"I miss you a lot. Especially your smell. I also miss your hair. It's so soft. I love playing with it."

"I miss your hair too. I miss you too."

"I miss your kisses. You give best kisses. From my forehead to my cheeks, to my lips and down to my neck. I don't know why you love kissing my neck, but the feeling is nice. And the way you hug me. I feel so safe, being hugged by you. I know I complained a lot about you getting bigger and bigger by day, but I love how you hug me. It's so nice. I feel so warm and safe being with you, hugging you. Your backhugs. I love your backhugs. And the way you would spin me. You are so cliche, bur you are so sweet and you always try your best to be the best boyfriend you could ever be."

Hansol took a deep breath, feeling his eyes watering. He said nothing, letting Jeonghan continue instead.

"I miss you so, so much. Being with you, sleeping next to you. I miss being with you. I want to spend every moment with you, but I also want to see you right where you are right now. Even though I couldn't tell people, hey that's my boyfriend right there, I am proud to see you being a star. I am proud of people realising your talent and loving you for it. I am the proudest boyfriend on earth."

Oh . Hansol knew better than anyone that Jeonghan got really emotional when he is near asleep, to the point he would splutter everything in his mind. It's something that had happened before, and Hansol knew it's really adorable, but it never failed to make him emotional himself.

"I love you so much. I love you and I miss you and I want nothing but you. I want to be able to tell people how much I love you, what I would do for you... I will give you everything. You are the best thing that have ever happened in my life. The best boyfriend I could ask for."

Hansol wiped the tears that threatened to fall, instead trying to focus on Jeonghan's sleepy face. His soft but honest expression, the way his eyes is almost closed.

"I want to hold hands with you. I want to hm... I want to be with you forever. Marry you. I want to sleep. Sleep next to you. I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah, babe, go to sleep. Have a nice dream. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Dream about you. I love you, good night."

"I love you too."

Hansol ended the call, then put his phone under the pillow. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from his boyfriend's too honest confession. He watched the ceiling in silence, wondering if Jeonghan had gone to sleep or not. The ceiling is nice, the colour is nice, definitely one of Jeonghan's favourite colour. He should probably take a picture, as a reference for their future house.

The silence made him realise just how much he missed having Jeonghan by his side. Jeonghan would have tucked himself under Hansol's head, hugging him tight. Or he would spoon Jeonghan from the back, and Jeonghan would have melted. In the morning, Jeonghan would mumble to his chest about what they would do, about the food he would make, then whispered a sweet, small i love you before kissing Hansol softly on the mouth. Sometimes Hansol would refuse to untangle himself, refuse to let the small peaceful moment with Jeonghan stop.

But now he is alone, in a hotel room, his boyfriend thousand of miles away from him, his heart longing for his loved one, his body aching for him.


author's note: hello!! long time no see ;; i am sorry for being so inactive, but school started and school is really giving me a lot of pressure. anyway, i hope you like this fic!! the idea came from this and from the fact that i love famous!hansol x ordinary!jeonghan ;; it's pretty awesome how different hansol looks compared to jeonghan back then, it's a fame thing probably. and boyfriend!hansol!! i love writing boyfriend!hansol because i can feel that he would be the sweetest boyfriend in the world... ever. though as much as i like the concept. i find the idea of never getting the chance to know yoon jeonghan is a litte bit scary...

this story is pretty dialogue heavy, but i have a lot of fun writing it. this is actually the second version as i couldn't open the original version. idk there's an error and i could only say goodbye. it's not so different from the original, just a small changes here and there... but i never thought it would turn like this. though i do understand if people get confused about certain parts, like, what's the significance of this part of convo? i have a lot of headcanons for this series and universe, and during the writing of this fic, i kind of pour everything inside me. i apologise if it ended up being so weird... the summary somehow makes the story seems really... heavy? in a way it is, because their relationship is a secret and a long distance relationship, but i had hoped it would be.. idk lighter. cuter. sweeter. tell me what you thought, though! just a small tip: don't listen to troye sivan's blue neighbourhood while writing. because i do and this is what happened. i don't know, is the ending weird? after finished writing, i was so nervous that i am not sure if i have checked properly.

and i am really sorry about my other fics, which i had to take down because of several reasons... but they will be back up soon, i promise!

also, please check out ldyja's story because it is awesome and she deserves many many love!!

don't hesitate to follow me on twitter (@shuunshinex) and leave a comment about what you think of the story~ and also, don't hesitate to correct my grammar! in fact, i am forever grateful if you do ;;

all the love. xx

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Chapter 1: i feel so fcking soft right now.. hanhan are so whipped for each other. it cant get any cuter than this TT
utadesu #2
Chapter 1: This is the second time I read this and it just makes me smile, I honestly thought it was going to be more but I didn't noticed the "end" at the end of the page so I was thinking "oh maybe there is a second chapter" until i read it again and i was like "oh this was too pretty" either way i love the way you wrote this and the amount of cuteness this chapter has! I honestly feel the same way as Chan, I am 5ever alone but other than that, I really loved this and I was listening to some "cute" songs and it was probably the best combination while I read this. Thank you so much for writing this and I hope you write more with different scenarios! I hope you are doing great in your studies! :^D
Chapter 1: Oh my God, this was cute.
Why tf i cant upvote for this ;;
Chapter 1: HOLY ING LIKE CAN I JUST DIE HAPPILY RN ;; this is so so so ing cute like i cant even stop smiling while reading this . How can they be so cute and sweet iM DYING WTF and the part where they just wanna be with each other and sleep with each other was so cute and yet emotional i nearly cried there rip - also, thanks for writing such cute fic , I LOVE YOU !
Chapter 1: I saw this only now and !!! IT'S SO CUTE ! It's a bit cheesy but I love cheesy so obviously I LOVED it ! I don't think it was too heavy at all, and that they are in a secret long distance relationship (long distance only half the time tho ?) we do get it without much trouble and it doesn't make the story heavier, only better. The story in general to me felt mostly light and sweet. That Vernon talks abt marriage while being in a secret relationship is a bit sad yet so adorable bc you can feel how genuine his love for yjh is. And sleepy yjh is my ! ultimate ! weakness ! The ending isn't weird at all but only natural. Also the reference to Zen,, I SCREAMED ! So unexpected and so funny.

I hope I get to read something else from you soon ! Regardless of my excitement take all the time you need, just know I'm looking forward to your next writing. (And thank you for promoting my fiction ! You didn't have to, you're the best)