
Adore a Doll

It was just a normal day in the practice room when Chanwoo suddenly got sick. He caught a high fever. Fortunately, he was allowed to take a break. The manager sent him to the hospital and then allowed him to rest at the dorm.

The other iKON members continued practicing until the night. When they finally arrived home, the first thing that they did was check on Chanwoo.

“Are you feeling ok now?”, Donghyuk asked with his usual angelic tone.

“Yes, hyung. I’m feeling much better now.”, Chanwoo replied.

“Alright, we’re off to sleep. If you’re still sick tomorrow, you can just skip practice.”, Hanbin said before leaving the room.

Naturally, with Junhoe being Chanwoo’s roommate, the burden of taking care of Chanwoo fell to him. “I’ll be here if you need anything, ok?”, Junhoe said as he heads off to his bed.

“Uhm, sure.”, Chanwoo nodded.

“Sleep tight.”

“Good night.”

--The next day--

Junhoe woke up like usual that day. Even with his eyes still closed and mind half-awake, the first thing that Junhoe did was to greet Chanwoo. “Morning, Chanwoo. Are you still sleeping?”

No answer. “Well, maybe Chanwoo was still asleep.”, Junhoe thought. “But wait… Why can’t I hear any breathing?

“Chanwoo, are you there?”, Junhoe asked as he turned his head around, eyes fully open now. As soon as he turned, he noticed that Chanwoo wasn’t on his bed. Instead, a small Chanwoo-like puppet doll was lying on Chanwoo’s bed.

Hmm… What is this? Is this a prank?”, he asked himself as he picked up the doll.

Junhoe went out to the living room. “Hyung, did any of you see Chanwoo?”, he asked to all his hyungs.

“Nope. Why? He isn’t in his room?”, Yunhyeong asked back.

“Nope. Instead, I found this.”, Junhoe replied as he showed the Chanwoo doll.

“What’s this? Oh, it looks pretty much like Chanwoo.”, Bobby commented as he appraised the doll.

“But that doesn’t answer the question. Where’s Chanwoo?”, Junhoe asked again.

“The bathroom’s empty.”, Donghyuk said while walking around. “Kitchen’s empty too.”, he continued.

“Oh, his shoes are still here… That means he didn’t go outside.”, Jinhwan said.

“So… that can only mean one thing…”, Hanbin said.

“This doll… is Chanwoo!?”, Junhoe shouted in surprise (actually, everyone did shout).

“Wait… How!?”, Yunhyeong shouted.

“What did you do to him, Junhoe?”, Hanbin shouted.

“I don’t know. How should I know?”, Junhoe shouted again.

“Ok, everyone calms down!”, Donghyuk said. He placed Chanwoo doll in the middle of the dining table, and everyone else sat down and stared at the doll.

“So, Chanwoo turned into a doll… What should we do?”, Jinhwan asked.

They all fell silent. Well, to be fair, it’s not like idol training prepares them for handling magical experiences.

“Umm…”, Junhoe opened his mouth. “We still need to practiced today too, right? Why don’t you guys just head off first? I’ll stay here in case Chanwoo came back.”

“Are you sure?”, Hanbin asked.

“Well, it’s not like us staying around will actually do anything.”, Bobby added.

“Alright then, we’ll just go to practice. Contact us if anything happens to Chanwoo, ok?”, Hanbin said as he leaded everyone to the van.

As soon as they left, Junhoe picked up the doll and looked at it.

“Well, that’s only the two of us now…”, Junhoe tried talking to the doll. “You really are Chanwoo, right? Can you hear me?”

No response…

“Well, what am I expecting…”

The moment he said that, he realized how hungry he was. “Ah, so hungry. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Wait, did the hyungs ate breakfast? They didn’t, right? That’s understandable given the ruckus. It’s all because of you.”, Junhoe pinched the doll nose as he continued talking to it.

“Hmm… I’m not crazy, right? I mean, if your friend suddenly turns into a doll, it’s normal to talk to it, right?”, he asked the doll.

“Well, anyway…”, he said as he walked to the kitchen. “Let’s make something to eat.”

In the end, he decided to make instant ramen since it’s the only thing available.

“Tada!!!”, Junhoe exclaimed when he brought the pot full of ramen to the dining table. “It’s ready!!! Do you want some? Here, try some.”, he said as he picked some noodle with chopstick and brought it to the doll’s mouth.

“Oh well… You can’t eat, can you? Alright then, you can watch me eat.”. With that, Junhoe started eating in front of the doll. As he ate, he continued talking to the doll as if Chanwoo was really there.

It took him about 10 minutes to finish the whole pot. “Now that’s done, it’s time to take a shower.”, he said. “What’s that? You want to take a shower too?”, Junhoe started acting as if the doll talked to him.

“But you’ll get wet. What’s that? A shower is supposed to be wet? Well, I guess you’re right.”, Junhoe fell silent for a while, thinking to himself. “Alright, let’s take shower together.”, he finally said as he brought the doll to the bathroom.

When they’re inside the bathroom, Junhoe said, “Now, I’ll have to… takes your clothes… off…”. Junhoe stopped dead at the sudden realization.

He looked at the doll in his hand. The doll wore the exact same clothes that Chanwoo wore to bed last night. He lifted Chanwoo doll’s shirt a little bit, but quickly pulled it down again. Even if Chanwoo is just a doll, the thought of stripping Chanwoo still made Junhoe’s face as red as tomato.

C’mon Junhoe, it’s just a doll, you can do this!”, Junhoe thought to himself. He tried lifting the shirt again, but pulled it down again. “I can’t do this. I really can’t.”

Junhoe exited the bathroom and put Chanwoo’s doll back on his bed. “You wait here; you can survive without a bath for a day.” As he leaves, he turned around and said, “I’ll take a bath really quick, and then I’ll be back.”

It took Junhoe about 20 minutes to finish his bath. “Sorry for the wait.”, he said as took Chanwoo doll and then lied on his own bed.

“What should we do now? We have a whole day.”

Suddenly, an idea struck Junhoe. “Oh, I know! I’ll be back!”

Junhoe quickly ran outside, and, after about 30 minutes, he came back.

“Tada! I brought you some dolls! You won’t be lonely now!”, he said as he produced 2 dolls: one t-rex doll and one teddy bear. He then put them together with Chanwoo doll. “Go ahead and play!”

He stared at the 3 dolls for a while before starting to feel uncomfortable. “Maybe I can help…”. He then picked the t-rex doll, “Ok, so this is Mr. T. Mr. T, say hi to Chanwoo.”.

He then started talking in a rough voice, “Hi Chanwoo, I’m Mr. T!”. Next, he picked up the teddy bear, “and this is Ms. Teddy.”

This time, he spoke in a high-pitch feminine voice, “Hi, Chanwoo. I’m Ms. Teddy!

He picked up Chanwoo doll and started imitating Chanwoo voice, “Hi, everyone! I’m Chanwoo.

He continued playing with his 3 dolls, changing his voice almost constantly to accommodate every dolls.

Oh, look at you, Mr. Chanwoo. You’re so handsome and cool.

“Hey, back off Ms. Teddy. He’s already owned!”

Oh, he is? That must be one lucky guy to have him!

Junhoe sighed. He stopped playing with the dolls that he bought and lied on his bed. He then picked Chanwoo doll and stared at it.

“Hey, Chanwoo… It feels really weird, you know. Now that you’re a doll, I can talk you freely. But you know me. I’m not usually this chatty.”

He paused.

“Chanwoo… If… If I said I love you, how will you react?”, he asked the doll. He stared at it, as if waiting for an answer, but then sighed again.

“Oh well. I can only say that because you’re a doll now. Otherwise, I won’t have the courage.”

He paused again.

“I love you. I really do, you know. Not just love love. But love love. The one that wants to have you all for myself. The one that wants to hold you tight so no one else can take you.”

He sighed for the hundredth time.

“But I won’t force you to accept my feeling. Just know that, I’ll love you no matter what you do.”. With that, he brought the doll close to his face, and give him a kiss on the lips.

“Ok, maybe we should take a rest now.”

He put Chanwoo doll on Chanwoo’s bed, and then he moved to lie on his own bed. But he quickly changed his mind.

“You can sleep with me.”, he said as he took Chanwoo doll and put it next to him.

“Ok, sleep tight.”

Junhoe closed his eyes.


He opened his eyes.

“What? Who’s there?”

He quickly picked up Chanwoo doll to see if it’s talking. But it’s not.


“Who? Who’s that?”

He went out to the living room, bringing Chanwoo doll with him.

“Junhoe… wake up…”

“Who are you!?”

“Wake up, Junhoe!”

And finally, Junhoe woke up.

“Wait, what…? What happened?”, he said as he blinked a few times, still confused with what just happened.

“You’re finally awake.”, Chanwoo said, giving Junhoe a hug.

“Why are you hugging me?”, Junhoe asked.

“For yesterday.”


“You don’t remember?”

“No, what did I do yesterday?”

“Like, you really don’t remember?”, Chanwoo asked, pouting now.

“No, I really don’t… Sorry…”

“Seriously!?”, Chanwoo shouted angrily as he tried to leave, but Junhoe grabbed his wrist.

“Wait, what did I do?”

“Don’t you remember? I was sick, so you stayed to take care of me. You cooked me some ramen, and you tried to help me shower but got too embarrassed. You even bought me that two dolls.”, Chanwoo explained as he pointed at two dolls on his desk. It was Mr. T and Ms. Teddy!

“I… Didn’t you change into a doll?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You changed into a doll! Ask everyone!”, Junhoe insisted.

Chanwoo gave Junhoe a what-the-hell look, but then he went outside and shout, “Jinhwan hyung! Did I change into a doll yesterday?”

“Nope. What are you talking about?”, Jinhwan replied with confusion all over his face.

“Never mind, just curious.”. After that, Chanwoo looked back at Junhoe with a ‘See?’ look.

“I… I think I’m going crazy…”, Junhoe replied.

“Oh well, whatever. If you don’t remember then I shouldn’t give you that hug.”, Chanwoo complained.

“Wait a minute! Did I… Did I confess yesterday?”, Junhoe asked, finally realizing what probably happened.

“Finally you remember!”, Chanwoo said as he sat next to Junhoe.

“I actually did!?”

“Yes, you did. Complete with the kiss and all that.”

“And you said yes!?”

“Why is that so surprising?”

“I… No… It’s just… Wow!”, Junhoe was dumbfounded.

Chanwoo sighed, “I didn’t sign up for this…”

“Hey, don’t be like that. At least we’re together now, right?”, Junhoe said as he entwined his fingers together with Chanwoo’s. Well, he successfully made Chanwoo blush.

“Kiss me, will you?”, Junhoe asked.

“I’ll kiss you whenever you want.”, Chanwoo replied, leaning forward to take Junhoe’s lips in a kiss.

But of course there’s interruption. Yunhyeong came in barging, “Ok, ok. I know you two are together now. But work comes first. Be quick or we’ll be late!”

“Yes, hyung.”, Chanwoo said. He turned to Junhoe, “C’mon, let’s get ready.”

Junhoe slowly separated their entwined fingers. Just before their finger completely separate, he said, “I love you.”, complete with a thin blush.

“I love you, too.”, Chanwoo said with a cheeky smile.

“Be quick or no breakfast for you two!”, Yunhyeong shouted again.

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Chapter 1: Junee ?
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 1: just imagined XD
ave9229 #3
Chapter 1: Again, can't help imagining yoyo being jealous! So junhoe imagined the whole doll thingie?
Planetoceng #4
Chapter 1: Yunhyeong always there to interrup Junchan xD
Chapter 1: Oh my god.. So cuteeeeeeeeeee.. I can't find any word. It's just so good. Thank you so much.. ^^
Chapter 1: its so cute. kekeke ^^
i cant stop smiling :))

write anything that you like. its okay to stay or to move on shipper. xD
Chapter 1: Hahaha Junhoe! Kid why r u so cute xD

Write any otp u like but with junchan in it juseyo~ ;D
jchanwoo41 #8
Chapter 1: This is really cute , june playing a doll tho kkkkkk
Chae_1004 #9
Great story, Yes ChanBin pleseeu