Chapter 5: Confession

Pup or puppy?

It’s Friday and the students are excited. This is because today is the last day of class before they have their semester break. Jaehwan can’t sit still in his seat; he is excited as he thinks about his holiday plans. There are so many things that he want to try or do and his parents have given permission.

The bell finally rings and the students cheer in excitement while the teacher shakes his head lightly at the excited students. Jaehwan packs his bag while humming. “I guess you are going to spend your holiday with Hakyeon hyung they all?” his friend, Seokjin asks. Jaehwan nods and says “as usual.. we have spent almost all of our time together after all”. “Alright~ but don’t forget to call or message me okay?” Seokjin asks and Jaehwan nods with a smile. Jaehwan then walks to his locker with Seokjin. He wants to clear his locker before the holiday starts since there is probability that he may change to a new locker in the new semester.


Jaehwan turns around when he hears someone is calling him. As he turns around, he finds that the one standing in front of him is Doojoon, a senior who is same age with Taekwoon as well as Taekwoon’s teammates in the football team.

“Yes hyung?” Jaehwan asks curiously. Although they have talked for a few times, they are not really closed. Jaehwan is not one who refuses to make new friend, but he is shy when he is with someone who is not close with.

“Can I talk to you for a while? I have something that I want to tell you” Doojoon asks while looking at Jaehwan.

Jaehwan contemplates for a while and looks at Seokjin for opinion. He doesn’t know whether he should follow the elder or not but he does not know how to reject the elder either.

Jaehwan nods and asks Seokjin to leave first. He decides to talk to the elder and join his friends later. Since Doojoon says it only takes a while, Jaehwan does not think that it is necessary to text his friends.

“So what do you want to tell me hyung?” Jaehwan asks as Doojoon leads him to an empty corridor.

Doojoon remains quiet for some times and take out a small paper bag from his bag and passes it to Jaehwan. The younger open the bag and finds there is a teddy bear keychain inside.

“Hyung?” Jaehwan is confused again and looks up at the elder.

“Hmm.. I’ve liked since the first time you came to the field and watch our football match. I was excited at the time since Taekwoon said he knew you and I kind of asked him to introduce me to you. Ever since then, I always try to look for you around the school. I guess I’ve like you a while.” Doojoon says shyly and scratches the back of his neck.

Jaehwan stands still at his position. It is the first time he receives a confession so directly. He has received love letters before but he has never replied any of them before. There was also someone from his class who confessed to him after class but Wonshik has helped him to reject him. Now, he is alone and he does not know what to do.

“So.. I’m asking whether.. hmm.. Do you want to be my boyfriend?” Doojoon finally gather his courage and asks.

Jaehwan looks down at his own feet. To be honest, he is still not interested in having a relationship. He has never been in love before and does not know how is it feel like when in love. Suddenly, he feels like running away and seeks comfort from his friends. However, he knows that he cannot do so. Despite of his decision, he should not be rude to the senior.

“Hmm.. hyung..” Jaehwan says and looks up. “I’m sorry.. but can we just be friend?” he asks timidly, knowing that his action will cause the elder to be upset and disappointed.

“Ah.. okay.. sure..” Doojoon says with a sad smile.

Jaehwan can’t help but feels sorry as he hears the disappointment in the elder’s tone.

“Its okay.. really” Doojoon says and reassures the younger. Jaehwan smiles and returns the paper bag back to the elder.

“Just keep it.. I bought it while thinking of you. I hope that you will keep it” Doojoon says. Although he is upset that Jaehwan has rejected him, he wishes that the younger will receive his gift since the present for meant for him. It’s meaningless if the owner is not Jaehwan.

“Okay. Thank you a lot hyung” Jaehwan says with a smile and Doojoon nods.

At the same time, Hakyeon they all are waiting for Jaehwan at the school’s entrance. They have been waiting for around 30 minutes and they are worried since Jaehwan is always punctual.

“Why does he take so long?” Sanghyuk says and whines.

“Babe.. wait for a while more” Hongbin says and calms his boyfriend.

Taekwoon rolls his eyes at the couple’s cheesiness and stares at the road instead.

5 minutes later, they can see Jaehwan is running towards them with a smile.

“Hyungs have been worried. Why are you so late?” Hongbin asks and reaches over to wipe away the sweat on the younger’s forehead.

“I’m sorry~ forgive me please?” Jaehwan asks with aegyo and the five older friends immediately melt and forgot that they have been waiting for a long time for him.

“Oh.. I’m late because I received a confession” Jaehwan says softly and shyly when walking on the street with his friends.

Confession? Taekwoon is shocked for a while, thinking that whether he has heard the right thing. However, it is impossible as he has heighten sense and he is walking beside Jaehwan. So someone has taken action? Am I too late? Taekwoon suddenly worries and upset.

“Our baby got a confession! Did you accept it?” Hakyeon asks excitedly and Wonshik knocks the elder’s forehead lightly when he noticed the frown on Taekwoon’s face. “Opps” Hakyeon says softly and glances at Taekwoon in which he gets a glare in return.

“No.. I rejected him.. I feel sorry tho” Jaehwan says softly.

“Why? do you like him?” Hongbin asks as he slows down and walks beside the younger.

“No… it’s just that he looks so upset and I feel so sorry” Jaehwan answer.

“Its okay. At least you are not giving people false hope. You didn’t do anything wrong, okay?” Hongbin says and pat the youngest’s head.

“Yea. Its better to reject if you can’t return his feelings.” Sanghyuk added.

“So, are you ready to have a fun sem break with hyungs?” Wonshik asks and obviously Jaehwan cheers and jumps in excitement.

The group of friends continues to walk down the street while planning how are they going to spend their holiday wisely and enjoy as much fun as they can.

Jaehwan turns around as he notices that Taekwoon is lingering at the back.

“Hyung! Why are you so slow? We are going to have so much fun!” Jaehwan exclaims with a bright smile while gesturing Taekwoon to follow up with his hand.

Taekwoon smiles at his adorable friend and run slightly towards his friends, joining their holiday plan discussion.

At least Jaehwan rejected him, it means I still have chance. Jaehwan ah.. will you give me a chance?

Enjoy reading :D




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Happiness03 #1
Omg... one year agoㅠㅠㅠ i missed this one
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 10: So so cuute, finally they are together~~
Happiness03 #3
Chapter 10: Awwwwww soo sweet!!! Finally!!! ^_^
Keep writing !!!! Cant wait for the other stories!!!
Happiness03 #4
Chapter 9: Heol! Taekwoon -_-
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 9: Stupid Taekwoon... that's all I have to say =_=
KTsuki-chan #6
Chapter 8: Their silent feelings for each other are so genuine, it's so cute x)
meilidwi #7
Chapter 8: Im waiting for the breaking news ._.
Happiness03 #8
Chapter 8: AWWWWWW JAEHWANIE IS THE CUTEST OMEGA!! pls taekwoon!!! Ask him out hahahaha
Chapter 7: i really really enjoy your stories, now i'm really hooked to this. please you have to update this. i need more cute little jaehwan <3