the end

Tip toe and a kiss

I opened my eyes after a few moment of waiting.Waiting something that I was hoping for,his lips to be on mine."Why aren't we kissing?"He bought his knuckles on his lips and he let out soft chuckles after I asked the question.

"I just imagined my ideal first kiss,with you."He said with cheeks burnt red.

As if the curiosity got my tongue,I asked him back without a second thought."How?"

"Hmm,let me think.."He said,his eyes went upwards as he tried to remember the images inside his head."I straight up my back,waiting for you to kiss me while both of our eyes closed but then I found out that you were tip toed to reach for my face.Your eyes were fluttering,your cheeks were flushing.I was thinking how cute you were under me."He ended quite proudly at the end.

"You've got a very bad taste in teasing me."I retort,sounding offended.I pulled back my feet and gave up on holding my head upwards to him,knowing that he's not going to kiss me.

"If you want someone to tip toe while kissing you,just find a girl or ask Jihoon to do that for you."I said and grabbed my bag that I dropped before he pulled me into almost-kiss,ready to ditch him at the park.

"Jihoon hyung would be a bad idea.My lips will bleed."He said,thinking without realising that I was few steps afar from him.

"Then get a girl.It's not that hard for you,I'm guessing."I said with a cheerful tone,shrugging my shoulder before his hand was grasping on my arm and stopped my feet.

"But I want you.And your lips."

I turned around again in deadpanned manner."Then choose.Kiss me or leave me."

His face was making a surprised face.I was hoping that he would at least angry or smile at me back."You were serious about breaking up with me?"

"Not really.But if you looks like you'll eventually get bored of me,I would gladly do."I smiled and even managed to make my tone sarcastically as humanly possible.

"I won't and I can promise that."

"I wonder."And his lips moved forwards,pouted at my answer.

"Then let me kiss you."

"I did and you stopped."

"You know it wasn't on purpose."He said.He finally let a sigh when I stopped gave him reaction to each of his responses."Follow me."

"What are you..."He dragged me to the stairs and we positioned our selves with me being on the stairs that was one step lower than him.

"Now,try to kiss me."

"You still want me to tip toe?"I blurted out at his face that was nearing mine.

"Tip toe and you'll get a kiss."

"I'm begging here?"

"Should I?"

"Better do before you lose your head."I said,jokingly but covered my tone with seriousness.

"Alright then."He lowered down his neck with his eyes closed until our nose almost bumped to each other.When I tried to reach out for his lips,I felt like he's slowly back off on purpose.

"You're talling."I said with little bit pout.

"But I really want to see you tip toe."His lips bent downwards,making a sad expression.

"Brat."I murmured as I let my total weight gathered at the tip of my toes,extanded my neck a little bit and pulled his neck to crush our lips together.

We didn't move our lips for a few solid seconds before he started to the line between my lips and pushed his tougue to parted my closed lips.

I pushed him and he almost lost his balance on the step after I broke the kiss for air."You do realise we still in the public right?"

"No ones goes to the park at 2 in the morning so don't worry."He pressed his smacked red lips into a wide grin."So let's continue."


"Aaahhh~Wonwoo hyung.why?"He whined at dissatisfaction.

I passed through my arms into the backpack and turned around from him."Let's continue in my room.If you want."I flashed a grin at him.

"Fine by me."He smiled back at me mischieviously.

He quickly grabbed back his stuff and catched up with my pace as I was walking steps ahead of him.

"So,what do you think?"

"About what?"

"Tip toe"

"Well,it's not that bad."I smiled again."But don't even dream of next time,Kim Mingyu."


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DinaJung #1
Chapter 1: this one is so cute ><
Vernnyliet #2
Chapter 1: Omg mingyu being mingyu XD
3036jonestom #3
Chapter 1: Such an inventive way on the steps to fulfill that tiptop obssession Mingyu has. Love how in the beginning it was Wonwoo who was desperate for a kiss and then it transitioned to Mingyu!
Exosebong12 #4
Chapter 1: Okay . That was sooooooo CUUUUUUTEEEE! hahaha I feel Mingyu you know? I want to see Wonwoo in tip toe , how cute he is if that would happen in real . ( ゚∀ ゚) *daydreaming*
floweroone #5
Chapter 1: Aww this was cute!!