Kiss and Don't Tell

The Hardest Part Is Forgetting Those You Swore You Would Never Forget

I seem to haven't gotten a lot of feedback for this story so idk if I'll continue posting it on here

October 31, 2012


When Jimin woke, the first thing his mind registered was that someone was frantically shaking him and calling his name. Still half in dream land, Jimin merely groaned and rolled over to his side, swatting at whoever had dared to disturb his precious sleep.




Said boy sunk deeper into the sheets, pushing his face into the messy tangle of blankets.




He was so comfortable and warm, he could stay like this forever.


“Park ing Jimin!”


It was the wack of a pillow over his head that woke Jimin up.


Instinctively, Jimin bolted upright into a sitting position to glare at whoever had assaulted him with the pillow. He blinked, wiping the sleep from his eyes that blurred his vision. The first thing that Jimin saw was Jungkook sitting at the edge of the bed, taut lips pulled down into a frown. Just as Jimin opened his mouth to ask Jungkook just what the hell he was doing, his mind had decided to finally catch up with his body, and instead, he found himself bent over as he gripped his head tightly.


Jimin felt like his skull was about to break open to let his brain spill out onto the blue sheets. Jimin had certainly had headaches in the past, but nothing ever like this. Just the slight movement of looking across Jungkook’s room gave him vertigo, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his head underneath the covers and sleep for fifty years.


“My head,” he moaned. “My head ing hurts.”


Jungkook sighed in annoyance. “Of course it hurts, idiot. You drank even more than Hoseok hyung, and that’s saying a lot.” He handed a glass of water and pills over to Jimin who looked at them skeptically and asked what they were with suspicion. Jungkook simply snorted. “You had no problem trying to kill yourself from alcohol poisoning last night, but you think that aspirin is going to be the death of you?” Jungkook shoved the water and aspirin into the teens hand. “It’ll help with the headache.”


Suddenly feeling self conscious underneath Jungkook’s judgemental stare, Jimin shyly took the aspirin and mumbled a thanks, popping the pill in his mouth and practically chugging the glass of water until it was empty. Jimin hadn’t realized how dehydrated he was, but he assumed that it was another after effect of drinking more than he could handle.


“You need to go home. It’s 6a.m and your mom will start to become suspicious if she doesn’t see you up and getting ready for school.” Jungkook’s stone expression never faltered.


But going to school was definitely the last thing that Jimin needed right now, so instead, he decided to whine. “But I don’t wanna go, my head hurts.”


Jungkook seemed to be growing more irate by the minute, his temper unusually short. “Well it’s not my fault! I’m not you’re damn babysitter!”


An awkward silence settled between them. The chirping of early morning birds suddenly sounded much more louder.


Jimin was annoying, he knew that. He knew that he complained like a child too much and clung to Jungkook’s side like a parasite, but Jungkook was always patient with Jimin. He was the only one who could fully understand the boy. He was patient and kind, but never angry. No matter how aggravating and spoilt Jimin could be, Jungkook only smiled at him. He was a rich brat who could get anything he wanted. A new car, a different phone every year, designer clothes: Jimin could have it all. He lived in a different world from most people, and yet, Jungkook understood him, because he too lived in that world.


But Jungkook was definitely angry now.


“Are you mad?” Jimin’s stupid and meek question was what broke the silence.


Jungkook clenched his jaw, obviously trying to hold himself back. “You drank yourself silly, and the moment I looked away you literally disappeared into thin air in a sketchy neighborhood. I was so worried that you had caught yourself in some trouble. Hoseok hyung had assured me that you were probably somewhere off with Yoongi-” Jungkook paused, catching himself from saying something that he shouldn’t. “When the party ended we started to get really worried, so we looked everywhere for you. We looked everywhere, and you know where we found you?”


Jimin shook his head slowly in uncertainty. The events of last night were all muddled and the last thing he remembered was sitting on the couch with the room spinning around him.


“In the bath tub. We found you in the bathtub with Yoongi hyung. The shower was on and you two just sat there with your clothes soaked. I thought that you had been kidnapped or something, only to find you in the freaking bath out of all places!” the disbelief in Jungkook’s voice was evident. “And to make matters worse, you threw a goddamn fit when we tried to get you out. You threw a fit and then threw up all over the car. Thanks for that.” Jungkook’s tone had turned sharp and accusing. “That’ll take weeks to get the stench out of it. Mom’s going to murder me.”


“Oh,” came Jimin’s lame response. “I’m sorry.”


Jungkook rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you better be. I can’t believe that you-”


Jungkook froze mid sentence as if he realized that he had said all of the wrong things. Jimin’s eyes were wide. Tears had begun to collect at the corners and he frantically attempted to blink them away. His bottom lip quivered and he had begun to sniffle, hands playing at the oversized grey pullover he wore.


“‘m sowwy,” Jimin repeated brokenly, voice cracking.


Jungkook shook his hands in front of him furiously. “No! No! It’s okay, Jimin. Really. I was just kidding. Please don’t cry,” he begged frantically. “Please don’t cry, Jiminie.”


“I-I’m suh so-sorry.” Jimin pressed his lips firmly together to keep them from trembling, but he couldn’t stop the first few tears that escaped from his lashes and left wet trails down his face.




Jungkook felt like . He had made his best friend cry.  


Jimin had always been a cry baby for as long as Jungkook had known him, but he was a different type of cry baby. Jimin cried when he fell off of his bike and scraped his elbow. He cried when Jungkook had been playing too roughly and accidentally pushed him off of the bed. He cried when he had hadn’t been careful and cut his finger with a knife when he had been helping Jungkook make something special for his mom’s birthday. Jimin had always been a wimp when it came to blood and physical pain, but when it came to emotional trauma, Jimin never cried.


“Jimin, why are you crying?” Jungkook asked softly, placing an affectionate hand on the crying teens arm.


Jimin sniffled. “‘Cos you’re muh-mad.”


Jungkook frowns, furrowing his eyebrows.. “Did I scare you? Did I hurt your feelings? I didn’t mean to hurt you, Jiminie. I was just worried about you.” Jungkook squeezes his arm in reassurance. “I never want to hurt you.”


Jimin laughed nervously, smiling and wiping at his face. “Of course you didn’t hurt my feelings, silly. Seeing you in pain just made me cry for some reason. ‘Cos you don’t ever get mad, Kookie.”


But you’re the one in pain, Jungkook wanted to say. He knew that his harsh words and sudden burst of anger had been uncalled for and hurt Jimin’s feelings. But Jimin had simply shook his head with a small smile upon his lips. He hated that Jimin always considered his own feelings last. Jimin hated hurting people, and in his rashness to make others happy, he often hurt himself in the process.


Jungkook always knew that Jimin suffered from some form of incapability to connect to his own emotions. He had known it ever since they were kids. It wasn’t as if Jimin wasn’t an emotional person, because he was the biggest drama queen that Jungkook knew. He was someone who felt things too deeply and scarred too easily. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and yet, Jungkook found that Jimin often shut his ears to his own emotional negativity. Jimin felt nice things like love, joy, and excitement. But when it came to things like sadness and fear, he always shut down. Jimin always shut down and smiled through it all.


Jimin proclaimed himself to be a ‘positive person’, but to Jungkook, it looked like Jimin was just living in constant denial.


When Jungkook and Jimin were nine, Jimin’s dog died. Lucy had been her name. A very plain name, but he had loved her nonetheless. Jimin had loved her a lot, maybe more than Jungkook himself. Jimin had practically begged his parents for a dog for weeks, even when his father had berated him and said that dogs too loud and stupid to have in the house. But when his mother came home with a two month old Golden Retriever in her arms, Jimin had practically bounced off the walls with joy.


Jimin had loved her a lot, but she only lived to be a tender age of two years old. She had slipped out the front door one day and been hit by a car that was going too fast.


Jungkook had cried a lot when they buried her in his backyard, because Mr. Park didn’t want the aesthetics of his own yard to be ruined by a ‘filthy dog’. Jimin had simply smiled and patted his back. He said that he was sure that she was in a better place, but Jungkook didn’t miss the way Jimin’s smile faltered when he thought that no one was looking. He never missed anything when it came to Park Jimin.


He had cried till snot ran down his nose and mixed with the tears. He had cried till his chest hurt and it became difficult to breathe. Maybe the reason he had cried so much was because he had cried for Jimin. He had shed the tears that his friend was unable to for him.


Jungkook had found that he would do anything for Jimin.


“Go home and get ready,” Jungkook says softly. “I’ll wait for you.”


Jimin nods, sniffling one last time before he climbs out of bed and fumbles to put his shoes on. He stops at the bedroom door, turning around to look back at Jungkook with an uncertain question at the tip of his tongue, and in turn, Jungkook tells Jimin to stop being such a wimp with an amused grin.


“This jacket…” Jimin glances at the grey pullover that’s a bit too big for him but not enough to swallow his small frame.


“Ah, that’s Yoongi hyung’s.” Jungkook resists the urge to laugh at the look of shock that crosses the teens tired features. “You were soaked to the bone and there was no way that I was letting you ruin the leather in my car,” although you did anyways, “so Yoongi hyung let you borrow his clothes since you guys have similar body types.” Since they were both short.


Jimin nods, and Jungkook doesn’t miss the way a small blush dyes his cheeks a faint pink.


When Jimin finally leaves, Jungkook ruffles his black locks before falling back onto the bed with his limbs sprawled out. He lets out a long sigh.


“This is going to be troublesome.”


November 7th, 2012


Jimin spent too much time in Yoongi’s grey sweater. He’s spent so much time curled up in bed with it that the lingering scent of cigarettes and pinewood have now faded into nothing but a memory. He wears it in the privacy of his bedroom like a dirty little secret and hides it in the back of his closet when Jungkook comes over.


Jimin isn’t sure why he doesn’t want his friend knowing. But for some reason, he can’t erase the deep-rooted feeling of shame at this.


It’s been a week since Jimin last saw Yoongi, and he can’t help but nervously bite his nails way too often and wonder if Yoongi wanted his sweater back.


So that’s what he tells Jungkook when he asks for Yoongi’s number, and Jungkook’s not sure if he should for being so easy to read or so bad at lying. So he does neither but makes a suggestive remark that turns the tips of Jimin’s ears red before giving him the number.


“I- I just want to return the sweater to its rightful owner,” Jimin stutters.


Jungkook simply laughs.  


“Whatever you say, Jiminie.”


It takes three hours of staring at Yoongi’s number and contemplating if he should call or text him before Jimin makes a decision. In the end, he settles with a text because the last thing he wants to do is stutter over the phone like an idiot and embarrass himself.


It then takes another twenty minutes of typing and erasing before Jimin finally sends a message. He swallows audibly before hitting the send button with shaky fingers.



Hey Yoongi hyung its me Jimin.


Just texting u cuz i want to return the sweater that you lent me >.<


With the message finally sent, Jimin’s worries only seem to manifest, because for the rest of the school day, he is glancing at his phone, nervously waiting for a response.


Jungkook is merciless with his teasing after catching Jimin checking his phone one too many times. He pokes and prods at the teen when the teacher isn’t looking, and Jimin can only swat his hand away and hiss meaningless threats under his breath.


Nothing made Jungkook’s day like seeing Jimin get all worked up and flustered, and Jimin knew that all too well.


“Relax, Jimin. Your boyfriend will text you back,” Jungkook snickers under his breath.


Jimin goes rigid in his seat, half assed glare now turned into a full on scowl. “I’m not a queer,” he says icily before turning away from Jungkook to ignore him for the rest of the class. Jimin can hear his sigh of resignation.


Jungkook doesn’t mention Yoongi after that.


December 4, 2003


The first time Jimin meets Jungkook is in first grade. He is a short and chubby transfer student from Korea who doesn’t know a of english, and he only bows awkwardly in front of the class as the teacher introduces him. She asks everyone to be kind and help him out, but no one’s really interested in helping someone they can’t understand.


Jimin is placed next to Jungkook, and the latter tries his best to ignore him- even when he introduces himself in broken english.


“My name Jimin. Nice to meet you.”


The kid sounds like he’s reading out of a script, and Jungkook merely rolls his eyes and looks away with a huff. Jungkook is one of the most smartest students in his year, and the most popular in his class. The last thing he needs is to associate with some weird Asian kid who’s appearance just screams bully me.


But Jimin just smiles nervously at him as if he hadn’t just been completely ignored. “Name?”


Jungkook huffs again.


Maybe he’ll ask Ms. Woods to change seats. He always got what he wanted from his teachers, after all. His daddy was a state politician with a lot of money and there wasn’t anyone in the school that didn’t know it and try to get in his good graces. Jungkook didn’t know what “no” meant, because if any of the teachers didn’t give him what he wanted, he’d threaten to tell his daddy that he was being mistreated.


At the proper age of seven, Jungkook had learned how to blackmail his teachers.


But Jungkook never asks Ms. Woods to move him. He justifies it as being merciful and kind enough to allow someone like Jimin the honour of sitting next to him, although he never speaks to him. Jungkook wouldn’t allow himself to sink to that level and ruin his reputation that way. It has nothing to do with the voice in the back of his head that tells Jungkook that forcing the teacher to move Jimin away for him will cause the boy to be ostracized even more and a target for bullying. No, Jungkook doesn’t care about silly little things like that. It’s a man eats man world where only the strongest can survive. He’s simply doing charity work; nothing more, nothing less.


December 12, 2003


A week passes by and Jimin has yet to make any friends. Jungkook has never heard him speak more than seven words. He ignores the painful twinge in his chest when he sees Jimin at recess sitting alone on the swings and kicking up dirt.


December 13, 2003


No one sits next to Jimin during lunch. A few bullies come by to flick the chubby boy in the head and steal his animal crackers, but no one stops it.


Jimin is always alone.


December 14, 2003


Jungkook forgot his juicebox in the classroom, so he slips out of the cafeteria and skips down the hallways with an apple in hand. He munches on it in delight, humming a soft tune to himself. The door to the classroom is partially open and Jungkook narrows his eyebrows in confusion. It was always locked during lunch time.


He slowly peeps his head into the doorway, hearing hushed whispers. As his vision adjusts to the darkness of the room, he finds three boys surrounding a much obviously smaller person.


“Chink, you speak english, yeah?” the boy on the far right sneers.


He’s met with silence.


The middle boy huffs before pushing the smaller kid harshly to the ground. “You’re so creepy. All you do is stare at people during class and you don’t even say anything! Go back to Asia, chink. You don’t belong here. Or can you even understand what I’m sayin?”


The boys laugh at this, and Jungkook narrows his eyes as he’s flooded with a sense of realization. It was the bullies from lunch that always bothered Jimin, which meant that the kid they were pushing around and calling racial slurs could only be…


Jungkook doesn’t know why he does it, but he throws the half eaten apple with all his might at the back of the ringleaders head. A loud thump resounds throughout the dark room, followed by a yelp of pain.


The target of said apple, whipped around, his face set into a deep snarl. “Who the-


He freezes when he realizes who it is, tapping on his friend's shoulders incessantly to get their attention. They all freeze when they see Jungkook.


“A-ah, Jungkook. What are you doing here?” the innocent question seems so guilty.


“Leave him alone,” Jungkook deadpans.


Left bully laughs nervously. “Whaddya mean? We were just-


“Leave him alone!” Jungkook snaps, angrier this time.


“Yes! Of course! We’ll just…” middle bully begins to pull his friends away, sidestepping around Jungkook to get out the door, not daring to touch him.


Jungkook turns around to give them one last hard glare. “And if you ever mess with him again-” he let’s the threat hang precariously in the air for a second as everyone holds their breath. “-I’ll tell my daddy on you.”


If the bullies weren’t scared before, then they definitely were now.  They nod furiously, stuttering promises and apologies before scampering down the hallway and out of sight.


Jungkook sighs as he flicks on the light and turns back to Jimin who had remained silent throughout the whole thing, still in his position on the ground.


Jungkook approaches him, hands twiddling nervously behind his back. Under Jimin’s unreadable expression, Jungkook suddenly felt very self conscious. And for the first time ever, Jungkook speaks to Jimin.


“Are you okay?” he asks in clear korean.


Jimin’s eyes widen. “Y-you speak korean?”


Jungkook nods. “Yeah.” He then frowns, “why do you let yourself get pushed around like that?”


Jimin suddenly looks shy. “I don’t really know much english yet, so I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong. Th-they say I talk funny, so I just don’t say anything at all.”


“No you don’t!” Jungkook blurts, cheeks tinting pink at his outburst. “You don’t sound funny,” he mumbles.


And then Jimin is smiling widely and jumping up, sticking his hand out for Jungkook.


Jungkook can only blink in confusion, because he has never seen Jimin smile so brightly. In fact, he wasn’t sure if the boy felt anything at all.


“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks dumbly.


“I heard that Americans shake hands when they’re friends.” Jimin begins to falter, wide smile fading as he begins to pull his hand back in uncertainty. “That is...unless…”


Jungkook is quick to reach out and secure Jimin’s hand in his. He is just as surprised by his actions as Jimin is, and for a moment they simply stare at each other. And then Jimin is bouncing on the soles of his shoes, pulling Jungkook into a hug as he laughs and declares Jungkook to be his best friend.


Jungkook grumbles in annoyance, but he can’t help the small smile that creeps upon his baby-like features.


December 16, 2003


Jungkook and Jimin learn that they live only a few houses down from each other, and Jimin is absolutely ecstatic about this. Jungkook simply shrugs in nonchalance because he has an appearance to maintain, but on the inside, he is just as happy about this as Jimin is.


For the next week, they spend every day together in bliss. Mr. Park is a new business partner of Mr. Jeon, and both their mothers spend a lot of time in the kitchen together. The two boys are quick to become attached at the hip, and Jungkook begins to laugh a lot more around Jimin.


Jungkook learns that Jimin has a really outgoing and hyper personality (despite initial assumptions) and although he smiles a lot and is ridiculously obnoxious, Jimin is also bashful and insecure about his english.


So Jungkook teaches him every day after school.


December 25, 2003


Jimin spends his first Christmas in the States with Jungkook and he’s never been happier. He makes Jungkook a tiny glazed pot made out of clay with ‘J+J Best Frends 4evr’ and Jungkook says it’s cheesy, and calls Jimin stupid for misspelling ‘friends’, but he still accepts it with a wide smile.


March 3, 2006


Jimin and Jungkook are in fourth grade now and are the top two students in their year.


Jimin can speak english quite fluently now, although his korean accent is still there, but Jungkook finds it to be quite endearing. He’s not as awkward as he used to be, and his outgoing personality draws people to him- specifically girls.


Jimin likes pink, and Jungkook is his only male friend. He squeals about Gossip Girl, and lets the girls paint his nails. At one point he asks Jungkook if he thinks that Jimin would look pretty in a dress. Jungkook says yes, and Jimin practically glows at this.


April 9, 2006


Jimin is called a by a fifth grader named Andrew, and he’s not quite sure what that means, but he doesn’t think too hard on it. He just assumes that it’s a compliment.


April 18, 2006


Apparently being called a is not a compliment, because when Jimin and Jungkook pass by Andrew and his friends on the playground, and Andrew says “I didn’t know that you hang out with faggots now” Jungkook sees red and beats the out of him before being dragged to the principal’s office by a supervisor.


As they wait outside the office in plastic chairs, Jungkook looks stupidly upset and Jimin doesn’t know why.


“What’s a , Kookie?”


Jungkook visibly flinches at this. “Don’t worry about it, Jiminie. You’re not a . Andrew’s just a .”


Jimin gasps when Jungkook uses a curse word and reprimands him with a slap to the arm. He assumes that the word ‘’ is just another bad word as well. Maybe it’s just another way of calling someone an .


April 26, 2006


Andrew still calls Jimin a , just not when Jungkook’s around. He’s also added new and colorful words to his vocabulary that Jimin doesn’t quite understand. Words like ‘queer’ and ‘homoual’.


Jimin furrows his eyebrows at this and asks Jungkook if a homoual is someone who has with a homeless person.


Jungkook laughs until he nearly pisses his pants.


April 27, 2006


Jungkook still won’t tell Jimin what these words that Andrew sneer at him means, so he decides to ask his parents at dinner.


His parents talk about adult things that Jimin doesn’t quite understand, and when his father asks him how school’s going, that’s when he pops the question.


“Abeoji, what’s a ?”


The table goes uncharacteristically quiet as Mr. Park stares at his son with a hard expression, and Jimin can’t help but fidget in his seat.


“Who taught you that word?” Mr. Park asks icily.


Jimin simply blinks innocently up at him. “I learned it from Andrew. He calls me a homoual and a queer all of the time.”


Across the table, Mrs. Park let’s out an audible gasp.


“You’re not a-” Mr. Park pauses, nose flaring in restrained anger “- homoual.” Mr. Park’s stare is intense, and makes Jimin feel like he’s said something he shouldn’t have. “I would never let my son be an abomination.”


Jimin doesn’t know why his father’s words cut him so deep, so he ignores it.  


April 28, 2006


The next day Mr. Park goes to Jimin’s school and talks to the principal. Andrew never bothers him again, and neither do any of the students when they learn about how powerful his father is. Suddenly, everyone wants to be his friend, and even Mrs. Steinhoff, who hated him a lot, begins to shower him with praise.


Jimin googles the word ‘homoual’ and only frowns in confusion.


He doesn’t understand why two boys liking each other is bad.


June 12, 2008


It’s his first year of middle school when Jimin has his first kiss. It’s with a blonde haired, blue eyed boy named Cody. Cody is nice and pretty, so when he asks Jimin if he can kiss him, he doesn’t say no.


The kiss is short and sweet, and they’re both flustered when Cody quickly pulls back. He tells Jimin that he likes him before turning and running away before Jimin can even respond.


Jimin bounds into Jungkook’s house after school and tells him the news.


“Cody kissed me!” he says a little too loudly as he closes Jungkook’s bedroom door and throws his backpack to the floor.


Jungkook is quick to sit up from his sprawled out position in bed. “You mean Cody from art class?”


Jimin nods his head a little too quickly. “Yeah. He kissed me on the lips and told me that he liked me before running away.”


Jungkook’s silent for a moment, a strange look in his eyes, and Jimin doesn’t have time to decipher if it’s worry or fear, because it’s gone in a flash and Jungkook’s expression is unreadable. “That’s cool… I guess.”


Jimin doesn’t miss the hesitation in his voice.


Something twists in his stomach. “Is there something wrong with that?”


Jungkook jolts. “No, of course not, Jiminie. Why would you think that?”


Jimin shrugs, letting the suspicion go, because that day Jimin discovered that he liked kissing boys, and Jungkook didn’t have the heart to tell him that the world wasn’t as accepting as he’d like it to be.


June 13, 2008


Jimin tells his parents at dinner that Cody kissed him.


It doesn’t go well.


Mr. Park whips him with a belt before dragging Jimin to church and making him pray to God for forgiveness at the alter.


That day Jimin learns that kissing boys is a sin and he promises to never do it again.


June 16, 2008


Jimin tries to avoid Cody for as long as he can, but when the blonde boy shyly approaches Jimin and Jungkook during break, he tells Cody that he can’t hang around faggots and he tries to ignore how much it hurts when Cody cries and calls Jimin an .


Jungkook doesn’t say anything. He only nods when Jimin says that he likes girls and that kissing boys was phase.


November 7, 2012


Jimin is belated when Yoongi finally responds to him many hours later. He had been incapable of focusing on homework, always fidgeting around in his chair, tapping the pencil nervously against the wooden desk as he’d make quick glances at his phone. He was starting to think that maybe Yoongi just really didn’t want to talk to him. Maybe he was pissed at Jungkook for giving Jimin his number, or maybe Jimin just didn’t word his message properly.


So when his phone made that familiar chime sound that Jimin knew all too well and his phone screen lights up, Jimin nearly jumps out of his chair in surprise. For a minute, he simply stares at his phone sitting at the corner of his desk, holding his breath as if it’ll eat him alive.


You’re being ridiculous, Park Jimin.


Jimin rolls his eyes at himself before reaching for the phone with a defeated sigh.



Sure. when are u free?


Jimin can practically feel his heart beating out of his chest because the Min Yoongi actually responded to him. He responds after many ridiculous minutes of contemplation, and it doesn’t take long for Yoongi to respond after that.



I’m free after school on Fridays and Saturdays



Saturday sounds ok



Do you want to come over?



I mean like u can drop it off at my place



Sure hyung. Sounds like a plan :)


See u Saturday then^^




Jimin holds the phone to his chest in an attempt to steady his erratically beating heart. He was actually going to hang out with Yoongi. Alone. Together.


Jimin leaves his desk to throw himself on the bed, school work long forgotten. He holds the phone tightly in his hand and stares at the ceiling with a stupid goofy smile on his face.


He wishes that Saturday would come sooner.



Yoongi finds himself staring blankly at the screen of his phone, reading the one message over and over again. See you Saturday. He was going to see Jimin. Alone. Without a third party invitation. Yoongi didn’t know if that thought unsettled him or excited him. Either way, thinking about it was irritating. Park Jimin was irritating.


The text had been sudden, and he hadn’t expected it. It had been well over week since the bathtub incident, and Yoongi hadn’t heard a peep out of Jimin since. He supposed that it was a good thing, since that saved him the trouble of going out of his way to avoid the kid. He had hoped to never see Jimin again, because the last thing Yoongi wanted was to have a stranger know something so personal about him.


And yet Yoongi had invited Jimin over to his house after spending the better part of the day wondering if he should respond or not.


He had said something stupid, and then he had panicked and fumbled for excuses, because the last thing Yoongi wanted was for Jimin to think that he actually wanted him over. From what Yoongi gathered, Jimin was the oblivious type to get all of the wrong kinds of ideas. He didn’t need a twelve year old lurking around his place all of the time.


Yoongi sighs, throwing his phone across the bed to watch it bounce and hit the carpeted floor with a dull thud, but he could care less right now. He collapses almost dramatically onto his small bed and throws his arm over his eyes with a groan.


Maybe Hoseok’s idiocy had started to rub off on the older rapper after living together for so long.


Suddenly the bedroom door opens, and as if Satan had been summoned himself, Hoseok pops his head in. “Have you been sulking in here all day?”


Yoongi lifts his arm slightly to glare at his friend. “No.”


“You look like you’re sulking.”


“I’m not,” he growls.


There’s a moment of silence before Hoseok speaks again. “Did you talk to Jimin yet?”


This time, Yoongi removes his arms completely and sits up, placing his arm to rest atop bent his bent knee. “How’d you know about that?”


“Jungkook told me that he gave Jimin your number,” Hoseok laughs. “Ya know, just in case you try to kill him for it.”


“I’m about to,” Yoongi grumbles to himself.


“Sooo-” Hoseok drawls out. “-what’s the verdict?”


Yoongi just looks puzzled. “Whaddya mean?”


This earns him an eye roll from Hoseok. “Did you yell at Jimin and tell him to never speak to you again? Did you block his number? Did you-


“I invited him over,” Yoongi blurts before he can even stop himself.


Hoseok’s eyebrows practically shoot past his hairline, and Yoongi would have laughed at this if he wasn’t so embarrassed right now.


“What?” the distrust is evident.


Yoongi rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “I, uh, invited him over so he could give me my sweater back. Why else?.”


It takes a moment for Hoseok to collect his thoughts before his face darkens and an evil smirk graces his lips. “Suuure, because of the sweater. Right. It’s not like you could have asked him to hand it to Jungkook or anything. But instead you go out of your way to invite him over.”


Yoongi’s sure that his face is red at this point because Hoseok begins to laugh.


“Shut up! It doesn’t even mean anything!” Yoongi yells defensively.


“I didn’t even say it meant anything,” Hoseok says in between laughs. “So the fact that you mentioned it means that it must mean something.”


Yoongi swears that Jung Hoseok is going to ing die today.


Hoseok begins slowly creeping out the door till he’s only halfway in. He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Just admit it, hyung. You liiiike Jimin. Though I don’t blame you. He’s cute, and bright, and-


Hoseok squeals and ducks his head out of the room, quickly slamming the door just as a pillow hits it.


“I’M NOT ING INTERESTED IN AN ANNOYING TWELVE YEAR OLD BRAT!” Yoongi bellows as he pants with exertion.


“Have fun on your date!” Hoseok yells back, before Yoongi can hear him retreating down the hallway to avoid having anything else thrown at him.


It takes a moment to catch his breath and for the heat in his face to subside before Yoongi crawls back into bed and pulls the covers over his head.


He definitely did not like Jimin. Not now, not ever, and not in a million years.


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Seungmiya #1
Chapter 3: Aww please continue :'(
Nomatme #2
Chapter 3: This is such an incredible story. Really enjoy the way you write author-nim! Thank you for this story. I await for the next chapter ^^
BaekHeartYeon #3
Chapter 3: omg please dont give up on this story, its amazing!!! please authornim
DemonicChild #4
Chapter 2: Please, please, please, never give up on this. This is amazing.
Chapter 1: so far its interesting.... i like it,keep up the good work authornim