
Raven's Story (Legend Side Story)

Depending on what you know about me you may have a question or two. Well I don't remember much but I'll try and show why I am the way I am.

Aug 30 1998, NT, Australia

Right from the start I had terrible luck. 

Mum went into labor with me and my sister two weeks prematurely. My sister was born with no problems but me? I wasn't facing the right way. They tried an emergency C-section and I came out okay. The same couldn't be said for mum. Sadly she lost too much blood and she couldn't pull through. Right from the beginning of our lives we had no mother. This wasn't the end though. Far from it.

Dad got into alcohol to deal with the loss of his wife and because he was hardly home we were sent to live with our only relative alive. Our aunt. Sadly living with her didn't last either. Two months later dad showed up at the door with a gun, demanding to see us. When she refused though... she was shot. Drunkly walking towards our room he slammed the door so hard a crack was left in the wood. He grabbed my sister and raised the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. He ran straight away with my sister who I would not ever see again. Even to this day. 

Police arrived 10 minutes later to find my aunt dead and me... unharmed. Dad was so drunk he missed the shot and didn't realise. But now I was alone. I had no family and had to be adopted out. 

Being adopted wasn't bad for me. I grew up knowing that my new mum wasn't my biological one but she never treated me any less then if she had been and I had a pretty normal childhood.

When I turned 13 I discovered a talent agency was holding auditions for a music program that was being run in America and after countless times of begging, mum agreed to let me try. I succeeded and we were flown to Sydney where we discovered how I had the chance to be an idol. They began taking videos of their trainees to show the public through social media. Needless to say, one person was not pleased.

Turns out my childhood was just the calm before the storm. I couldn't even live in this happiness for a while. My father thought I was dead. So imagine his reaction to finding out I was alive and well and now pursuing a career in entertainment. According to him I had no remorse for killing my birth-mother and decided that if she wasn't alive then I shouldn't be either. 

We were only supposed to be out for an hour. We were spending some together before I was supposed to catch a plane overseas. A truck was coming from the opposite direction down the wrong side of the road. We didn't see it in time and it slammed into us. 


I was out of it for weeks. I had survived the crash but had been in a coma for almost a month. When I woke up though, I had no recollection of what happened and had no memory of my past. I didn't even know who I was. I remember people sitting next to me claiming to be my friends but I knew none of them. The first thing they said to me was that my mum had died. 

A man walked into the room with the doctor and my 'friends' were quick to start asking questions.The man didn't say anything, he just looked at me and said one word... "sing". At first I didn't understand but I started singing anyway. I don't think I even knew what I was singing but I went with it anyway. 

Turns out he was the man in charge of the trainees and that if I had chooses not to sing at that moment I would not be where I was now. After a week of being in the hospital I was discharged. But with no remaining relatives I had nowhere to go. I spent the next week with my friend Louise's family. I dont think that at the time I had any idea what was going on.

A week later I was brought to the Sony building for one hell of a scary meeting. Walking in, there had to be at least a dozen people looking at me with their beady little eyes boaring through me down to my soul. Okay maybe an exaggeration, but it felt like it at the time. Now bear in mind I had to basically relearn how to live and that included basic english, so with everyone speaking over the top of eachother it was difficult to understand what they were saying. Basically Sony wanted me to stay in the company and were trying to convince social services to let me go with them... basically boring stuff soooo.... SKIP!


Turns out going to LA was the best decision I would ever make. After several years of training and countless sleepless nights of practice I was chosen to be in the first group to debut in a group called LEGEND. Well your all caught up now.

As for the childish thing well having your life reset will kind of do that to you but it isn't my initial personality. I'm more of an intensely shy person at first, I really believe that the members of legend are the only people who know whom I trully am...

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