Ch. o1

The Devil Wears Prada [Multi-Shot]


        Kim Heechul was a pretty nice person.

        Now, most people received a pretty bad first impression of him. He couldn’t necessarily say he didn’t know why, but it still kind of hurt.

        He was often misunderstood as a diva, prima donna, stuck-up, haughty, y,  know-it-all, princess-like….well you get the point.

        But in all honesty, he wasn’t judged fairly. He was a wonderful friend, a person with a spectacular personality…that he preferred to keep hidden.

        I mean, honestly. Who was the person that was finally able to get Siwon to stop forcing everyone to go to church by hiding all of his bibles in…ungodly places. That’s right, Kim Heechul did.

         And who was the person that was able to get Han Geng to finally feed him something besides Beijing fried rice?
         What was that? You guessed right. Kim Heechul did.

         And here he was once again, coming to the rescue for another one of his unfortunate friends.

         As he waited outside Kyuhyun’s apartment building on the warm fall day, he tucked a strand of his jet black hair behind his ear. He leaned against the brick foundation and sighed, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for the latter.

         The poor boy was such a hot mess.

          Before he could ponder any longer and change his mind about what he was about to do, Heechul’s vision was lost and he felt two clammy hands slam themselves over his eyes.

          Not even bothering to play this game, he spoke coldly,” Kyuhyun, if you mess up my eyeliner I will kill you with absolutely no mercy.”

          Once his vision was returned he smirked, and spun to face his friend. Immediately, he frowned deeply, feeling the creases form in his forehead.

          “What is it hyung?” Kyuhyun asked innocently, his melodic voice completely contrasting whatever clothes he was wearing. If you could even call those clothes.

           Heechul eyed Kyuhyun up and down, not feeling a bit of doubt that what he was about to do was the right thing.

            He looked at Kyuhyun’s gelled, jet black hair and his tattered beige shirt that bore a skull and cross bones. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was wearing about 8 hipster bracelets on each arm and wore skin tight black jeans that showed his knees.

            Finally, he wore thick black boots that look as though Ronald McDonald wore them.

            Heechul repressed a shudder.

           Kyuhyun, I’m sorry. But this is for your own fashion terrorizing good.

           "Nothing Kyu, nothing at all"Heechul smiled his sweetest smile as he began leading Kyuhyun to his car. Once the 23 year old was situated in the passenger's seat, with a confused look on his face, Heechul scuttled over towards' the driver's seat.

             Once they were both in the car Kyuhyun asked,"Where are we going, hyung?You sounded so urgent over the phone."
             "No questions." Heechul said, revving up the engine and easing onto the street.

             "That counts as a question. You'll see when we-HEY. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE YOU STUPID ?STAY OUT OF THE DAMN LEFT LANE YOU MENACE TO SOCIETY!" Heechul screamed as he was unnecessarily cut off as he drove.

               "Anyway" He turned back to Kyuhyun who had a scared look at his face. He never thoguht that the diva could yell so loudly."You will see.when.we.get.there.Trust me, you'll love it."


               "Speak again and I will drive us off of a cliff."

               Kyuhyun immediately closed mouth.


        -                                                    -                                                           -

              “Heechul hyung…why are we here?” Kyuhyun looked awestruck  as Heechul pulled him by the wrist through a store. It looked like a very…high-class store per se, with it’s ivory colored walls and well-dressed mannequins that rested behind the store’s window.He had never seen so many different designs and patterns, and…such high prices. 

               Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Ralph Lauren, so many different brands.Once they entered he noticed the workers giving Heechul a head nod and a smile. Once they looked at him their eyes widened dramatically and they went back to what they were doing, desperately trying to shake that image out of their heads.

               Finally Heechul stopped pulling Kyuhyun through the store, stopping near a cash register. He placed his hands on Kyuhyun’s shoulders and sighed deeply.


              “Neh?” Kyuhyun had never felt more confused in his life. Why was he, of all people, in this type of store? He felt almost scared to be there, what with the scrutinizing glances that he received.

              “I’m sorry.”

              “But you’ll thank me later.”
              “What are you-“

              “He’s all yours MiMi!”

               And with that and a hard push, Heechul left Kyuhyun fallen on the floor as he scurried over to another side of the store, intrigued as to how his work of art would turn out.

              “Ouch~” Kyuhyun groaned as he rubbed his now sore and dirty backside. He could faintly hear the clicking of heels growing louder towards him, but was more concerned about the searing pain in his backside to notice.

                “Who called for the Gentleman?” Kyuhyun opened his eyes to see his reflection in two black shoes before him, and let his eyes travel up two mile-long legs until he reached the glaring face of a mahogany-haired beauty.

                 “Who are you and why are you on my floor?”

                Kyuhyun unconsciously gulped as me made eye contact with those dark brown eagle eyes. He suddenly felt smaller than he originally did upon entrance to this establishment. Not just because it seems as though this man out-dressed him in every way possible, or that he was on the floor and this man seemed to be a giant, but because this ‘Gentleman’ was very….y.

               “K-Kyuhyun.” He stuttered, hurriedly getting off of the floor and dusting off his pants. The Gentleman’s eyes widened in silent horror as he got a full look at Kyuhyun’s clothes.

                Oh God no.

                Kyuhyun, on the other hand, stood entranced by this man’s height and aura. He was very fashionable, making Kyuhyun, for once, question what he was wearing.


                “Kyuhyun.” He said it, hoping his voice was calm enough to convince this man that he wasn’t nervous. Wait, why was he nervous?
                 “Hyun, hyun, hyun- Ahhh, YOU’RE the fashion terrorist Heechul told me that he was bringing today.” Zhou Mi said, eyeing Kyuhyun up and down a second time. Kyuhyun has a lovely face and his hair was very smooth and rich. But what did he think he was wearing?

                  “Um, I find that kind of offensive.” Kyuhyun said.

                  “I find you very clothing in my presence offensive.”Zhou Mi began circling Kyuhyun like a lion would its prey, making sure to take note of everything he would need to fix.”But I guess I guess we’ll just have to experiment”

                  “Well, s-sir, I don’t really mind my clothing you see a-and-“

                   Zhou Mi stopped walking and stood in front of Kyuhyun, his palm outstretched, halting Kyuhyun from speaking, ”Um, excuse you. You do not interrupt the Gentleman as he’s speaking. Got it?”
                   Kyuhyun gulped, ”Sorry sir…Gentleman Mimi”
                   “It’s Zhou Mi to you.”
                   “S-Sorry Zhou Mi-sshi”

                   “Good, now, Kyeohyun-“

                   “What did I say about interrupting me?”


                   Zhou Mi then smiled and Kyuhyun swore he could see the sun shine 10x brighter. Despite the extremely blunt attitude that this guy seemed to have, his smile was extremely beautiful.

                   But within 2 seconds his stoic expression was re-planted back onto his face, “Exactly. Now be honest with me. Do you really think this,” Zhou Mi the hem of Kyuhyun’s beige shirt, ”is the proper way to leave your house?”

                   “Uh, well-“ Kyuhyun made eye contact with Zhou Mi and immediately looked back at his own clothes. Maybe just agreeing with him would be easier, ”I guess not.”

                   “Good. Admitting it is the first step. Now let’s see…pick out some clothes from here that you like, and we’ll see what I can fix in your horrible taste.” Zhou Mi said bluntly.

                    Kyuhyun simply nodded, finding it strange how submissive he was being .


                   “Go! Your clothes are slowly diminishing my poor eyesight.”

                    Kyuhyun nodded and began making his way into the store that seemed to have no end. Once he was near a clothes rack he was suddenly reminded of a movie that Sungmin recommended he watch. What was it called again?
                    Oh right, The Devil Wears Prada.














A/N I usually write really long Author’s Notes but I’m tired and this chapter came out ty so let me just not say anything that will make it worse

I feel really bad for making my bias Zhou Mi the here D: But I needed it to be that since I believe Zhou Mi owns everyone and everyone is his .

So, I hope you gusta and what not

Comment and all o' that

I also apologize for disappointing you all  D

-Dino out♥

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Chapter 1: UPDATE PLEASE!! :)
I enjoy Mimi being a . I can actually see this happening. Looking forward to the make-over. :-,
Emzelia #3
Gentleman Mimi, oh dear XD <br />
I really like this story so far!~
Akira97 #4
Hahaha, Zhou Mi, he's awesome! Poor Kyuhyun...He's in for a world of trouble. Heechul, that abandoner! Lol, is heechul scared of him?!
I freaking love Zhou Mi here! And Kyuhyun you are a hopeless cause! Update soon :D
Wow! Devil Wears Prada is one of my all time fave movies! Plus SuJu is like the love of my life! Something tells me I'm gonna love this story! ^^ <br />
BTW I really like the fact that Gentleman Mimi is the Dragon Lady here. He fits the bill perfectly! Please update soon! FIGHTING!!!
Akira97 #7
Lol When Zhou Mi sees him...He'll freak out and go "You go out dressed like this?! What's wrong with you!" and then toss a bunch of stuff at him to try on. Great start~ :)