For The First Time

Binhwan.. And The Stories Around Them
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They’ve known each other since high school. Kim Jinhwan was a year older than the latter. He’s a calm, friendly and funny boy while on the other hand, Kim Hanbin was a hot, cool and playful one.

It was Donghyuk, Jinhwan's classmate and Hanbin’s team member in basketball club who introduced them since he couldn’t stand the whining Jinhwan who asked him over and over again to introduce him to the basket ball’s captain, Kim Hanbin, whenever they met. He couldn’t also stand Hanbin’s demeanor who always acted as if they were playing in the NBA whenever his eyes caught Jinhwan’s figure from the sidelines.

It can be easily guessed, they’re dating after a month. It did not take a long time for these two to show that they fell in love deeply. They were young, excited and passionate. They didn’t only become the most controversial couple but also the dream couple at once. Jinhwan was renowned for his cute looks. Everybody wanted to be his lover. And Hanbin was too hot to be ignored. His charisma was driving people crazy.

Perhaps their love was too deep, so there’s no place for someone else to come in and to try to be the third person. Perhaps their flame of love was burning, so they ignored all the bad rumors about their partners. Perhaps their love was too precious so they last up to ten years.

“He’s outside.”

“Really?” Jinhwan’s eyes

“Oh.. I’m so jealous! You and Hanbin are too sweet. Just get married now before something happens.” Jinwoo, the baker said as he checked over his oven.

“Like what?”

“Like separation.”

Jinhwan formed a cute pout on his lips. “Why are you saying such a thing?”

“Because you never know what will happen next. You’ve been in a sweet relationship with him for past ten years and living with him under one roof for three years now. What are you waiting for? Just get married and make him officially yours!”

“I agree.” Chanwoo said. “Why are you guys lasted for so long without marriage? He’s too hot. Don’t blame us if one day he leaves you for someone else.”

“I hate you, guys! I’m leaving. I can’t stand this senseless discussion.”

Jinhwan left, letting the back door opened as his impending vengeance for Jinwoo and Chanwoo. Soon as he left the building, his eyes found a taller man, looking at him tenderly with a pair of unique dimples formed on his both cheeks.

He spread his hands, waiting for Jinhwan to get into his embrace.  “Hi love, ready to go home?”

Jinhwan ran into the open arms then drowned himself into Hanbin’s warm embrace as the answer. It’s been ten years but the love between them was still the same. Warm and sweet.

“How was your day?” Jinhwan asked as he hugged Hanbin’s left arm. They were walking down the street, heading to their small but comfy house.

“Bad.. Without you.” Hanbin .

Jinhwan burst into laughter. “Stop it, you idiot!”

But Jinhwan liked it. He liked.. No, he loved everything about Hanbin. The way Hanbin made him laugh, the way Hanbin mad at him, even the way Hanbin made him cry. Everything. He couldn’t imagine what his life would be without the younger.

“What we have for dinner?” Jinhwan asked, in case Hanbin had prepared something in his mind about their dinner.

“I don’t know. Curry Ramyeon?”

Jinhwan shook. “Can we have pizza for tonight, please?”

“Sure. Everything for my Jinan.” Hanbin answered then he landed a kiss to Jinhwan’s head.

Jinhwan’s face flushed red instantly. See? We have seen how beautiful their world. And this togetherness couldn’t be replaced.



For Hanbin, Jinhwan was ‘something money can’t buy’. Too precious to be compared with anything else. He never got jealous at all since he knew Jinhwan wasn’t a man who liked to play with someone’s heart. He knew Jinhwan was sincerely loving him. He knew Jinhwan loved him only. He has no doubt on Jinhwan and their relationship. Moreover, in past ten years, Jinhwan has never shown a demeanor indicating he fell for someone else. They were too in love.

For Jinhwan, he always felt safe. Safer than anyone on earth. He has a boyfriend who would never ever do something stupid to threaten the continuity of their relationship. He’s full of love and tenderness. But there was another problem that Jinhwan kept only for himself. The problem he thought as a burden and needed to be freed soon. Hanbin has never shown the jealousy. Never even once. That’s a top problem on Jinhwan’s list for years.

Don’t get him wrong but he tried his best to make Hanbin jealous but the attempts had never succeeded. He tried with Junhoe, the newcomer in their neighborhood. He made Junhoe closed to him but the plan was ruined when he found out that Junhoe had a boyfriend already.

He tried to flirt with Mino, an underground rapper with fierce but handsome look whom he met accidentally as his bakery’s customer. But he was failed when evidently Mino knew Hanbin and they went to the same elementary school. Mino told him how close he was with Hanbin so Jinhwan thought it’s impossible to make him as a decoy.

Jinhwan’s actual demand was simple. He just wanted to occasionally argue with Hanbin about how jealous Hanbin against men around Jinhwan, not an argument for what movie they have to watch or who should do the dishes after dinner. But that might impossible since Hanbin was too kind, he put too much trust on everyone and seemed to be thinking  that jealous would just waste the time. In fact, with Hanbin jealousy, Jinhwan would feel moooreee enthusiastic .

Initially, everything was fine, but when he heard Jinwoo complaints about how protective Seungyoon was or how possessive Yunhyeong to Chanwoo for months, he became agitated and expected the same thing happen to him. Because jealousy was something pleasant and he was dying to have it once in his precious relationship with Hanbin. Just once and it would be enough.



He’s tall, strong, and handsome with small eyes. His face reminded Hanbin of something. Jinhwan said, “He is cute, like a rabbit.”

Hanbin had heard Jinhwan praised people many times in his life. But he never got this jealous as much as that time. Whenever Jinhwan talked about Bobby, the rabbit, Hanbin could feel the monster inside him growled, asking Jinhwan mentally to shut his mouth for a while. Because damn, Hanbin felt everything inside him was burnt. Why did his Jinhwan talk about this guy all the time?

“Bobby is a kind-hearted man. When we were walking back home, he helped an old lady to get a bus. Also, he helped Chanwoo a lot today even though that’s not his job.”

Bobby Kim was a new cashier in the bakery where Jinhwan worked. It only took a week for Jinhwan to know Bobby and got closer. Hanbin caught Bobby accompanied Jinhwan to get back home one night when Hanbin had to stay longer in the office. He couldn’t say much since Jinhwan told him everything he did and once again, he has never put any doubt on Jinhwan.



Hanbin took a sip on his coffee. It was his third coffee in a day but the clock was only showed 3 pm. He couldn’t concentrate at all. The screen looked blurry. Actually he experienced the same thing in past two weeks. He got scolded several times by Lee Seunghoon, his boss, due to his lack of concentration. He didn’t do his work done. Despite the work has done, that must be incorrect.

“Is everything alright?” Seunghoon asked, when he called him into his office. Albeit both of them were boss and employee but they both caould be said as close friend. Seunghoon was the one who hired Hanbin personally when the CEO asked him to find a talented man to be in his team.

Hanbin sighed. “I’m sorry if I did some mistakes, hyung. I..”

“How’s Jinhwan?” Seunghoon cut him off.

Hanbin smiled bitterly. Seunghoon must be known the problem since he pointed directly to the suspicious thing.

“He’s fine.. But I’m..”

Again, Seunghoon cut him off. “I know there’s something wrong about him lately. I know you well. You will never act like this if it’s not about your Jinhwan. We’ve been friends and working together for years, but so far I know you are rarely get distracted with unimportant things. And you're good at cope with kind of circumstances. But everything is different and you become more melancholy if anything happened to Jinhwan. Am I right?”

Hanbin nodded in silence.

“Forget about your job for now. Let’s talk about your problem if you don’t mind to share it with me.”

“I think I’m jealous now, hyung.” Hanbin said honestly.

Seunghoon raised his brow. “You? Jealous? Really?” He laughed. “Wait.. Are you serious? Because I know you won’t. You’re pretty confident with yourself and your relationship. Come on.. let’s come clean.”

Hanbin shook. “That’s the truth, hyung. I’m jealous now. For the first time in my life, I’m jealous at a new guy who works with Jinhwan currently. He’s working there for a month already and I felt this way since the first time I met him. I’m burned inside everytime I see him with Jinhwan though they only talk or laugh together.”

Seughoon was taken aback with the unexpected confession. The new guy must be something so Hanbin could feel that way. He knew Hanbin. He wouldn’t get jealous easily since he was proud of himself and he was very grateful for what he has today.

“It’s not easy for me to sheer a

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Chapter 1: What the actual jinan? Really? Are u even serious? God I can't believe him ! I'm so mad! Hanbin u poor thing he brokes my heart):!
Chapter 1: Jinhwan is mentally sick. I feel bad for Hanbin.
Chapter 1: oh my god. JINHWAN PISSED ME OFF OMGGGG xD