Part 5

An Affair To Remember (SHINee)

    Key was in the make up room an hour early so that he could look around and set up things the way he needed them. It had been a long time since he'd done this professionally, and it felt good. Looking through Jonghyun's wardrobe he was more than impressed. Whoever did his shopping knew the latest styles. Key opened his own bag pulling out some makeup remover and a base that he had found on one of his shopping trips. He was washing his hands when he heard the door open and Jonghyun's voice as he thanked whomever had escorted him.

Jonghyun froze, their eyes meeting in the mirror. Key stood up straight, tossing the paper towel in the trash, and gave Jonghyun a close lipped smile. 
"What are you doing here?" Jonghyun asked, careful not to show any emotion in his voice. 
"It seems that life has a sense of humor, Jonghyun, as it turns out, you requested me to be here." Key said crossing his arms across his chest defensively. 
"I did?" Jonghyun asked, his eyebrows knitting together, his hand playing with the hairs on the back of his neck. 
"You did." Key said. "You specifically asked for a wardrobe / makeup person to be with you all day today until after the concert."
"And that's you?" Jonghyun asked, still looking confused. 
"That's me." Key said, angry that Jonghyun looked so adorable when he didn't know what was going on. 
They looked at each other then, neither knowing what to do next. 
"You slapped me." Jonghyun said. 
"You kissed me." Key replied. 
Jonghyun blushed. "You kissed me back."
"Look, the Captain hired me to be here, but if you'd rather do your own makeup, that's fine with me, just return the before and after creams." Key said as he grabbed his bag.
"Don't go?" Jonghyun asked, "Please?" his voice laced with a small quiver.
Key stopped. Looking into the mirror, Jonghyun looked so small, so fragile. He just wanted to wrap his arms around him. Key spun around not trusting what he saw in the mirror. Jonghyun was looking at his shoes as he shuffled them. 
Key sighed. "Fine, go wash your face with this." he said tossing the cream to Jonghyun. 
Jonghyun caught it, looked at it briefly, then went into the bathroom to do as he was told. 
Key decided that it would be best just to forget about last night and to focus on the job at hand. 
Once Jonghyun finished in the bathroom, Key had him sit in front of the mirrors. Key secured Jonghyun's hair in a clip on the top of his head. 
Jonghyun stifled a laugh. 
"What's so funny." Key asked. 
"Nothing." Jonghyun said trying not to giggle.
Key looked at Jonghyun in the mirror. Clearly something was amusing the other. "What?!" Key demanded. 
"I look funny." Jonghyun said. 
Key looked again at Jonghyun's reflection. Indeed, he did look funny with his hair sticking up in the middle of his head like a Kewpie doll. Key rolled his eyes seeing how amused Jonghyun was over something so simple. Taking the end of his comb he hit the ponytail causing it to sway from side to side. Apparently Jonghyun found this hilarious as he started laughing so hard that he began to sink down into the chair gasping for breath. 
Key just shook his head. 'What a child.' he thought. Soon however, Key found himself laughing at Jonghyun and the fact that he found something so stupid so funny. 
Finally the giggles died down, and Key was able to continue. He hopped up onto the counter with a leg on either side of Jonghyun allowing him to lean in closer to better reach Jonghyun's face when applying the makeup. Jonghyun was not an easy canvas to work on, as he kept squirming and looking this way and that as if he were unable to hold still. 
"Why do I need full stage makeup now?" Jonghyun whined. "The show isn't until tonight? This is just a rehearsal."
"Didn't they give you a schedule?" Key asked. 
Jonghyun didn't say anything. 
"I swear, you are such a baby! And here I thought you were supposed to be a bad-." Key said as he applied the BB creme to Jonghyun's face. 
"Things aren't always what they seem Kibum." Jonghyun said quietly. 
Key was quiet for a few minutes as he covered some problem areas with concealer. Sensing that he may have hurt Jonghyun's feelings again, Key paused. He lifted Jonghyun's chin so that he could look him in the eyes. "The Cruise line will be shooting photos for advertising purposes, and I expect, some reporters may be there as well wanting to see how excited you are to be returning to your fiancee."  Key let go of Jonghyun and reached behind him for the black eyeliner. 
"Thanks." Jonghyun said glumly. He'd forgotten about Se-Kyung. Ever since he'd laid eyes on the boy across the hall, he hadn't thought of much else. "Key, about last night..." Jonghyun began.
"Let's just forget it okay? Hold still."  Key leaned forward steadying his hand on Jonghyun's cheek bone as he applied the eyeliner. "Look down." Key instructed. 
Jonghyun did as he was told. His eyes noticed Keys other hand keeping himself from falling off of the counter. There on the third finger was a larger-than-life ring. 'Oh God, how could I have been such an ?!' he mentally scolded himself. More than that, he wondered how he managed to not notice such a ring. Clearly Key was taken. The thing that puzzled Jonghyun wasn't the fact that Key was taken, he should've realized that someone so beautiful was taken. No, the thing that bothered him was the fact that it bothered him! The fact that he thought of another male as 'beautiful', and had gone so far as to kiss him and that it had felt.....well, he wasn't sure what he felt about it. He just knew that he needed to be near the other boy.
When Key turned around to grab the mascara, Jonghyun gathered his nerves together. "You're married?" he asked quietly. 
Key dropped the mascara. Key paused a moment, retrieving the mascara, before he turned around. Uncapping the tube of mascara he leaned towards Jonghyun. "Look up." he said. After applying the first coat, he turned reaching for a blotting cloth. "Engaged." he said. 
"Key, I'm so..." Jonghyun started to say before Key put his fingers on Jonghyun's lips stopping him from speaking. "But..." Key said. "It's over."
Jonghyun felt bad for Key, but happy at the same time. "I'm sorry." Jonghyun said. 
Key sighed. "Don't be. It's been a long time coming. Second coat." Key said pointing to the ceiling. Jonghyun looked up. Key couldn't help but to look into the other's eyes as he was coating his lashes for the second time. Jonghyun had big brown eyes, and when they weren't glaring at you, they looked like a sad puppy's eyes. Key smirked at that image. 
"What?" Jonghyun asked, still looking at the ceiling. 
"You're just different than I thought you'd be." Key said. 
"Oh." Jonghyun said not sure he wanted to know what Key had originally thought of him. He knew good and well his reputation, and that most people believed the trash that was printed about him. 
Key looked over the different eye shadows that were available. "Any preference?" he asked Jonghyun. 
"Whatever." Jonghyun said. 
"No...what's your favorite?" Key insisted. He assumed Jonghyun didn't get to  make many decisions about his life, he may as well get to choose what damn eye shadow he wanted. 
Key was still straddling him sitting on the makeup counter. He scooted over so that Jonghyun could see the color palettes. Jonghyun leaned forward looking at all the colors. He had never thought about what he wanted, he had just let whoever was in charge decide everything. What if he picked wrong? He didn't want to mess up the photo shoot. 
Key rolled his eyes. "Look, Jonghyun, it's just make up, you can't go wrong. If it looks terrible, we can wash it off and start over, but trust me, whatever color you choose, I can make it look good. Now... pick a color."
"Black." Jonghyun answered, proud of himself.
"Okay, that's a start, now pick an actual color. You do know what colors are don't you Jonghyun?" Key asked sarcastically.
"Black is a color." Jonghyun said. 
"Kim Jonghyun pick an actual color or I'm going to leave you to do this yourself." Key threatened. "It's not that hard. Just pick your favorite color!"
Jonghyun grabbed the green eye shadow and handed it to Key before the other had a conniption fit. Jonghyun made a mental note to not make Key angry. Angry Key was scary. 
Once the hair and makeup was done, Key led Jonghyun over to the rack of clothes. "These are the clothes that you can choose from." Key said. 
Jonghyun stood there not moving, just looking at the clothes. 
"Oh my God, Jjong, do you not even know how to pick out an outfit?!" Key scolded, not realizing that he had given Jonghyun a nickname. 
Jonghyun realized it, however, and his heart gave a little flutter. "Uh....usually they just tell me what to wear." 
Key was ready to scold Jonghyun again, until he saw the look on Jonghyun's face. "Hey...I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." 
"Don't worry about it." Jonghyun cut him off. "It's kind of pathetic isn't it? A big star like me and I can't even dress myself. I'm just a damn puppet."
Key walked over to Jonghyun. "I didn't mean it, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm not in any position to judge. I'm just as much of a puppet as you are."
"I doubt that." Jonghyun said. 
"Honest." Key said. "I don't even know who the hell I am anymore. I'm here pretending to be engaged to someone who I thought loved me, but has been cheating on me for I don't know how long, I'm expected to smile and take it like a good little boy and not cause any trouble or 'embarrassment' for him or his stupid company. I'm so sick of being trotted out like a show pony for the public. And the worst part? When we get back to Seoul, I have to go back as if nothing has happened. Why? Because I don't have the money to go anywhere else. I don't have the skills to support myself. I don't even have friends of my own to go to for help. That's why Kim Jonghyun, I am not in any position to scold you for not picking out something so insignificant as what you want to wear. It's my job to dress you, so I will, and you will look even more amazing than you do right now." After spilling his guts Key looked empty. His knees began to shake as the tears began to fall, and he sobbed openly.
Jonghyun was speechless. He had no idea that Key's life was like that. He wanted nothing more than to make Key stop hurting, but he didn't know what to do. Before he could think about it, he pulled Key into his arms and hugged him tight against his chest, almost squeezing all the air out of Key's lungs. 
Key couldn't hold it together any longer. He was tired. Tired of trying to be everything to everyone. He just wanted to forget everything. Key closed his eyes as Jonghyun leaned in and their lips met. The kiss was soft and sweet. Questioning, asking permission. Key gave it. After a few minutes Jonghyun pulled back, brushing Key's hair out of his eyes. "You are so beautiful." he said. 
Key blushed and pulled away. "I'm sorry Jonghyun. I don't know what came over me. C'mon, let's fix your makeup and then I'll help you pick an outfit okay?" Key said wiping the tears from his cheeks. Looking in the mirror Key yelped. "Oh no, this won't do at all, one look at me and they'll make me walk the plank."
"They still do that?" Jonghyun asked, his eyes wide with disbelief. 
Key finished applying some cover up on his cheeks. "No Jjong, they don't still do that."
"I like that." Jonghyun said smiling. 
Key rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm glad that you like that they don't still throw people overboard."
"No, smart , I like that you call me Jjong. No one's ever done that before." Jonghyun replied. 
"Oh. That." Key said. 
"Yes. That." Jonghyun said wrapping his arms around Key giving him a back hug. 
Key spun around breaking loose of Jonghyun's hold and headed over to the clothing rack flipping through pieces until he pulled out what he thought would look good on Jonghyun. "Here, wear these." Key said handing Jonghyun the clothes. 
Jonghyun took them gratefully, and went to the bathroom to change. 
Key fanned himself with his hand. 'What the hell Kibum?' he asked himself. 'Get a grip, he's engaged for crying out loud.'
"How do I look?" Jonghyun asked, interrupting Key's silent dialog with himself.
Key swallowed. He knew that Jonghyun would look good, but damn!
"Y-you look good. Really good." Key stammered. 
Jonghyun smiled. "Thanks to you."
There was a knock on door startling both of them. Key answered the door in case it was a fan or a reporter. It wasn't. It was just the photographer's assistant telling them that the shoot would start in about 15 minutes on the main stage, if they were ready. 
"We'll be there." Key said thanking the young girl and closing the door. "Ready?" Key asked. Jonghyun nodded. 
Key led the way to the main stage. Luckily since it was still early, the only people they passed were either too old to recognize Jonghyun, or crew members who had been instructed to act like the idol was just a normal passenger.
When they arrived Key was in awe when he saw the stage. "Wow. This is amazing!" 
Jonghyun looked at the stage. The way it was dressed went along with his album concept. He had never really paid much attention to it. He'd been in on the concept meetings, and just listened as the label made the major decisions. Looking at the set through Key's eyes however, he could see that it was kind of cool. He hadn't ever really thought about it, other than to count his steps or to hit a certain mark as he did the dances. He smiled at the look of wonder on Key's face. 
"Jonghyun!" the photographer waved as he walked over to greet him. "Just go ahead and take your place on stage."
Jonghyun took two steps, then turned to look at Key. "Are you staying?"
Key blushed. "Can I?"
"I don't see why not." Jonghyun said. 
Key looked at the photographer. "It don't matter to me," he said, "just don't get in the way."
Key sat in one of the theatre seats. He watched as Jonghyun moved fluidly from one pose to the next so effortlessly. Once several shots were done, they called in the dancers. "Taemin!" Key yelled excitedly as he saw his friend take his place among the other dancers. Upon seeing Key, Taemin grinned and waved. The photographer glared at Key who apologized and sunk down in his chair. Jonghyun turned his gaze on the boy that Key was waving at. It was the boy that had woken him up with his giggling outside of his door. Wasn't he the Captain's son? Just what was the relationship between him and Key. Jonghyun's stomach began to hurt. He recognized that feeling. He was jealous. Damn. 
"Okay, we're going to play the MR and you just do the dance like you would for the performance, but when I yell freeze....freeze. Got it?" the photographer instructed. 
As soon as the music began to play, Key saw Jonghyun transform into the superstar he was. The power that emanated from him was causing certain 'reactions' to certain parts of Key's body. It was one thing to e to a photo, but quite another to have the real deal less than five feet away from you ing and grinding. Key cursed his body for reacting to the raw appeal that was Jonghyun. If the photographer hadn't yelled "Freeze!" Key wouldn't have been able to tell Taemin anything about his performance, as his eyes had been riveted soley on Jonghyun. 
As everyone on stage held their poses, Key looked at the dancers. Taemin had told him that he and the ship's dancers had worked overtime to learn the choreography for three different songs for tonight's performance. 
"Aaaaand go." the photographer called out. Instantly the music resumed and the dancers picked up right where they left off, not missing a beat. 
After at least two hours, the photo shoot was finally over. Jonghyun bowed to the photographer and  his assistants, thanking them. Then he turned and bowed to the dance team, thanking them for learning the dances. Jonghyun was courteous enough to pose for selcas and give autographs to those that wanted them. "Thank you all again, I'll see you tonight for the show!" He said cheerily. 
Walking off of the stage, he made a beeline towards Key, took his hand in his, and led them out of the theatre. "Let's get something to eat." Jonghyun said, "I'm starving." 
"Jjong." Key said. "You're going the wrong way, this is the way back to our rooms."
Jonghyun stopped. "I'm getting room service. I can't deal with people right now, do you understand?"
Key nodded. "You want to be left alone?" he said.
"No." Jonghyun said as he stopped and looked into Key's eyes, "Not alone."
Key didn't feel like fighting his feelings anymore. "I am so going to hell." he said. 
"Thn let me lead the way." Jonghyun said taking Key into his arms and stealing a kiss. 
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Taruna123 #1
Chapter 17: I love ups and downs in the story and i loveed it .And i also loved ontae they are cute together
21Ame-chan #2
Just came across this again and realized I didn't comment when I read it. Such a lovely lovely story! I honestly didn't want it to end just yet, especially since they lost so much time together lol
Chapter 16: Woaah this was one big rollercoaster of feelings! I have to say i read it in one night amd enjoyed it to the best! Hahahahhahaha the characters were great. Story line awsome...this leaves me with not much to criticise hahahahah
All in alll
Not at all dissapointed♡♡♡♡
Chapter 15: Wow. I have been in the fandom for almost 5 years and the scene in Part 13 where Kibum "apologizes" to Jonghyun for not being at the tower is one of the best dialogs I have ever read. The way Kibum speaks is so sad yet there is so much love for him too. Almost like he still wants to spare his feelings even though at that point he thought he just stood him up. Also the scene where Kibum pulls out the phone as if hes talking to someone else was so charming and bittersweet. This story was amazing dear. You kept them apart in a very natural way and I am so proud of you!! This fic was great, I really hope to read more from you soon.
Chapter 1: Oh wow. First chapter down--I am intrigued and I think it's time for me to marathon this. ^^
Leahaldred #6
Chapter 16: I just read this fanfiction and I'm actually crying because it was so beautiful. What a wonderful story<3
lkp365 #7
Chapter 17: so cute jongkey ughhhhh and ontae ahhhbhbbb
sopheaV #8
Chapter 17: I love this story.....
Thanks for this beautifull jongkey and ontae authornim
Glad sekyung is really nice
And minho does not bother key
azraelxadore #9
I loved this story.. It made me laugh so hard... then cry... then I cursed you.. then I loved you again. HAHA THE FEELS!