
Lost in Translation

It had been a busy day at the restaurant Chaeyoung worked at, a simple restaurant owned by her Older Sister Jeongyeon who Chaeyoung lovingly referred to as “Hyung”. Chaeyoung worked as the waitress of the place, she took the food from the kitchen and served it, cleaned the tables and picked up the payments from patrons. Jeongyeon also did her share of work, sometimes stepping in as waitress when the day was specially overwhelming for poor Chaeyoung but her job was mainly behind the scenes. The only visible “job” Jeongyeon did regularly was to flirt with the cook, Nayeon. Who, although being somewhat dumb with the cooking utensils, (once trying to cut something with the wrong end of a knife. That day Chaeyoung got hit multiple times by her Hyung for laughing too much) is a very good cook, her food is delicious and she totally flirts back with Jeongyeon. Both girls swear up and down that they are not flirting or into each other at all, to which Chaeyoung only rolls her eyes. 

Closing time was nearing and Chaeyoung was cleaning the remaining tables that needed cleaning, thankful that she’ll soon be able to go home and not have to see Nayeon and Jeongyeon flirting ad nauseam. Chaeyoung’s feeling of freedom was cut short when another customer entered the establishment, Chaeyoung was ready to curse under her breath until she caught sight of the beauty of the customer. 

The customer looked around, she had a confused expression on her face, biting her lip gently and fidgeting with the handles of the luggage she had brought in with her. Chaeyoung approached her and smiled, welcoming the customer with a bright smile. Although the short girl had not said anything and only smiled, the pretty costumer with the luggage seemed to be more at ease stoping the biting of her lip.

“Food.” Was the first thing to come out of the stranger, the word was coated with an accent, if the luggage didn’t make it clear that the girl wasn’t from around there the accent confirmed it. Chaeyoung’s smile remained and nodded, she led the girl to a table and instead of taking the order right away she decided to get to know the pretty foreigner.

“What’s your name?” Chaeyoung asked, after being met by a confused look from the girl Chaeyoung repeated every word slowly and made sure to pronounce them well. The confused look of the stranger disappeared and a gummy smile graced her lips. Chaeyoung took a mental picture of that smile, it being the prettiest smile she had ever seen.

“Mina. Not Here. I not here.” Mina said struggling with both pronunciation and sentence structure, a frown was placed on her face as she tried to come up with the words. Mina moved her hands trying to make signs as to what she meant.

“You are not from here?” Chaeyoung repeated to make sure she understood, again saying the words clearly and slowly. After receiving a shy nod Chaeyoung smiled and continued to make conversation with the girl. “Where? Where. Are. You. From?”

“Japan!” Mina said, she looked proud that she had remembered how to say the name of her country in the language foreign to her. Chaeyoung smiled and took out her phone, quickly typing something into it.

“Nice to… to meet you?” Chaeyoung said slowly, she had used a translator on her phone to try and say something in Japanese to the girl and she clearly struggled with the pronunciation, yet she wanted to put forth some effort like the Japanese girl had. “I’m Chaeyoung” Chaeyoung finished her Japanese introduction and looked up from her phone with a shy smile. Mina was smiling from ear to ear rather touched by the simple gesture of the other girl. Chaeyoung snapped out of her looking at the Japanese girl after her Hyung hit her with the menu. 

“Yah! Chaeyoung! Stop flirting with the poor girl and take her order!” Jeongyeon demanded, gently placing the menu in front of the foreigner, Chaeyoung blushed lightly and took out the notebook she used to take orders. The foreigner was oblivious and confused to the comment the boyish girl that had just approached had made, the words had been spoken too fast and too complex for her. Mina just chuckled at the interaction and flustered expression of the short girl.

“Food?” She asked simply, knowing if she used more extravagant words Mina would not understand. The other girl softly nodded and looked over the menu, she pointed out something and attempted to pronounce it Chaeyoung grinned and helped her to pronounce the dish. “Jokbal. Joh-Kuh-Bal”

“Please.” Mina said simply with a wide smile, Chaeyoung chuckled and left to give Nayeon the order Mina had placed. Chaeyoung’s smile wasn’t leaving her face and Nayeon and Jeongyeon wore smirks ready to tease the younger.

“Wow! My little sister flirting with a foreign beauty!” Jeongyeon teased while Chaeyoung handed the order to Nayeon with a frown and a scoff. Nayeon took the piece of paper and decided to join in on the teasing.

“And she doesn’t speak Korean so she won’t suffer with having to hear Chae’s bad jokes!” Nayeon said with a laugh retreating to the kitchen to cook the ordered meal and to escape Chaeyoung’s glare. Jeongyeon laughed teasing the poor shorty more. 

“Yah! Im Nayeon, my Hyung’s jokes are just as bad if not worse and you happily laugh and punch her shoulder lightly saying ‘Aish Jeongie’” It was now Chaeng’s turn to tease, making her voice a higher pitch and trying to sound annoyingly cutesy when imitating the older girl. Nayeon rolled her eyes trying to act as if the blush was not there and handed Chaeyoung Mina’s food accompanied with a ‘Do your job and shut up’ 

Chaeyoung happily carried the tray with Mina’s food and set it down, Chaeyoung lingered a little hesitant to ask the other if she could accompany her or not. Deciding against it the short waitress bowed and started to head to the back of the restaurant.

“Chaeyoung, sit.” Mina said softly with her flawed Korean, using simple words that would be understood. Chaeyoung turned around with a wide dimpled grin, nodding softly and shyly sat down in front of Mina. 

“Uh… So, why are you in Korea?” Chaeyoung asked trying to make herself understood by talking slowly, after seeing that Mina was still confused Chaeyoung took out her note book and drew on it. She repeated the words and pointed to the symbols, Mina seemed to understand her better thanks to the symbols. 

“Change.” Mina said shyly looking down at her food, playing with it gently taking shy small bites once in a while.

"Do you want to change topic?" Chaeyoung asked, speaking clearly, slowly and drawing pictures. Afraid she might have made the other girl uncomfortable with her asking more than she should, for prying too much into the Japanese girl's life. Mina shook her head reaching over and gently taking the notebook and pen from Chaeng’s hands. The brief and soft contact made Chaeyoung blush slightly, luckily for the short girl the one opposite of her didn't notice since she was concentrated on drawing.

"Change" Mina repeated pointing at her picture. It was a picture of a lot of buildings with a crossing with a lot of people and an arrow pointing to a river and trees. A change of scenery. Understanding Chaeyoung smiled and nodded softly.

"Makes me happy." Chaeyoung said softly smiling at Mina. Mina blushed slightly managing to understand the shorter. Chaeyoung took her notebook to continue the conversation while Mina ate some of the almost forgotten Jokbal. "Do you have a place to stay?"

Mina shyly shook her head. Her decision had been last minute and she had not looked for hotels around. Mina was also clueless to the language so that only made her search the more difficult.

"You can stay with me!" Chaeyoung offered enthusiastically only to be sat down by a hit on her head. 

"Yah! You idiot don't you think she will be uncomfortable going to our home after meeting you for less than a day?!" Chaeyoung looked down embarrassed a blush covering her face. Mina chuckled finding the blushing Chaeyoung adorable even if she had not understood a thing the two sisters where talking about. Chaeyoung sighed and apologized to her sister and looked at Mina with an embarrassed smile. Jeongyeon and Nayeon bid their goodbyes with Jeongyeon rolling her eyes and Nayeon giggling. 

Chaeyoung took the pen in her hand and drew a hotel and two figures. "Help. I'll help you find a hotel." Chaeyoung said making sure Mina understood. The Japanese girl smiled brightly, a gummy smile that almost made Chaeyoung get a heart attack. Mina thanked Chaeyoung over and over. 

Chaeyoung sheepishly grinned and told Mina to wait for her to clean the restaurant and they could go. With a speed for the record books Chaeyoung finished the cleaning, the shorty stood in front of Mina and offered her hand which the foreigner gladly took. Chaeyoung helped Mina up, their hands clasped together for maybe a second too long. Yet it was a comfortable second. 

Mina and Chaeyoung walked out of the restaurant with Chaeyoung leading the way. The short girl would often point at stuff and tell Mina what it was in Korean, that way the elegant girl would have more words to make herself understood. Mina would giggle at Chaeyoung however, finding it adorable how Chaeyoung’s face would look when she over-pronounced the words. Chaeyoung would cutely pout in reply, feeling embarrassed that she looked silly while doing that, which only caused Mina to giggle more and for the two  of them to break into a fit of giggles. The two found themselves back into a comfortable silence as the shortly arrived at a hotel, Chaeyoung helped Mina get a room and get settled. Chaeyoung took out her notebook drawing a phone and a number.

“U-uh this is my number, if you need anything and such you know?” Chaeyoung said a bit flustered as she was making herself understood. “I-I’ll comeback tomorrow to show you around ok? Ok..” Chaeyoung continued shyly, making Mina smile widely finding Chaeyoung adorable for the millionth time.

“Thank you Chaeyoung.” Mina said softly enveloping the short girl in a hug, causing red to spread throughout the shorter’s face. Chaeyoung smiled and returned the hug, after pulling away she waved awkwardly fidgeting a little. Mina calmly waved to the short girl that made her way out of the room, leaving the Japanese girl to get ready to rest.


A few months later. 

After their first encounter the two girls met everyday, Chaeyoung would take Mina around to show her the area and also taught her Korean, Chaeyoung’s lessons seemed to work because Mina was vastly improved at Korean. The Japanese that used to struggle with simple sentences could do pretty well in a conversation now. Mina would say that it was thanks to a good teacher but a flustered Chaeyoung would shake her head and say that it was because Mina was smart. Chaeyoung convinced Jeongyeon to let Mina work as a waitress in the restaurant, Chaeyoung helped Mina pick an apartment, 
Chaeyoung would spend a lot of time in said apartment with Mina too. Jeongyeon and Nayeon would often tease Chaeyoung about just moving in with Mina and make their relationship official to which Chaeyoung replied by getting flustered and defensive, saying that they where only good friends. Although Chaeyoung was certainly Mina’s closest friend she managed to make two more, Sana and Momo, both where really nice, spoke Japanese, and they got along well with Chaeyoung also. Chaeyoung liked them, unless they where clinging too much to Mina then Chaeyoung got irritated for some reason. 

Chaeyoung was unconsciously glaring daggers at Momo at that moment, not realizing it until her friend Tzuyu nudged her and giggled snapping her out of her killer glare. “What?” The shorty snapped at her friend that chuckled and wrapped her arm roughly around Chaeyoung’s shoulder bringing her closer. 

“Our little dwarf is jealous huh? You know how Momo is don’t be jealous little one!” Tzuyu said in a teasing tone causing Chaeyoung to glare at her and Dahyun to giggle since she had managed to hear Tzuyu despite the loud music. Chaeyoung and her friends, Tzuyu and Dahyun, and Mina and her friends, Sana and Momo, where at a Karaoke all together since their schedules rarely match up for this to happen. Everyone was having fun drinking and being silly but Chaeyoung immediately got jealous after seeing how clingy Momo was being towards Mina, hugging the elegant girl around the waist Momo rested her head comfortably on Mina’s shoulder. The short girl's reaction earned her some teasing from her friends, for a girl who vehemently denied there was something more to her and Mina's closeness she sure was acting very possessive. Chaeyoung couldn't do much other than to glare at Momo every time she got too touchy with Mina. Chaeyoung was too busy glaring at an oblivious Momo to notice the girl that approached her and leaned towards her. Chaeyoung's ears cancelled all the unnecessary noise and concentrated on the only important sound for her at that moment.

"Walk me home." Mina's breath against Chaeyoung's ear felt like fire, snapping Chaeyoung away from her totally non-violent thoughts towards Momo. Chaeyoung quickly nodded and stood up, following Mina waving goodbye to the girls that decided to continue the karaoke and the drinking. Mina was stumbling a little as they stepped out of the Karaoke place, Mina struggled to keep her balance after her few drinks plus the high stilettos she wore on her feet. 

"Mina! Hold onto me or you are going to fall! Only you think it's a good idea to wear heels when you go out drinking. How much did you drink anyway?" Chaeyoung said with an exasperated sigh as she protectively wrapped her arm around Mina's waist. 

"I didn't drink much, some Suju, maybe a cranberry vodka... Did you drink at all?" Mina said with a shrug not wanting to completely disclose how much alcohol she had consumed. Mina's accent was heavier after a few drinks in, a few Japanese cusses coming out of when she lost balance. Chaeyoung just frowned and shook her head.

"I just had a beer, I didn't even finish it." Mina chuckled out of seemingly nowhere. Chaeyoung looked confused at the girl who was now laughing heartily.

"Yeah you where too busy glaring at Momo huh?" Chaeyoung's eyes widened and her face became as red as it could be. Momo was oblivious, Mina was observant. Chaeyoung looked away flustered, not knowing what to say. Mina muttered something in Japanese, causing Chaeyoung to turn her head back slightly in confusion. "You are an idiot you know that?"

Chaeyoung was about to protest that claim but Mina beat her to by drowning her about to be protest with the beeping noise of a code being punched in. Without realizing it they had arrived at Mina's apartment, the owner of the apartment made her way inside and went directly to the kitchen. Chaeyoung shyly stepped into the apartment with a look of a kid who just got caught causing mischief, slowly closing the door Chaeyoung just observed every movement Mina made. The Japanese girl had a wine glass in hand that she gently set on the counter making Chaeyoung's eyebrows rise, Mina crouched down to the little cabinet where she kept her wine bottles and chose one making Chaeyoung frown. 

"Yah, you've had enough alcohol today." Chaeyoung quickly voiced her discontent with the older girl's actions. Mina disregarded the protest made by her special friend and clumsily opened the bottle and filled the glass with wine. 

"This isn't for me." Mina said grabbing the wine glass and walked over to Chaeyoung, grabbing one of the short girl's hands and wrapping it around the wine glass. "It's for you, you need to relax. You are too... Too... Something. I forgot the word." Mina grabbed Chaeyoung's other hand tightly and led her towards the couch. They both sat together, filling the room with silence as Chaeyoung slowly and awkwardly sipped her wine. 

"What? Is there something on my face?" Chaeyoung grumbled feeling annoyed by Mina's stare. Mina shook her head with a sigh and a soft smile. Defensive Chaeyoung was cute. 

"Jealous. You where jealous of Momo." Chaeyoung only turned red as she drank her wine not wanting to say anything about the issue. Mina ran her fingers through Chaeyoung's hair softly, an action that seemingly calmed Chaeyoung a bit.

"How can you read me so easily?" Chaeyoung downed the rest of the wine quickly feeling the warmth of the alcohol throughout her body. 

"I'm fluent in Chaeyoung." Mina said letting her hand cup Chaeyoung's cheek softly. "You looked like you where going to kill her." Mina said with a laugh as she let her thumb caress the soft cheek that was red from embarrassment or from the alcohol or from both. 

Chaeyoung just pouted and looked down, she didn't know how to defend herself since everything Mina had said so far was spot on. "No one should be allowed to be that touchy with you!" Now Chaeyoung was sounding like a whiny child making Mina very amused. 

"No one except you?" Mina asked carefully, instead of the calm and cool way she had been acting since they arrived to the apartment. 

"No one except me." Chaeyoung said with a frown sounding more resolute than ever. For the first time that night Mina's cheeks turned a pink color not because of the alcohol. 

It probably was the alcohol that helped Mina make up her mind to lean into Chaeyoung and land a kiss on her soft and full lips. A kiss gladly reciprocated by Chaeyoung. 

"You are so annoying. If you get jealous as if I was yours you should've made me yours already." Mina said after they separated from the kiss, playing with Chaeyoung's hair sending shivers down the shortie's spine. 

"I love you so much, please be my girlfriend Mina." Chaeyoung said quickly in Japanese, with little to no accent making Mina think the younger had practiced that phrase multiple times. Instead of a verbal reply Chaeyoung was greeted by a gummy smile and soft velvety lips crashing into hers again.

"How could I say no to such a charming confession." Mina said with a soft chuckle after seeing Chaeyoung's dimpled smile, Chaeyoung was about to lean in for another kiss hoping to make it longer when her phone buzzed with a message. Mina peeked at Chaeyoung's phone and read the message out loud. "Don't worry Chaeyoung, Tzuyu told me you left with Mina, you are probably going to stay over huh? Get some little bro!"

"Aish! Dumb Hyung!!" Chaeyoung said flustered turning off her phone and tossing it to the side. Embarrassment filled Chaeyoung as she knew she would be teased endlessly by her Hyung and Nayeon.

"Get some? Get what?" Mina asked not being completely familiar with slang. Chaeyoung tried to avoid explaining it but Mina was too insistent so she shyly explained the meaning of it. Mina laughed at Chaeyoung's attitude and the message Jeongyeon sent. "Guess I'm not the only one fluent in Chaeyoung... So are you?"

"Am I what?" Chaeyoung asked confused as she watched Mina get off the couch.

"Going to get some?" Mina replied with a flirty wink as she started to walk towards her room.




Mina's heels where the only sound in the room as Chaeyoung processed what was happening. After her own 'click' in her head she jumped off the couch following Mina into her room.


A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my little one shot, I think this is the first time I've written Mina as the more Dominant/forward one haha oh well I hoped it reached your expectations! Thank you again for reading, I seriously appreciate it!

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Chapter 1: Wowowowow
Zari123 #2
Chapter 1: this is so cute!
FillDir 306 streak #3
Chapter 1: I feel so regretful that I only found this now. This is a great story. Nice work, Author-nim! :)
Sutoroberihime #4
Thank you. This was a good read :))
cloufo #5
Chapter 1: omg wtf ❤️
Chapter 1: DAMN you write MiChaeng fics hella well ???❤
Chapter 1: this is the reason im crying in the club
Chapter 1: Indeed, Mina is fluent in Chaeyoung. Get some more chaenggie!
Chapter 1: Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!