
Are we friend?

“Hyung, did you see the look on that girl just now?”

The second tallest person in the group, the centre of the group with a perfect looking face spoke first the moment he entered their group hideout, a big-but-not-really room hidden on the basement of a dance studio. Are they hiding from something? Or were they involved in illegal activities?

“When? Oh you meant when I winked at her?”

The oldest one among them, a grandpa-but-act-like-a-kid called by their maknae. There were five good looking peoples in the room in which three of them had taken the spot on the couch while the other two were still standing looking for an empty and less noisy corner of the room.

“I think she had fainted. Unlucky her.”

“Yah TaeTae-ah, stop talking about that stupid fangirl. I’m fed up of them hovering over me 24 hours. And thanks to this room, finally I can escape from those crazy girls out there.”

“Hyung, it’s your own fault to be the very handsome guy here. Don’t blame them.”

“Wow, Namjoon compliment me. Ah I should have recorded it.”

TaeTae or Taehyung, was the second tallest one who had drunk milk every night so that he could be at the same height of Namjoon, the guy who had the perfect body for a model. A runaway model they could say but he was having a problem in walking straight. The one who had nagged at Namjoon to tie his shoelace properly after he nearly tripped on the way down to their hideout was Hoseok, a very cheerful human being ever but no one knew he actually had a switch in which one accidently clicked would turn him to the most evil person in the world.

The one sat beside Taehyung was Jungkook, the maknae, just turned to adult who liked to go to gym, for his healthiness he said but well everyone knew he was training his body to be firm so that his other hyungs won’t be able to bully him. The third person on the couch was Seokjin, or Jin the most handsome guy with a very broad shoulder that could slay every suit he wore.

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin were playing a video game when a very grumpy guy with a murderer look on his face entered the room. Luckily he brought nothing with him because he was looking like he was ready to murder every alive person in the room. Making his way quickly to the standing person who had phone in his hand while ignoring the other four men.


“Babe! Calm down. Breath in, breath out.”

Hoseok tried to cool down the small man in front of him who could turn to monster any time.

“Yah Yoongi-hyung, are you having PMS right now?”

“What? Don’t joke with me. I.AM.NOT.IN.THE.MOOD.TO.JOKE.AROUND.NOW.”

Yoongi moved his feet with every word towards Taehyung and Jungkook who had laughed at him. Both of them were shaking seeing how mad Yoongi was. The panic look on Jungkook eyes made Jin to chuckle silently. Even Jungkook could be afraid of Yoongi. This was new.

“I ask you again. What have you done to Jimin?”

“Yoogi-hyung, calm down. We don’t know who Jimin is. And we have done nothing to him.”

“Huh, don’t be kidding Namjoon-ah. Jimin lost his job because of you all. You, a bunch of rude and immature rich kids. I swear I ing kill you all now but luckily you are my boyfriend’s friend. You all are my friend and Jimin is my friend too. You-you don’t have the right to destroy his life.”

Yoongi was not crying but he bit his lip hard to help him from crying. Hoseok was his boyfriend, he loved him but Yoongi would never let his dear boyfriend to destroy other life as it had no value at all. True, they were rich kids, never knew what hardship were but to step on someone hardship was unacceptable. It was inhuman and cruel.

Yoongi balled his fist and his body was shaking from the anger inside him.

 “H-Hyung, look, we really don’t know who Jimin is.” Taehyung tried his luck.

Yoongi sighed and brought his hand to wipe sweat on his forehead. It was cold because of air-conditioner but the boiling anger inside him made him to sweat since he was too angry. Well, Yoongi couldn’t blame them to not remember who Jimin was because they never cared who the bullied person is.

“Yesterday, a waiter at Jin’s father hotel was being fired because he was acting rude to you all.”

“Ah, that waiter. Yeah well he did act rude to us.”

Jungkook answered back making Yoongi to take a deep breath. Hoseok had come near him to hold him if Yoongi took his step to murder one of them. Yoongi closed his eyes, he needed time and he was trembling, holding back his anger.

“He was acting rude to you when all he did was trying to escape from your ual harassment. Was it rude when he patted away his hand when you, Jungkook grabbed his hand to touch his , you .”

“What? it’s not my fault that his was so appetizing.”

“Oh God. I know you all like to bully other sometimes but this-this kind of thing really disappointed me. You, Hoseok I thought you are better than them but no I was wrong. You are as worse as them.”

No one ever saw a crying Yoongi but now, when a person who had claimed that crying would ruin his swag was crying because of a boy named Jimin.

“Hey, Yoongi, please don’t cry. We don’t mean it. We were just having fun like always.”

“Huh, what?! Having fun? Are you feeling happy after you’ve tried to-to him yesterday. Huh, TELL ME?”

Yoongi wiped his tears away because he knew crying was only made him look pathetic since being brave was all he had to do. Jimin didn’t deserve this.

“Hey, we don’t him. We-“

“Then trying to rip his shirt while Taehyung and Jin held him from moving was not ? Did you even spare him to look at his face? Huh Namjoon? Was kissing me is not enough that you want to kiss him too, Hoseok?”

“Look, we were just messing around with him. We never had any intention to him or what so ever.”

“Please, Jimin is my precious friend. You-you don’t know what he had faced in his life.”


===========reversed to yesterday scene===========


Jimin began his shift like how it supposed to. It was weekday and there was less customer than on weekend but the lack of worker as many had apply a leave made his work to overload. He never complainted about it because it’s only meant one thing, he would get double paid today.

A group of five good looking guy, obviously from rich family with that very expensive shirts, watches and shoes on them. Did Jimin dream to be like one of them? No, he not. He was happy living his life now, simple and modest even if sometimes he had to struggle with lack of money to buy lunch or dinner.  Well living with only ramen for the whole month was making him sick but he was happy. No, he was not happy but he needed to be one so that he could live his life without any regret.

“Hyung, how about we go to Paris next month? I miss Paris.” One of the guys spoke to no one literally.

“Nah, how about Dubai?”

“It’s hot now and we should stay at home.”

“Ah, hyung—“One of them protest but failed.

Oh, Jimin missed his old live. Of course he was not from a rich family but his family was not poor either. In the middle Jimin could say. His father worked at one of the food packaging company as an accountant while his mom had her own saloon back in his hometown, Busan. He only had one little brother, 2 years younger than him. He was happy and never once thought that he could lose his happiness in one of his most favourite day.


“Hyung, my birthday is on this Saturday. Have you bought a present for me?”

“You birthday? Owh I don’t even remember when your birthday is Jihyun-ah.”

Jihyun was Jimin cutest little brother but he only had one brother. Jimin was joking when he said that and the truth was Jimin already bought his present for Jihyun. Jimin was 19 and Jihyun was 17 at that time. They shared lots of secret thing to each other. Jihyun would tell Jimin when his first kiss was in return Jimin had to reveal about him too. That’s how they knew each other secret. Sometimes, their parents were feeling jealous when the two whispered to each other during dinner about something they don’t recall.

It was dinner on Friday night when his father made a surprise to his brother.

“Jihyun-ah, tomorrow we all will go to Seoul and we’ll having fun there. Are you excited?”

“ Oh my god! Really? Wow? Hyung, did you listen that?”

“Yeah, yeah, I heard it.”

Jimin never knew the exciting vacation could turn to tragedy. They left their house after breakfast and no one knew what had waited for them. After one and half hours on the road, the laughter that once filled the car turned to a loud scream as their car lost its control and spinning around many times before rolled to the opposite lane.

Jimin saw how the front window was breaking into pieces before crushing to his parents’ body in a split of second. There was lots of blood before he fainted. The next when he opened his eyes, his body was in pain and couldn’t even move one of his fingers. He survived with a broken leg on his right and broken ribs. Jimin’s face was bloated because of the bruise.

“Good morning, Jimin. I’m Dr Oh. Do you remember anything that had happened?”

“Err, I was in the car with my family before the car was spinning around many times. My-my parents? How-how about them. My brother too. I need to see them.”

Jimin want to wake up but the pain was too unbearable making him to fall down back. The doctor and the nurse had to calm him down before telling the truth.

“Jimin, I’m sorry. We couldn’t save your parents and as for your brother, he is in coma because he has bad head injury that had damage third quarter of his brain.”

Just like that, his life was turned upside down. Jihyun had to transfer to Seoul to get a better treatment. A better one meant that he had to find a job to pay for his brother treatment. Jimin had worked every single job he could, the legal and save one of course. Jimin had started to work at the hotel one year ago. He was one of the best workers there.

“Jimin, can you please go to our VVIP room to serve our CEO’s son and his friend?”

Jimin’s was interrupted from remembering his past when his manager called him to go to the VVIP room. This was the first time he had to serve the CEO’s son because usually the manager would serve them by herself.

“Good afternoon, sir. May I have your order?”

“Can I have your please?”

One of the guys said that before grabbing his wrist to bring him closer. Wow, that was rude, thought him. Jimin tried to release his hand but failed. He tried harder when he saw that guy’s other hand was moving to his hip. He used all of his energy to pull his hand away and he succeeded.

“Tsh, tsh, such a rude boy. Hyung, you know what to do.”

“A’ah my pleasure Jungkook.”

Taehyung sat up and walked to Jimin who had backed up to meet a wall. Taehyung grabbed his right hand while other guy Jimin didn’t knew who grabbed his left one. Jimin didn’t realised when the other guy had come to him only when he felt a hand was opening his shirt button. One button to one button slowly.

“Please, let me go. I beg you. Pp-lease.”

He was crying and he didn’t care. Jimin just hoped for that hand to stop moving down. When the hand reached the third button, a voice stopped one the guy.

“Namjoon-ah, look you’ve made this cute boy to cry. Just let him go Tae-ah, Jin-hyung.”

Jimin was on the edge to thank that guy with the longest face he ever seen when that said guy tugged his chin in between his finger.

“Hmm, I wonder what it tastes to kiss this plum lip. Is it sweet? Will I be full?”

He had to do something. The face was coming closer to him when he pushed that body away from him hard making the guy to fall backward. He didn’t even care what would happen to his job after this when all he could think was how disgusting he felt right now. Jimin ran and ran to only one person he knew.

Yoongi opened his door after one loud knock waked him up. He was mad but panicking the moment he saw a crying Jimin in front him.

“Jimin, what is happening? Why are you crying?”

“Hyung-hyung, I-I feel so dirty right now.”

“What do you mean?”

Yoongi brought Jimin inside and settled on the couch. Jimin told him everything starting from how scared he felt when a guy with dark eyes grabbed his wrist to when he felt really dirty as the guy wanted to kiss him.

A guy with very long face? Hosoek? Yoongi couldn’t believe what he had heard. Jimin was crying uncontrolledly in Yoongi arm when suddenly a phone rang from Jimin’s phone. He answered the call and after 5 minutes with a nod and a yes he ended the call. Jimin was no longer crying because there were no more tears left.

“They-they fired me. For being rude.” Jimin was laughing.

“Can you believe it? I was being rude to them. And-and I’m done. No one will ever take me as their worker after this. What am I supposed to do hyung?”

Being fired from a very famous and top hotel could bring bad luck to him. The words of him being rude to the CEO’s son would be spread and anyone would threw his work application as if touching it could harm them.

“Jimin, I need to go see someone now. I’ll be back but please promise me don’t you ever do anything stupid. Understand?”

“I know hyung.”




“Jimin, jimin, wake up.”

“Ah hyung, is it morning already?”

“Wake up. I want you to meet someone today.”

Jimin obliged as he had lost all of his will to protest. He really wanted to sleep to forget his bad day. Jimin didn’t even care to ask who since he knew Yoongi won’t be doing something bad to him, Yoongi was a good guy except for the bunch of rich kids who only knew on how to spend their family money without thinking twice. Jimin swore he would kill himself if he met them again.

After 20 minutes in preparing himself, Yoongi was already at the living room waiting for him. He met Yoongi last year when he was looking for a cheap room to rent. Yoongi had offered his room with affordable price and Jimin knew Yoongi was the angel sent from heaven to him.


Now, Jimin was having a second thought to take back what he had thought when Yoongi brought him to meet the guys who had destroyed his life. Jimin stopped questioning when Yoongi told him that they will meet someone who could help Jimin. To tell the truth, he was nervous when Yoongi pulled the knob to an unfamiliar room, or a house he could say.

“No, no, hyung, why did you bring me here? It’s them who-who had ruined my life.”

“Jimin, please just listen to me first.”

“No, hyung. Please don’t do this to me. You’re the only person I can trust.”

Jimin was turning his back to go out from the room when Yoongi held his hand and forced him to sit on the chair at kitchen table facing the five guys who somehow had a guilty face on them. Yoongi taking his seat on Jimin side calmed him down.

“Jimin, please trust me. I won’t do anything bad to you. Just hear them out first.”

“O-okay. Just don’t leave me.”

“I won’t. Okay, who want to start first?”

Everyone was looking at each other.

“Err, I-I no I mean we want to apologise of what we had done to you yesterday. We didn’t mean it to go overboard but we did it at last. We are sorry. I’m sorry.”

Namjoon was taking the lead as everyone kept on shutting their mouth down. Jimin was looking at his lap without even spared his eyes to look at him. Everyone was looking at him waiting patiently to whatever his answer was. Will he forgive them, Can he forgive them?

Jimin lifted his face but keep it low again when he saw everyone was looking at him. The silent was killing them one by one and finally Yoongi spoke to help Jimin made his decision.

“Jimin, what are you thinking now?”

“I-I forgive them. Can we go home now Hyung?”

Hearing that Jimin had forgiven them made them to alive again as if the they were resurfaced from falling deep into the sea water.

“Jimin, are you really forgiving them? You don’t look like it thought”

“Hyung, I forgive them, okay. Is it that enough? What do you want me to do? Smiling? Laughing? For-for living in this miserable life? Huh, do you want me to hug each one of them to proof it? But it won’t change anything hyung. I lost my job, the only source of money I have to pay for Jihyun treatment. I-I just want to live like normal again for once hyung but it was so hard and I’ve already give up in doing so. Hyung, I’m not that strong to handle all of this but I have to for my brother. Hyung, I’m tired.”

“Jimin, I’m sorry.”

Jimin thought it was Yoongi had hugged him because the tears in his eyes clouded his vision. He knew it was not from Yoongi when he heard strange voice at his ear. He wanted to push that body away but the warmth, the longing feeling of how a mother hug felt like overwhelmed him. Jimin hugged that body again crying again.

It was Jin who had hugged Jimin. He couldn’t resist the urge to hug that fragile body to unsure him that he was not alone. Jin pulled back to wipe Jimin’s tears away. He was mentally slapping himself for making this beautiful face stained with tears.

“Jimin, we are sorry. I’m sorry. Just tell us what we should do to make it better.” Namjoon spoke after he saw Jimin was calming down.

“Just don’t let me see you all again.”

And Jin fully released him as he was too shock to hear that.

“Jimin, no please don’t say that. I’m sorry for trying to kiss you yesterday. You can slap my lip if that can make you feel happy.”

“Yeah, we are truly sorry. And err ah you can kick me if you want to. If-if that make you happy. But not my face. I treasure them.”

And Jimin was laughing to what Taehyung had said. It’s not forceful but sincerely from his heart. Yoongi was smiling. Jimin was a good boy. He forgave people too easily and could get hurt in seconds. Somehow Hoseok could breathe normally for the second time when he saw Yoongi was smiling.

Every head except for Jimin turned to Jungkook who hadn’t uttered a single word from the start. Jimin followed them to meet with those black eyes again. They were having a staring contest and neither one of them wanted to avert their eyes.

“I-I’m sorry too. For everything.”

“It-it’s okay.” He was stuttering. Of what? why he was so nervous? Jimin too didn’t knew the answer to that.

“Jimin, I also had found you a new work.”

“Really. Hyung, thank you so much.” Jimin face seemed to brighten at Yoongi words. A new work meant he could pay for his brother hospital bills again.

“What is it?”

“A housekeeper. At-at their houses.”

“What?! No, I don’t want to be near them. They-they will—“

“No, no, we won’t do it again. Never. I promise.” Jin assured him.

“Besides, we will leave the house empty for you to do your work.”

“Look, Jimin, they will pay you every month and it’s a lot. More than your usual pay. Just go to their houses from 10 Am to 5 Pm to clean and then you can go home.”

Yoongi explained and Jimin mind seemed to think hard hearing about the pay.

“Houses? How many houses do you have?”

“Three, Me, Taehyung and Jungkook live together. Jin-hyung lives alone. So does Namjoon. Weekend is your day off. 3 days for our house. One day to Jin-hyung house and Namjoon house.”

“Okay. I accept it.”




Jimin started his work next week. First day, Monday, it was Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook house. It was a very big apartment with 4 bedrooms. The first one was Hoseok’s room, then Taehyung’s room. The opposite of that room was Jungkook’s room, the dirtiest room in the house. Jimin had the longest time to clean it.

He mentally noted to bring a mask whenever he had to clean Jungkook room. He thought he could die from inhaling too much of Jungkook room smell. Taehyung was the moderate one while Hosoek was the cleanest. Jimin liked the neat arrangement of toy figure In Hoseok’s room.

Jin’s house was not clean either but he managed to clean it in short time leaving him lots of free time. Since Jin said he could play with his video game if he was bored, Jimin played some of Jin video game only after he had finished cleaning. Jin always made sure to left breakfast on his table for Jimin.

During the first day, Jimin didn’t touch the breakfast, afraid that Jin would put something to poison him. What a ridiculous thought ever. Jimin started to eat it after one week, only when Yoongi persuaded him it was not poisonous.

Namjoon house was what he could call as a single man house. It was empty without excess decoration. Clothes were piling everywhere. Dishes were left untouched in the sink. Another long day to clean it. After 2 weeks, Namjoon house was becoming cleaner day by day. The only thing Jimin liked about his house was the expensive and modern music equipment. Jimin knew how to play a keyboard and well he did played it using Namjoon’s expensive one.

The first day of every week is the trio house. Then the second day was Jin house. On Wenesday back to the trio house. After that, Namjoon house turn. Lastly, the last day of the week was the trio house again.

Yoongi would always invite Jimin to go with him to meet them every weekend. He rejected it first but agreed to follow him on the second week when Yoongi was pouting at him. Starting from that moment, he spent most of his weekend days there. Sometimes they would go out to watch movie or shopping. Jimin would stick around Yoongi most of the time.

It had taken some time to break the wall between Jimin and them. Taehyung and Hoseok kept on talking to Jimin even if he wouldn’t reply back. They talked and talked only to stop out of shocked when Jimin reply back one day. After that, the three of them talked non-stop. Their loud voice had driven everyone to go crazy.

“Jimin, what is your favourite colour?” That was the first question from Taehyung.

“Do you like dog? Or cat?” Hoseok took his turn to ask.

“I like hiking. Do you like it too?”

“Taehyung likes hiking a lot but I like dancing a lot. Which one do you prefer?”

“Of course hiking, Hoseok-hyung.”

“Nah, hiking killed your leg.”

“As if dancing is not.”

“Anyways, Jimin, do you like ice-cream? How about strawberry yogurt?”

“Me too, I like ice-cream too.”

“YAH. Stop talking. You two are so loud.”

“Hoseok-hyung, look your boyfriend is jealous now. Stop talking to Jimin.”

“Nevermind. He knows I love him too much. Jimin-ah, you know Yoongi talked about you a lot. I really can’t stop him from talking about you.”

“Jiminie, can I call you chimchim, because you’re so cute. Can I hug you?”

“Yah Taehyung.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry but honestly I really want to hug you right now.”

“Yah Taehyung, stop being a ert.”

“I’m not. Jimin, do you know where did Mary go after an explosion?”

“Ah, here we go again.” Jin and Namjoon had put an earphone ready to be out from Taehyung little story.

“I know, I know, everywhere.”

“Ah Hoseok-hyung, I ask that to Jimin, why—“

Jimin hugged him. Jimin was hugging Taehyung. The room turned to silent and even a very light fallen feather would make a sound. Yoongi blinked his eyes couldn’t believe what he had saw. Taehyung hand froze and so did his soul.

“I miss my brother. We used to joke like that.” Said Jimin to Taehyung chest.

“We can do again if you want. Joking to each other.” Taehyung hugged him back when Jimin nodded his head that still on Taehyung chest. Then Jimin hugged Hoseok who told him that he could joke too.

Jimin was hesitated to talk to Jin at first. Jin was reading a manga when Jimin approached him. With a small and low voice, Jimin asked something that Jin thought would never come from Jimin.

“Jin-hyung, can you teach me how to do the breakfast that you’ve made to me last week.”


“Can I come early to your house this Tuesday? And maybe you can show me the recipe on that day?”

“Yes, sure.”

Jimin did come early and Jin showed him on how to prepare the breakfast. They both didn’t knew how but somehow Jimin and jin had spent their whole day in making or more like trying a new recipe that day and then brought it to their friends. House was left untouched but Jin was happy.

“How is it taste?” Jin asked Namjoon who took the first bite of his new menu.

“Who did this?” Replied Namjoon to Jin question.

“Jimin and me of course.”

“Do you not like it?”

“Hmm, it’s not that delicious but still edible. Maybe 6 out of 10.” Namjoon replied oblivious on who had asked him that question. Realization hit him only when he took another bite. His eyes turned wide and almost spitted the food out from his mouth.


Jungkook could only smile from the side. Jimin was still awkward with Jungkook when all Jungkook could think was how to approach Jimin. Guess, he had to wait a little while.




Jimin was showering in his room when Yoongi received a call from Hoseok. Since Hoseok didn’t have any class that day, he promised to have a date with Yoongi. Yoongi thought Hoseok called him to inform Jimin about his house since it was Hoseok-house turn. Jimin entered the living room ready to start his work.

“Hyung, I thought you have date with Hoseok-hyung. Why are you still here?”

“Yeah, before that I need to inform something to you.”

“What is it?”

“Jimin, Hoseok said that Jungkook is sick and absent from school today. So, he is resting at home now. Hoseok said that you can switch to other house if you want. He is okay with it. He has told Jin-hyung and Namjoon about it.”


Jimin went out from the house after that. He was thinking about which house he wanted to go today. Jin-house was near from here and maybe he could eat Jin food again. But Namjoon house was not too hard to clean. He walked to where his feet took him. The last thing he knew he was standing in front of Hoseok house. Jimin stood there before the door opened from inside.

“Owh Jimin, what are you doing here? I thought you will switch house?”

“Err, I-I—“

“Are you sure?”

“Is Jungkook still sick?”

“Yes, he has fever.”

“I can take care of him so that you can have your date with Yoongi-hyung.”

“Are you okay with it?”

“Yeah. I am.”

“Thank you, Jimin-ah.”

“No problem.”

Hoseok made his way out after calling Yoongi telling him Jimin was here. Jimin was sure Yoongi would fload him lots of question later but now he had Jungkook who need to be taken care of. Jungkook was sleeping when Jimin entered his room. Carefully Jimin walked to Jungkook bed and touched Jungkook forehead with his palm.

It’s still hot.”

Jimin went to the kitchen to put some water in a bowl before grabbing a small tower in the toilet. He damped the towel and put it on Jungkook forehead. Hoseok told him that Jungkook had taken his medicine so Jimin didn’t have to feed him again. Jimin went out from the room to start cleaning. During lunch, Jimin cooked porridge for Jungkook. He waked Jungkook up so that he could eat.

“Jungkook,wake up. You have to eat something.”

“Hyung, no. I’m tired.”

“Jungkook, please. You need to eat.”

Slowly, Jungkook opened his eyes.

“Ji-jimin-hyung? What are you doing here?”

“You are sick. Now, you need to eat.”

Jimin help Jungkook by feeding him the porridge until Jungkook had finished it.

“Good boy. Do you want to sleep again?”

“No, I’m full. Can’t sleep.”

“Then what do you want to do now?”

“Watch a movie.”

Jimin was scolding Jungkook for being stubborn. Jungkook wanted to watch movie at the living room while Jimin told him to not move around and he could watch it in his room instead. Jungkook, while ignoring the protest from Jimin walked to the living room by himself. Jimin just shook his head and continued doing his work. After 2 hours, Jungkook started to feel bored.

“Hyung, I’m bored.”

“Then go to sleep.”

“No, can you come and watch movie with me. Please?”

Jimin stopped doing his thing and finally he agreed to watch movie with Jungkook. It started with a comedy movie then to action movie. In the middle of the action movie, Jungkook couldn’t hold his eyes open anymore and then he slept. His head was swinging in 360 degree before settled on Jimin shoulder. Jimin stop breathing as his heart was racing like crazy. All he could hear was how loud his heart was thumping rather than the sound from the movie. Jimin decided to sleep too so that his heart could ease its crazy state.

Hoseok returned home with Yoongi to see Jimin was lying on top of Jungkook while Jungkook was holding Jimin waist. Somehow, their sleeping position had shifted. Maybe it was Jungkook who changed their position or it could be Jimin who did that. They both were too deep in sleep to realise it.

Jimin was the first to wake up and his blushing couldn’t fade away when Yoongi couldn’t stop about it. While Jungkook was smiling for the whole night. Jimin and Jungkook relationship had turned better after that day.




“Jimin, I’m sorry. We can’t do anything more about your brother. The best thing now is letting him go. I’m sorry.”

Jimin visited his brother during weekend because he was busy on other days. Sometimes Yoongi would go with him but today he was alone since Yoongi had work to do. Hearing that his brother no longer could be save torn his heart into pieces. Jimin sat on a bench near the hospital alone after talking to his brother. He liked to talk about his day to Jihyun despite the fact that Jihyun couldn't reply him back. But Jimin was happy with only just that because he could still watch his brother.

Jimin was crying and he didn’t realise that the rain had poured heavily. He sat there remembering all his memories with his brother. He missed Jihyun smile, Jihyun laugh and Jihyun voice on top of it. Letting him go meant that he believe that Jihyun was dead. No, Jimin couldn’t do to. He wanted to believe that Jihyun would open his eye one day ad smile to him again but allowing him to live only worsened Jihyun condition.

Jimin thought and thought until the night turned to morning. He still sat on the bench without moving. The bright sun waked him up from his thought but he couldn’t find the right answer to his own question. Can he let Jihyun go?

Jimin stood up and he could feel that his body was sore from sitting too long. He walked to only one place he knew. Opening the door to the room and seeing the every person in it making him to jealous of their luxury life. Taehyung ran to hug Jimin like he always did.

“LET ME GO. DON’T TOUCH ME. I DON’T NEED YOUR PITY.” Jimin yelled when Taehyung hugged him.

“Jimin, what is wrong?”

“I’m tired, really tired. Why can I just live like you Taehyung-ah? Why do I have to face all of this? I-I—“ Jimin didn’t finished his word when suddenly he collapsed to the ground. Everyone ran to him.

“He’s burning up.” Jin told them after he felt Jimin’s burning hot forehead. Taehyung carried Jimin in bridal style and laid him on the bed. Taehyung had called his family doctor to come to their hideout with his hospital equipment.

After 15 minutes, the doctor arrived and he rushed to Jimin. Yoongi came 5 minutes after Hoseok had told him about Jimin. Everyone was waiting for the doctor to finish checking Jimin.

“Don’t worry. He is okay. He has a very high fever but I’ve already give him medicine that can cool down his high temperature. Just let him rest for today.”

“Thank you, Dr. Lee”

After 3 hours, Jimin waked up. Jungkook was sleeping right beside his bed while holding his hand. Hoseok and Yoongi were sleeping on the couch while Taehyung and Jin slept at the kitchen. Namjoon was lying down in front of TV snoring loudly. Jungkook stirred in his sleep when Jimin tried to move his hand away.

“Hyung, are you feeling okay?”


“Do you want to tell me what has happened?”

Jimin cried again. Jungkook did what he thought was right, he hugged Jimin. He wanted Jimin to feel save and when Jimin hugged him back, he knew he was doing the right thing. Jungkook crawled onto the bed and lying side by side with Jimin. Jimin rested his head on Jungkook chest when Jungkook brought his hand to Jimin shoulder.

“They said that I have to let Jihyun go. But-but I can’t. I love him so much.”

“I know.”

“I can’t take his live from him. I really believe that one day my brother will wake up and smile to me again. I don’t care for how long I have to wait.”

“Have you asked the doctor about it? Can they wait for few more years?”

“I don’t know. It’s been three years.”

“How about we go and ask the doctor to wait maybe for another one year?”

Jimin lifted his face to look at Jungkook.

“I mean you. But I can go with you if you want.”

“Can we go too?”

Both Jimin and Jungkook turned their head to look at the voice direction. It was Jin who asked that. Beside him was Taehyung who had tears on his eyes. Hoseok and Yoongi had waked up too when they heard someone was crying. Hoseok kicked Namjoon who had slept on the floor making him to wake up too.

“Yes. Thank you so much. I’m so happy to have you all as my friend.”

“Are we friend?”

“Of course you are my friends.”




“Jihyun-ah, I bring my friends today.”

“Hi Jihyun. I haven’t seen you for a while.”

 Yoongi greeted Jihyun followed by everyone after that. They spent their time there. They were talking so loud that sometimes nurse had come to scold them. Jimin had go to meet the doctor to discuss about his brother and after so much of begging, finally the doctor agreed to wait one more year. If there was not progress, Jimin had to let him go. Everyone was happy to hear that. Jimin was too happy that he didn’t realise that he had hugged Jungkook.

“Ah, not fair. Why only Jungkook get a hug from you? I want your hug too.”

Taehyung whined only to make Jimin to turn red. Jimin released his hand from Jungkook and went to hug Taehyung too.

“Now, I’m happy.”

Jimin was laughing but Taehyung still hugged him refused to let him go even when Jungkook had kicked his leg. Everyone was busied laughing at jealous Jungkook when Jihyun moved one of his finger. Jimin too didn’t get to see that. Jimin hoped for miracle to happen and maybe miracle would happen in this year.





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♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Jikook_JeonPark #2
Chapter 1: sequel please
J-hopearmy #3
Chapter 1: wow.... that's beautiful ^^
J-hopearmy #4
okaaayyy.. curious curious ^^
J-hopearmy #5
okaaayyy.. curious curious ^^