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The blinding sunlight coming from the window was what woke Jungkook up from his peaceful sleep. He slowly brushed his eyes with his fingers to adjust them to the excessive amount of light evading the room. He was thinking about how good he slept that night but then realization hit him. He was hit by the fact that he was NOT in his bedroom, that he was NOT in his bed and that he did NOT spend the night alone. 

He remembered his face...
His gaze...
His kiss...
His touch...
He remembered everything that had happened. 
And just then he sprang up from the bed as he ruffled his hair messily, as if he could bring everything back to normal, as if he could rewind what was already done. 

"No! No! W-what have I done?!" -he shouted. He was confused, frustrated, angry, sorry. In other words he was a complete mess. He didn't know how to feel about it. 
But then, Taehyung entered the room with a worried  and quite embarrassed look in his face as he said: "K-kookie, w-what's wrong?" 

Jungkook looked at him with a troubled expression, but he avoided to make eye contact with him and answered rapidly: "N-nothing, h-hyung. I-I need to go, I'm sorry." 

Taehyung tried to approach him, he went closer to the younger one, but the latter took some steps back and said: "H-Hyung, I really have to go..." 

"... L-Let's forget about ehm w-what happened l-last night..." -he added without looking to the older one. 

And as Taehyung heard those words, he felt a big knot in his throat, he felt tears welling up his eyes and he felt his heart shattered in pieces. But of course, he couldn't do anything but to swallow that pain, to dry up the welling tears and to pick up all those broken pieces, even if he just deepened the cuts by doing so. 

So Jungkook left Taehyung's apartment without even sparing him a glance. 

«You put a fever inside me. And I've been cold since you left...»

Weeks had gone so fast since that night. Taehyung hadn't seen Jungkook ever since then, he didn't call him nor texted him. 

'I thought that everything will change between us after that, but not in this way...' -he thought while he was staring at the gray vast sky of Seoul. 

Ever since Jungkook left him that morning, Taehyung couldn't do anything anymore. His days became monotonous, he spent them by walking around the park, staring at the cold water of the river and the blank sky above. It didn't matter if it was sunny or it was raining. He'd rather spend his time out in the cold than stay in his apartment where every meter would remind him of Jungkook, of that night, of the way he looked at him...

'I thought and I hoped that he felt the same. I thought and I hoped that he didn't do that just because he was devastated. I thought and I hoped that he was also in love with me... Even just for a night... Even just for that night...' -he thought again as a drop of tear fell from his eyes. He wiped it quickly, so no one could notice it. 'Cause it would be weird to see a guy crying in the park, right? 

'But apparently, I was a fool for thinking and hoping so. Because how can he love a guy? How can he love a boy when he had just had a girlfriend? How can he fall in love with his bestfriend? Oh well, look, ironically I FELL in love with my BESTFRIEND.' -he finally thought, as a bitter smile escaped from his lips. 

'I knew it. I shouldn't have had my hopes too high. But I was almost certain at that time that he looked at me differently... His touch was different... And his kiss... Oh his kiss! It was one of the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. But probably it will only give me nightmares... Because that kiss, that kiss is the reason why we're in this situation. The reason why our friendship is now over...
Actually, it IS my fault. Of course, he would kiss me, he was broken hearted at that time. Maybe he was trying to feel a little bit better. But me, what have I done?! I took advantage of him. I shouldn't have kissed him back. I should've stopped him. I should've stopped myself. I shouldn't have hoped that it will work...

I-It's ALL my fault..' -he said to himself as he couldn't control his tears anymore. 

Taehyung walked down the park while sobbing, he didn't care about the other people who were looking at him. He didn't care about their judgements. He already felt bad for himself, he didn't certainly need their opinion to be even more depressed. And their thoughts wouldn't hurt him as much as his current situation at that time. 

"If only I could bring back time again..." 

«'Cause I've done some things that I can't speak. And I tried to wash you away but you just won't leave...»

Ever since that day, Jungkook had always felt that there was something wrong. Something changed in him. But he couldn't understand what he should do, so he decided to meet the only person who could probably give him a piece of advice...

"H-hi, Eunyoo. Thank you for coming." -he greeted with a shy smile. 
"Of course I'd come. I can hear from kilometers away that you've got problems." -she replied and smiled back at him. 
"... Soo what is it? Or maybe WHO is it?" -she added.

"It's really embarrassing that after our break up I'm here asking you to help me. I'm really sorry, Eunyoo, but I don't know who else to talk to..." -Jungkook said apologetically.
"Cut it off, Jungkook. I'm the one who broke up with you... And that is already part of the past. Don't think of it anymore. I'm here as a friend... Soo come on, what's your problem?" -she said while patting the boy's shoulder. 

So Jungkook proceeded to tell her everything that had happened.

"I kissed him! And I ruined our friendship!" -he half-shouted as tears were starting to fall from his eyes. It didn't matter anymore if there were other people in the café.
"I shouldn't have done that..." -he added but with a softer voice.

"But how did you feel when you kissed him? Did he respond? How did he react?" -she asked questions after questions.

"I-I don't know... I-It kind of felt good? I don't know, Eunyoo! It just f-felt so right. Even if it was wrong..." -he answered lowering his head to avoid eye contact with the girl who was trying to help him.

"So if it felt right, why are you so guilty?! And did he kiss you back?" -she asked once more.

"Y-yeah, he did... I-I'm feeling guilty because ever since that night, all I do is think about his lips, the kiss... h-his touch... his gaze..."

"So what's wrong about that?!" -she said quite confused.

"Because he is my freaking bestfriend, Eunyoo! I should feel sorry for what I'd done. But no, I'm not..." 

"What do you mean you're not sorry?" 

"W-well, what I mean is that I-I'm kind of sorry for our current situation. B-but I'm not sorry for what happened that night... I tried everything to forget about it, but I just can't! The memories of that night are haunting me..." -he answered as he ruffled his hair. 

"So if you're given the chance to be back at that time, what would you do, Jungkook? Would you still kiss him or would you stop yoursel

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Chapter 1: Haunting each other kekeke
haeun94 #2
Chapter 1: I won't mind being haunted by Taekook.. >________<
ananano #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwhhhhhh.. this is so cute! A happy ending indeed!
Chapter 1: Yaaaaaaayyyy.!!!!!!!!
Taekook UNITED.....AHHHHHHHHhh....!!!
Finally,I could breath freely..Thank you Author ..I love it..