One Day...

Is He Good Or Bad?

One Day,At YG Building, Sandara was going to a store to window shop, it was dark and all but the yellow light poles were still alive. All of a sudden, 3 boys approach her as she was standing there confused.The Tallest carressed her face as he whispered at her 'You look cute....Little girl....' She Could smell the alcohol in his mouth, his hand slid to her , She widened her eyes and slapped him,  Before any other of the boys touched her, she ran away back To the Building Frightened, She heard the footsteps as the 3 boys walk to her, She ran back in to the building catching her breath.

"Dara Noona, are you allright?" I looked up to Seungri.

The 3 men enetered, they looked around searching for me as i pulled Seungri with me.

"Those Men Want to me....."I said in fear.

I saw Minji ,Jiyong and Hanbyul run to me.

" Dara, Are you allright?" hanbyul asked.

"I'm scared....3 men want to me...."I said as I heard their footsteps getting near.

"HyunBae?" I heard Jiyong say.

I Turned around as i see Youngbae's Older Brother.

'Why'd he touch my ?'

He had a funny face as he pukes in a trashcan.

I felt disturbed, his friends puked too.

HyunBae fainted on the floor. his friends ran away like idiots.

"Hyung? Aish..."I heard Youngbae walk to him.

He lifted him up and put him on a couch.

"He touched you?" Young Bae Said.

I nodded.

"He always does that when he's drunk....."Young bae said taking a towel.

I st on the same couch looking at the passed out HyunBae.

"Thank god Dara didn't get ...." Jiyong said and looked at him.

"yeah yeah...."I said and looked to the ground.

"I've experienced it before...." I said as Jiyong looks at me.

"You....You...Had...."Jiyong stuttered.

"No, I meant Near ...."I said as he sighed in relief.

"I thought you...You know..."he said glancing at me.

"Cut it out ert."I said as he opened his mouth.

"I'm not!"He said and crossed his arms.

"You are."I said.

"Am not."

"You are."

"Am not"

"You are! Hmph~!"We both looked away from eachother.

We glared at eachother for a while, We got up and went our separate ways.

'That ert!'

'I am not a ert Dara, You'll regret and fall for me...I know you'


Eh Eh~?

So...What'd ya think?

Is it a NICE DARAGON moment? or not....

Just sayin'....

*prepares tissues for the bashing*
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daragonfever09 #1
Hellur~!<br />
Just gave ya the story...<br />
have fun~!
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