bonus: jaehyun's private time

artificial lover

w a r n i n g : this is doesn't necessarily have any mature content (hence why i didn't change the rating), but dear people with pure and innocent minds: b e w a r e . 

Q: What happened between Doyoung and Jaehyun during the week that made them so distanced from each other?


Letting Doyoung leave the apartment without supervision wasn’t ideal; Jaehyun was perfectly aware of this. He planned to keep the robot a secret from his neighbours to avoid rumours and - most importantly - embarrassing encounters.


It was the most risky thing that Jaehyun could think of, but it was the only situation that would've given him an opportunity to be alone for a few minutes.


After all, even someone in the late stages of adolescence needs some privacy once in a while.



“Doyoung?” Jaehyun walked into the living room and sat next to the robot, who was occupied with an insightful and fascinating documentary displayed on TV.


Doyoung quickly averted his eyes from the screen to Jaehyun’s face and smiled warmly. “Jaehyunnie? Is something wrong?”


Jaehyun internally cringed at the forsaken nickname but chose to ignore it. Instead, his expression turned friendly and surprisingly warm.


“No, no, everything is good,” the brown haired boy quickly said to avoid the usual excess worrying from the robot. “Can you do me a favour, though?”


Doyoung nodded hastily without any hesitation.


“There’s nothing left in the fridge for dinner and I’ve been craving garlic bread for a few days now,” Jaehyun explained. “Would you go out and buy it? I have to help my friend with an assignment.”


The orange haired robot looked at Jaehyun in confusion. Out of all the things that have happened since his activation, he specifically remembered the other telling him not to leave the apartment without any supervision. It was a surprise to see such an abrupt change in opinions.


“B-but Jaehyunnie told me not to leave the house alone..." he answered shyly.

"True, but you're not an idiot, right?" Doyoung shook his head. "Thought so. The convenience store's just a few streets away."

The robot was hesitant. "I-isn't that far away? Do you think I can manage that without embarrassing you?"

"Sure. You need to get familiar with the area if you want to go out in the future. I'll give you directions."


Doyoung grabbed a notepad along with a pen that laid abandoned on the coffee table and diligently listened to Jaehyun's directions.


Turn left as soon as you leave the apartment block, walk straight ahead until you reach the main road, cross to the other side of the street, walk past the pharmacy, turn right and then cross the street once more.


Despite being unusually detailed for Jaehyun's instructions, they still seemed complex enough to be easily misunderstood. Doyoung looked up at Jaehyun with a worried expression on his face.


"What if I don't understand them clearly enough to get there?" He panicked.


Jaehyun sighed in annoyance. He was almost certain that Doyoung would agree after constantly pestering to 'let Jaehyunnie introduce Seoul' to him.


"Chill. Robots are smart. If you don't come back within an hour, I'll call Kun and he'll look for you with Sicheng.”


Doyoung reluctantly agreed. "A-Alright, Jaehyunnie. What do you want me to buy?”


"Garlic bread is the main thing; get at least three. You can get some ready meals or stir fry. Something easy to make."

"You don't have to buy ready meals!" Doyoung laughed as if mocking the other. "As you wished, one of my traits is being a great chef."


"I call bull. That breakfast was the worst thing I've ever tried." the brown hair boy said, remembering the scrambled eggs that the robot had made for him a several days prior.


Doyoung felt saddened by Jaehyun's words but pushed the sentimental feelings away and replaced them with the determination to never disappoint the person that his entire existence revolves around ever again.


"Okay, Jaehyunnie. I'll leave in a few minutes."

"Really?" the other happily exclaimed. "Thanks. Knock when you come back and I'll open the door for you then.”


Jaehyun handed the money over to Doyoung and pushed him out with a final reassuring nod. He shut the door and hastily hurried to the window, only stepping away when he witnessed the robot exiting the apartment block.


He let out a relieved sigh and dashed to his bedroom, slamming the door closed and getting his laptop from the desk. He grabbed the box of tissues from the drawer and placed it on his bedside table before logging in, opening a new incognito window and typing in the web address of his most frequently visited page.


The brown haired boy chuckled happily and kicked the blankets to one side as he placed the laptop on his lap and waited for a certain video to buffer.


Let Jaehyun's private time begin, he thought briefly before slipping off his trousers and turning up the volume.



Doyoung smiled triumphantly when he exited the building; if Kun's advice from their first meeting was a guaranteed success, he would be one step closer to fulfilling his purpose of being Jung Yoonoh's perfect boyfriend.


He smirked as he automatically inputted the directions given by Jaehyun into his navigation system and quickly made his way down the street to reach his destination in express speed.



[18/02/2016 ;  Doyoung's first meeting with Sicheng and Kun]


"Kuuuuuun! This is so unfair," Doyoung sulked into his hands. "How come Sicheng-ssi cares about you so much? What kind of spell did you cast on him?"


Kun let out a small giggle at the newer robot's choice of words.


"Sicheng confessed that he has felt some kind of attraction towards me since activation, but he's a timid person and it took a few weeks for him to start showing it well. At the beginning it appeared as if he had no interest in me at all, so I started doing everything that would make him appreciate my presence." he explained.


Doyoung nodded in understanding. "Do you think Jaehyunnie is shy and can't express his feelings well, too?"

The dark haired robot shook his head solemnly. "Jaehyun has a stick up his only around thirty percent of the time, so I'm afraid this isn't his natural behaviour."


Seeing the disappointment on Doyoung's face made Kun's artificial heart clench in sorrow. Although he had only known Doyoung for less than an hour, the orange haired robot happened to be so likeable that they could converse as easily as lifelong friends would.


It was unfortunate to see someone so innocent and precious suffer, and Kun made a mental promise to always attempt to support his new acquaintance.


"Don't be so sad!" He told the other. "I have an idea that may help!"


Doyoung didn't reply but paid full attention and wordlessly urged his robot friend to continue.


"You have a lot of advanced functions that Jaehyun isn't aware of, right?" Doyoung nodded. "You can pretend that some don't exist but secretly use them. Jaehyun will be surprised that you can perform tasks so efficiently and he'll be impressed with you."



Doyoung was satisfied with his outing. Not only did he manage to return in less than fifteen minutes, but he also received a warm welcome from the neighbourhood. Apparently every single person was familiar with each other, and Doyoung received a warm welcome after introducing himself, as well as congratulations for "finally bringing that lonely child out of his shell".


He knocked on the front door as Jaehyun instructed but received no answer.


The robot tried opening the door after knocking twice more and shouting the other's name without receiving a response.


It wasn't locked, and Doyoung opened it with ease.


He placed the shopping bags on the kitchen counter and went to search for Jaehyun. When he didn't find him in the living room nor in the bathroom, Doyoung approached his room. He thought of knocking, but a series of strange moans of voices different than Jaehyun's stopped him.


Is someone visiting Jaehyunnie? Is it the friend who needed his help with an assignment? Doyoung wondered.


The moans began to intensify, sounding pained at times, and the robot's system analysed the sound waves of the strange yelps and groans.


Some of them matched with Jaehyun's and he began to panic.


What if Jaehyunnie is in danger? Or suffering in pain?

He entered the room without hesitation and was met with an unusual sight of a Jaehyun.


"Ah! J-Jaehyunnie!" He let out a high-pitched yell. The startled brown haired boy screamed and immediately covered his lower body with a blanket while the robot shielded his eyes, turned away and blushed profusely.


"What the are you doing here? I told you to knock!" Jaehyun shrieked after slamming the laptop shut to cut off the sounds.

"I-I did! I knocked more than once but you never answered, and when I c-checked the door was open..." Doyoung stuttered.


Jaehyun cursed. "Then why did you walk into my room when I told you not to?!"

"I was scared that something happened to you, you sounded like you were in pain!" Doyoung explained frantically. "A-and I needed to ask you about something!"

"Then do it now, I have things to finish!"


Doyoung flinched at Jaehyun's tone of voice and quickly rushed out of the room. He returned seconds later with two variations of garlic bread in his hands, and approached Jaehyun.


"Look!" he pointed at each one. "The usual garlic bread sold out, so I bought garlic bread rolls and garlic bread with extra cheese."


Doyoung pushed them into Jaehyun's hands but the other quickly hid them under the blanket.


"Jaehyunnie, take them and look!" Doyoung whined.

"Look, you stupid robot, I seriously can't-"

"But I need to know if I bought the right ones!" He insisted and Jaehyun finally exploded.

"! Alright! I'm not eating this, go again and buy pizza or something. Now leave, I need to finish!"


Doyoung looked at him in confusion but hummed in approval before gathering the garlic bread and leaving, shutting the door.


Jaehyun signed in relief. Finally.


"Oh!" He heard the robot's voice through door again and almost groaned in frustration. "The cashier told me to congratulate you and told me that she's happy to know that you aren't lonely anymore!"


The brown haired boy's face paled in fear. He tied the blanket around his waist and stood up to open the door and shoot Doyoung an angry glare. Doyoung flinched.


"What... did you tell her?" Jaehyun asked, exhaling deeply to push the building agression away from his voice.

"N-nothing! She didn't recognise me and asked if I've moved here recently, so I only told her that I live with my Jaehyunnie!"


Jaehyun exited the room and slammed the door so hard that the hinges almost broke.


"ing idiot!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and entered the bathroom to take a cold shower.


He had some serious explaining to do.


A / N : ♡ happy 100+ subscribers! ♡
my cousin gave me this golden idea but it didn't fit in with the plot, and since i didn't want to pass up such a perfect opportunity and decided to publish it as a bonus chapter in celebration of reaching 100 subscribers. thank you so much, everyone ! 
・ω ・

// she actually wanted me to write some but i'm too innocent for that lmao (˶◕‿◕˶✿) 

+ nct dream is debuting soon! i'm so proud of my small children!! 

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this fanfic is deadass so hard to write i'm so sorry :))


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Chapter 10: It's 21st June 2023 and I still remember this fanfic and I miss it a lot! I hope you someday can upgrade it 🤧🙏🏻
I miss this fanfic~ ??
DustyKimChi #3
Chapter 10: iM crying, where’s the update ; v ;
Leahkimj #4
Chapter 10: i looked at your last update date and i cried
Dumb2018 #5
Chapter 10: Update please !!! ???????????????
this story is serious so so sooooo well written considers I've read quite a few robot for significant others stories, nd it's def my favorite read in a while. im not even sure where to began but the characteristics u give each of the boys makes them so endearing nd I can relate to each of them in different ways. I rlly hope u have time to update the fic soon, I will be looking forward to your update :)
Chapter 10: I love dotae... i srs support them more than jaedo gkfkks i feel terrible

I am glad jaehyun is finally accepting doyoung
Chapter 8: DOTAE RISE!!!!
Chapter 10: Please, don't forget to update soon. I really missed this fic~ 제발! ㅠㅠ