Donghae is a Lot of Things

Donghae is a Lot of Things
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Donghae plops his laptop onto Eunhyuk's desk with a loud clack. The impact was loud enough for Eunhyuk to think that something might have broken, but this was Donghae's laptop, so the chances were that whatever was wrong with the machine had very little to do with physics and a lot to do with their resident gremlin. Eunhyuk startles but looks at the machine, his head to the side, jabs at it with his pen and his head to the other side.

Eunhyuk wishes he had made better decisions in his life because maybe if he had, this wouldn't be his life.

"Wha—what happened to it?" he asks.

Donghae shrugs, innocent enough. "I don't know. It just—can you fix it?"

Eunhyuk studies his pen. From what he can tell, there is brown goo collected at its tip. "Is this peanut butter?"

"No," Donghae answers but doesn't offer any other explanation. "Can you fix it?"

"Well, aside from the not peanut butter, what's wrong with it?" Eunhyuk asks as he opens the laptop, careful not to the get the brown goo on his fingers. Kyuhyun, who was busy with the new website remodel, takes a short break and crowds in for a closer look—he's always was a fan of torture, especially at someone else's expense.

The screen is...teal color and no, not teal but darker than that, a murky green...actually, the screen is changing colors every 15 seconds or so and Eunhyuk's pretty sure it's not a screensaving effect. Also, there's a strange buzzing noise threatening to sting all their ears. Eunhyuk is more than sure it's coming from the laptop. Donghae looks unconcerned.

The same cannot be said for Eunhyuk.

In an effort to keep pace with current trends, their boss Leeteuk gave the go ahead for all ad execs to receive an upgrade on their laptops. It was the IT department that was in charge of researching which models would work best for the advertisement firm without breaking the bank. The IT department consisted of him and Kyuhyun, so of course it was Eunhyuk who spent his days comparing specs, reviews, prices and overall effectiveness of the newest laptops the industry had to offer while Kyuhyun spent his time doing whatever it was that Kyuhyun did—probably thinking up new and clever ways to be even more sarcastic. It wasn't easy, but Eunhyuk enjoyed the task, liking the responsibility and reveling in the satisfaction that he did a better job than anyone else would have, namely Kyuhyun.

Every advertising executive or employee that works on accounts for the company receives a laptop for work related matters, so the IT department spent the entirety of the previous day handing out laptops and giving tutorials on how to use the newer (cheaper) models. It's a perk of sorts. Sign on with our company and get a car, except Leeteuk can't afford cars, so he gets everyone a laptop and provides free wi-fi. While Eunhyuk didn't need a new laptop, his four year old model working just as good (if not better) as the day he first started with the small advertising firm, he knows that this is not the case for everyone.

Donghae has been with the company for three years now. Donghae has been without a working laptop for close to three years now.

He hasn't been without a computer of course. Since it's nearly impossible to get anything productive done without the full use of the internet, intranet and various other computer applications, he's adopted one of the few desktops in the office. It's nearly impossible to break an office computer.

Donghae has managed to do so eleven times.

Eunhyuk knows this because he keeps a tally and has an office pool going for when he finally manages to send one to the scrap yard. Eunhyuk has a hunch it will be the same amount of times Kyuhyun curses Donghae under his breath every time he draws the short straw (lucky number 13).

And yet, despite every attempt to render all technology useless by his hands, Donghae has also been given a new laptop, contrary to Eunhyuk's bullet pointed presentation explaining exactly why this would be a bad, bad idea. Leeteuk had stopped him halfway through his presentation to call Donghae in. Eunhyuk frowned. By the end of his presentation, they were laughing, clapping him on the back and thanking him for his time, as though it were all a joke. Eunhyuk scowled. Needless to say, it wasn't meant to be funny.

Donghae is a lot of things but computer savvy is not one of them. His charm, boyish good looks and knack for knowing just what the client wants has earned him a reputation as one of the best advertisement execs in the firm. Just as proficient as he is with knowing what the average Joe wants, he's just as proficient when it comes to knowing what his laptop does not want, like a virus and about 5GB of old activeX files. 

His lack of finesse when it comes to computers is not limited to laptops either. Donghae is not exactly a techie. He prefers pens to keyboards and live music to a recording. He's more inspired by a walk around the neighborhood than hours spent on the internet. Donghae is hands on in a way that suggests he should have been born decades before his time. If Eunhyuk is thinking that maybe he knows just a little too much about Donghae, he reminds himself that Donghae has shared these little factoids with him numerous times on one of his forced lunch breaks. Just because Eunhyuk has a lot of work to do and prefers to work through his lunches, does not mean that he needs Donghae to bring him a sandwich from the deli downstairs or share his life story with him, no matter how delicious the sandwich or entertaining the story.

Not for the first time, he likens Donghae to a stray; the moment you give him a little bit of attention, he's following you home. Not that Donghae knows where he lives, or so he doesn't it is, their generation's usual technological aptitude is lost on him. This does not suggest that Donghae is in anyway adverse to the latest gadgets and gizmos. Like most people of their generation, he is easily distracted by shiny, new things. So, he really can't be blamed if his eyes keep wandering back over to Donghae periodically throughout the day. It's his business really. He's an IT guy. Someone has to watch over him. You know, to make sure he doesn't single handedly fry every database known to man.

Having drawn the short straw, once again, Eunhyuk watched as Kyuhyun slapped Donghae's hand away from the keyboard during his tutorial, which was more like a "Computers for Dummies" crash course. The giddy look on Donghae's face as he accepted the newest lightweight technology from a very reluctant Kyuhyun couldn't help but make Eunhyuk smile. It was less than a blink later when he remembered himself. Kyuhyun's misery was one thing, but he should have been scared, fearing for his safety and the safety of everyone else in the office—correction—building. Donghae is to computers as...well...a virus is to a computer. In fact, Donghae is to computers as a Donghae is to a computer.

"Don't touch that. Ever," Kyuhyun instructed and if Donghae seemed perturbed by this mistreatment, his stupidly handsome face didn't show it.

"But, what happens if I do?" Donghae asked with a little too much interest and Eunhyuk swore he could see the laptop shudder in fear.

"Nothing, it does nothing, so don't touch it," Kyuhyun said.

"But, if it does nothing, what's the harm in—"

"Plenty," Kyuhyun suggested with about as much patience as a stapler. "Now, please pay attention. I get paid by the hour, not by the word. You only need to know three things. Click this for the internet," he said, while pointing to a place on the screen that Eunhyuk couldn't see from his angle but could only assume was their browser icon. "Click this for emails and click this icon to access your office stuff like Excel or Word. You can save your files in this folder. This folder here is the shared folder, so only save what—"

At some point, Eunhyuk had tuned out. He's worked with Donghae long enough to know that half of what Kyuhyun was telling him would be forgotten shortly thereafter. As far as Eunhyuk was concerned, the end of days was near, so he spent the better part of that afternoon backing up the company's files.

"That's not a good sound. I never—have you ever heard a computer sound like that, Eunhyuk?" Kyuhyun asks, knowing full well that he hasn't, that no one has. This time, Eunhyuk has drawn the short straw—the short straw being that Kyuhyun was in the bathroom when Donghae dropped his laptop unceremoniously onto his desk and Eunhyuk was too preoccupied to notice Donghae's entrance and hide in time (and also, Kyuhyun is a bastard because Eunhyuk's pretty sure that he did). 

Eunhyuk's rubbing exhausted fingers over his face and through his hair at this point. He repeats the gesture a few more times until the hairs on the back of his neck settle.

"Are you ok? You want some water? I can get you some," Donghae asks, with his oh-so-innocent face and Eunhyuk wants to hit the guy but he's not sure if it will make him feel better or worse. He abandons the worrying gesture in favor of squeezing his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose and furrowing his brows so hard that he fears they'll squeeze off his face. When the spots clear, he takes a deep breath, makes a wish and opens his eyes. No dice, the laptop is still there.

Donghae is leaning over Eunhyuk's shoulder, his hot breath and warm body pressing against his neck and back in a way he feels should be intrusive but can't find the strength to oppose. 

"So, what do you think? Can you fix it?"

This question, of course, earns another eager round of face rubbing and a pat on the back by Kyuhyun who offers up words of support, but not without heaping doses of sarcasm. Eunhyuk can take a lot of things, but this is too much. He shuffles to his feet.

"I'm getting a coffee. No one touch anything until I get back." He catches Kyuhyun's eye and wishes he hadn't. The jerk is smiling at him, enjoying his misery. He sort of wishes that Kyuhyun would get carpal tunnel, and immediately regrets being so cruel. He rethinks it and wishes that Kyuhyun gets hit by a car instead.

On his way back from the kitchen, he watches as Siwon, a co-worker, approaches Donghae's laptop and quirks his brow in surprise. "What is—is that comic sans and why is the font so big?"

Eunhyuk sighs.

"And—is it just me or does everything appear to be moving, like...everything?"

Donghae shrugs, as innocent as a lamb. "I don't know. I think it was already like that. Is it broken? Should I put in a request for a new one?" he asks, addressing Eunhyuk who just doubles over once he reaches his chair and collapses onto his desk, a poor attempt to hide from his life. He feels his shoulders shake and thinks he might be crying a little.<

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1550 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hyuk sure does know a lot about Donghae. Beyond just his knack for destroying technology. For as bewilderingly chaotic and frustrating it must be to work with Donghae, he really doesn't seem to dislike the guy.

What a twist~ This was Donghae's best, most sly plan to get Eunhyuk's attention? Offering him (perceived) challenges at work? Haha, if only he knew how much the guy actually wasn't ignoring him. 🤭
Chapter 1: So cute! Now that I finished I'm curious about their little coffee date. Thanks for writing!
simjang #3
Chapter 1: Eunhyuk's POV on how Donghae is the bane of technology was so hilarious.😂
Chapter 1: C'est adorable, l'esprit machiavélique de Hae pour avoir son Hyukjae à lui est excellent... Merci ❤️💕
Chapter 1: This is cute. Love the twist that actually Donghae is not that bad with technology. Lmao.
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahaha.. Wow, so donghae is actually good in technology?? XD He really knows how to create a conversation with Eunhyuk but poor laptop.. Been used for that XD

Thank u so much for this one-shot. Totally love this
Chapter 1: Omg all your fics should be multi chapped!!! U make damn GOOD fics.
thirteen13 #8
Your fics always make me happy. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 1: Awww, I loved it. Ahahha Hae succeed in convincing Hyuk that he is almost as clueless as he wanted him to be ahahha. It is a sweet and lovely story. ❤❤❤ and I just couldn't stop myself laughing at Kyu's description ahahhaa. Thank you ❤
Chapter 1: So, apparently Donghae is bad with technology but as good as he was for actually thinking of using it as an excuse to find Hyuk~ It's okay, Hyukjae *pats Hyuk* Just like you, I fell for it too. I guess we didn't stop to think that a person that brought in so much revenue for the company couldn't possibly be THAT BAD with tech. Just maybe, normal bad, not catastrophically bad.