A Bad Falling Out

If I'm Driving You Crazy, Then You Should Take Your Meds

Junseo had hunted down all of the boys’ nurses and told them to tell the boys  they would be meeting at a later time, at 5 instead of 1. He didn't know how long the meeting with his dad was going to be, or if his dad was even going to show up. He almost hoped he would, but it had been so long since they had met up that the very conversation he craved might just the 2nd most awkward moment in his life. As he walked his way to the address his father had texted him. He was surprised when he found himself standing in front of a homely, comfortable cafe. A place he would go to in order to relieve his stress. He double checked to make sure he had the right place and could confirm that, yes, he was where he was supposed to be. He opened the door and walked in, immediately thinking of home as a sudden barrage of scents invaded his nose. Cinnamon swirled through his head, the comforting smell reminding him of his mother’s baking. He opened his eyes. He understood, now, why his father wanted to come here. It was just the place his mother would haunt.


He was a bit early, so he slipped into a booth by a window with a view of a gorgeous, flourishing garden. His head snapped up when someone slid across from him. It was his father. His eyes widened and he bowed as much as he could, surprise etched on his face. “Abeoji, it's good to see you. What Is it you wanted to talk about?” Junseo kept his tone respectful and curt. His father was unpredictable, and constantly switched between being cold as stone or a loving father. His father chuckled, a good sign. Junseo’s shoulders relaxed the slightest. “No need to be so   formal, son. I just want to talk. Let’s start with the sessions. How are they going?” Junseo really wasn’t sure if he should be honest or not. On the one side, this was his dad, and he shouldn’t lie, but on the other hand, his father was the director of the asylum. He had created it himself, and deserved to know what was really going on.


He decided that honesty was the best policy. “Well, they haven’t been going as well as I wish they would. I feel like they’re doing a better job bonding themselves than I could ever manage to do. I- after what happened last time I… just don’t know if… I should be with another group.” his relaxed shoulders slumped as he finally allowed himself to say aloud what he had been thinking for the past few days. His father shook his head. “Junseo, it’s been two days. You’ll be fine. Just give it a chance. Learn from the past. I wouldn’t have given this job to you if I didn’t think you were up to it. Now that we got that out of the way, that isn’t the only thing I wanted to talk to you about.” The younger of the two was worried now. The words his father spoke had instilled more confidence but he didn’t know what else he could possibly want to talk about. He couldn’t really recall a time where they had met up and talked about something other than work. His father cleared his throat and looked… nervous? That was new. Junseo shifted in his seat, feeling just as, if not more, nervous than his father. “Well, Junseo. I just wanted you to be the first person to know that I’ve been thinking about getting remarried. I… I still love your mother but I think it’s time to move on, don’t you?” Junseo stood, anger visible on his features. “Yes, maybe we should move on, but married? Appa… I- it’s a little too soon” With that, he walked out, on his way back to the office.


  At the same time that Junseo was meeting with his father, the 7 boys he was counseling were taking refuge in the meeting room. They had all had the same idea on skipping classes under the premise of having group therapy, because only they and their nurses knew that it had been pushed back.. They had bumped into each other at the intersection before the room and agreed to go together. No one spoke as they set up chairs. The Sunshine line, as the three brightest members had been dubbed,  sat by each other, of course. Jungkook sat as the bridge between the Sunshine line and the other hyungs. He wasn’t quite sure how he ended up there, but he knew that he didn’t like it. At all. Especially since Jimin was sitting so close to him.


He kept his features schooled but he really didn’t like how close the other boy was. He was extremely clingy, and seemed to love skinship from what he could see from his interactions with Taehyung. Everytime he spoke, he moved around and bumped into Jungkook. He had tried to include him in the conversation, and, without the younger’s permission, began to call him Kookie. Jungkook was contemplating his choices. If he moved over more, he would bump into Yoongi hyung, and seeing as how the older probably wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him, he figures he could deal with… Park Jimin. His face twitched, and he really didn’t know if he could manage. He kept his features schooled but eventually he just moved his seat over. He could see the hurt on Jimin’s face, and he wanted to apologize but he really didn’t know how, so he just looked at the older boy until Jimin looked away. Jungkook’s shoulders slumped and he turned his whole body away to be facing Yoongi hyung. The second oldest looked at him. “You got a problem, kid?” He didn’t sound angry but Jungkook could figure he was pretty unpredictable. He opened his mouth to reply- the first thing he had said since his introduction- but was swiftly interrupted by the door hitting the wall.


Everyone fliched, and Yoongi fell out of his chair. Jungkook would have laughed if Yoongi hadn’t looked so scared. It turned out it was Junseo, and he looked pissed. He took a quick glance around the room and surveyed the situation. “Why are you all here so early?? Can I be the first one in the room for goddamn once? Why the hell are you on the floor Yoongi? Is this a joke to you guys,” he spat, his anger still strong from the meeting with his father. He knew it was cruel of him but he couldn’t stop himself. He needed someone to feel his pain. He looked down, breathing heavy. He recoiled immediately, disgusted with himself. Yoongi was rocking back and forth on the floor, hands over his ears. Junseo could vaguely recall, when looking through the boy’s older files, that he hated loud noises and being shouted at. Looking closer at the younger, he saw that his face was blank and he was quietly muttering to himself.


Jin stood up to his full height, his eyes clear, mouth set in a scowl. He looked furious with the older man, and shot him a chilling glare. “You hurt one of my friends,” Jin said, his voice startlingly cold. “Go to the kitchens and get some food and water.” Despite the fact that Jin was younger, and wasn’t using honorifics, Junseo scurried off to do what he said because honestly this was his fault. What wasn’t these days? He groaned aloud, disgusted with himself. When he stepped back in the room, he let out a relieved breath. Yoongi seemed to be responding to his surroundings. Junseo carefully stepped over to him and crouched down to give him the water. “Yoongi,” he softly began. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” He could feel his face crumple with the pain he felt. Before he was angry, but the pain he felt now was that of hurting someone with no reason, seeing the hurt etched on their face. Yoongi just stared at him, not seeing, just looking. “You could apologize every day, every hour, every second, give me all the gifts, prove it in every possible way, and I still wouldn’t know if you really meant any of it.” As soon as Yoongi finished speaking, Junseo was sure of two things. One: he royally ed up and there was no way to make it up. Two: He wasn’t forgiven.

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Chapter 4: Okay, I'm just gonna point this out right now. Referring to/ calling people with mental illnesses "crazy" is very problematic and very offensive. A place where the patients are called "crazy" is neither warm nor comforting (the patients in this facility you've invented are clearly being treated rather poorly and are very obviously being judged and treated like massive burdens by the people who are supposed to be helping them). As someone who has PTSD, I find most of what I have seen so far offensive and rude. Also, if you're going to try to write about mental illnesses and disorders then please research them properly first.
Chapter 2: From what I've read so far, I really don't like the therapist. It says he's learnt not to judge but that's clearly not true because he judged all of them before he even entered the room and acted surprised by the way they were acting even thought he already knew what to expect from reading their files. Not only that but he was pretending to be all smiles when to himself, he was actually acting bored, exasperated and overly sarcastic towards them in his thoughts. It's as though the mere thought of dealing with them and trying to help them is some huge burden to him. Someone like that should not be a therapist tbh.
ahood_bts #3
ARMY .......
ahood_bts #4
omggggggg the story seems to be really interested I loved the the way you write , I will support ur writings even though I'm reading this fanfic from archive of our own I want to support u in asianfanfics too , I want to thank you for updating 10 chapters on archive of our own , the plot seems to be really cooool , thanks for sharing this story with us , I appreciate it , you're an amazing writer , I loved the idea of the story , and ur way of writing , in my opinion this idea is new and unique , 7 boys are sick or maybe crazy , but can they live together and be normal again ? can they help each other ? can they survive together ? can they fight for themselves ? can they find real love and home? there are many questions in my mind , that I can't even count them , but I hope they will stay together and fight for happiness , no words can explain how i'm happy for reading this story , PERFECTION I think this is the word , HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM , I WILL ALWAYS STAY BY UR SIDE AND SUPPORT UR WRITINGS
Maram_Bangtan #5
Chapter 2: OHMYGOD this story seems to be really interesting I love the way you write and the plot seems to be cool
Thank you author-nim for deciding to write this story, we will enjoy reading it!