The End of the First Session

If I'm Driving You Crazy, Then You Should Take Your Meds

The session started out well. Junseo didn’t really know where to go after introductions were finished, though. Here he was, sitting there with a smile on his face and having no idea what to say. Should he ask them how they’re feeling? Should he start with something as basic as what their favorite colors were?


Junseo shook his head. He was acting like it was the first day on the job. Like he had never done this before. Well, he hadn’t. Not in a group. At least, not for long. He worked better with just one person. You asked and they answered as best they could. That’s it. Now he had to deal with a group of people with all different personalities. The last time he had worked with a group it… hadn’t gone well. Which was why he was hesitant to try again. He was desperately trying not to make the same mistakes, but it had been so long ago. He hadn’t forgotten about it, but the details were hazy in his mind.


He took a deep breath, and prepared to start. “Well, I think we should begin by getting to know each other. What are your hopes and dreams? What are you afraid of? What makes you happy? Just talk about yourselves. Don’t be scared, you can be yourself here,” he spouted in one breath. He hoped it wasn’t too much because honestly, he was just pulling this out of his . Jungkook looked up, terrified at the prospect of sharing in a room of complete strangers. It didn’t show on his face, of course, but Junseo could tell. He knew.


Jimin, of course, was the first to start. “Hello! Like I said my name is Jimin! My dream is to become a dancer that everyone knows! I'm scared of people not- not liking me…” To be honest, Junseo really didn't understand how people couldn't love the adorable puppy-like human that was Park Jimin. He seemed like an angel. He nodded and said, “thank you for sharing, Jimin.” He figured it was harder than it seemed to bare yourself to a group of complete strangers. Jimin beamed back, seemingly unaffected but Junseo could see in his eyes that he feared he was being judged at the moment. He wanted to say something reassuring, let him know that he was accepted here and that, honestly, Junseo was the craziest one in the room, but Taehyung began to speak.


“Ahhh, my dream is to become a beautiful butterfly that never dies~ my hope is that Jiminie keeps being a sunshine~ I’m afraid of things that scare me~,” he spouted, again barely making sense. Not that it would’ve even if he was talking clearly. Junseo resisted the urge to facepalm. I’m afraid of things that scare me. It made sense in all the worst ways. “ Like what,” Junseo said through a sigh. Taehyung beamed and Junseo immediately regretted his decision. “Well…,” his smile suddenly dropped. “I hate it when the sun goes away and it’s dark. I’m scared of the dark,” his voice faded into a whisper and his whole face darkened.


His whole demeanor changed, and he slumped down in his chair. His face looked so weathered and tired, and Junseo knew that the chances of him getting another word out of Taehyung. He took a shaky breath. He had to admit that seeing the bright, soulful boy just… fade into a dark, dreary, depressed shadow of himself. Jimin shot him a glare as he bent down to rub his best friend back and bent closer to whisper consoling words into his ear, not that it helped.


The sight only seemed to serve Junseo worse, as Namjoon’s face twisted with anguish and he sunk even deeper into himself. Junseo ran a hand down his face and wondered if maybe he should stop here. He hadn’t done anything, and he hadn’t really learned anything new about anyone, but at least now he knew what he should avoid to mention around Taehyung. He also figured that he should stop because Jimin looked like he was 3 seconds away from murdering him.


“Look guys, I think maybe we should stop for now. We can meet again tomorrow, maybe… get to know each other a little better...  I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” With that, he got up and walked out, figuring they could find their ways to their own rooms from there.

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Chapter 4: Okay, I'm just gonna point this out right now. Referring to/ calling people with mental illnesses "crazy" is very problematic and very offensive. A place where the patients are called "crazy" is neither warm nor comforting (the patients in this facility you've invented are clearly being treated rather poorly and are very obviously being judged and treated like massive burdens by the people who are supposed to be helping them). As someone who has PTSD, I find most of what I have seen so far offensive and rude. Also, if you're going to try to write about mental illnesses and disorders then please research them properly first.
Chapter 2: From what I've read so far, I really don't like the therapist. It says he's learnt not to judge but that's clearly not true because he judged all of them before he even entered the room and acted surprised by the way they were acting even thought he already knew what to expect from reading their files. Not only that but he was pretending to be all smiles when to himself, he was actually acting bored, exasperated and overly sarcastic towards them in his thoughts. It's as though the mere thought of dealing with them and trying to help them is some huge burden to him. Someone like that should not be a therapist tbh.
ahood_bts #3
ARMY .......
ahood_bts #4
omggggggg the story seems to be really interested I loved the the way you write , I will support ur writings even though I'm reading this fanfic from archive of our own I want to support u in asianfanfics too , I want to thank you for updating 10 chapters on archive of our own , the plot seems to be really cooool , thanks for sharing this story with us , I appreciate it , you're an amazing writer , I loved the idea of the story , and ur way of writing , in my opinion this idea is new and unique , 7 boys are sick or maybe crazy , but can they live together and be normal again ? can they help each other ? can they survive together ? can they fight for themselves ? can they find real love and home? there are many questions in my mind , that I can't even count them , but I hope they will stay together and fight for happiness , no words can explain how i'm happy for reading this story , PERFECTION I think this is the word , HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM , I WILL ALWAYS STAY BY UR SIDE AND SUPPORT UR WRITINGS
Maram_Bangtan #5
Chapter 2: OHMYGOD this story seems to be really interesting I love the way you write and the plot seems to be cool
Thank you author-nim for deciding to write this story, we will enjoy reading it!