A Different Kind of Introduction

If I'm Driving You Crazy, Then You Should Take Your Meds

The room they were meeting in wasn’t large, but it wasn’t too cramped either. There was enough space for 8 people, and then some. Junseo could tell none of them wanted to be there. He didn't know where to start so he decided just to wing it. “Hi, my name is Lee Junseo, I'm going to be your therapist for awhile. Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves.” He winced. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. Oh well. The shortest one piped up, bright and cheerful. “My name is Park Jimin! Please take care of me!” He smiled as he introduced himself, and Junseo could almost fool himself into thinking he was normal. That he didn't starve himself.


The kid that was glued to Jimin’s side startled him out of his thoughts as he spoke in a voice that was surprisingly deep. “My name is Kim Taehyung, ChimChim’s best friend!” He spoke fast and was hard to understand at some points in his introduction but everyone got the gist of it. Junseo smiled a bit as he watched Jimin elbow Taehyung and tell him not to call him ChimChim. He had forgotten that not all of the infamous seven were lonely and bitter. He didn't quite know why people avoided Jimin and Taehyung like the plague, but he would probably find out sooner or later.


His eyes turned to the next person, who was staring at the floor like it was the most interesting thing the had ever seen. “My name is Kim Namjoon. Please take care of me…,” he trailed off while wistfully looking out the window. Well, he was bound to be a bag of fun! Junseo repressed the urge to let out a sigh. He waited for the next person to give an introduction. “Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok! I hope we can be friends!” Junseo smiled, but didn’t say anything. At least Hoseok seemed cheerful. It took a few minutes, but person standing next to Hoseok eventually decided to introduce himself as well. In a dull, monotonous tone, he stated, “my name is Jeon Jungkook,” and said nothing more. He did, however, give a glance to the people surrounding him and a shudder. The therapist supposed it was because he really didn’t want to be here, with people he didn’t know how to make friends with. Junseo held in another sigh, this one a sigh of relief, upon the discovery that there were only two people left that had to introduce themselves.


The taller of the two went first, although his introduction was more of a jumbled mess than anything. “Seokjin. Kim. My name is…. Kim Seokjin!” The simultaneously gorgeous and adorable man gave a proud smile, and then nodded his head as if he was listening to someone. “Thank you, friend. My introduction was nice, wasn’t it.” Seokjin nodded solemnly, and Junseo thanked whoever was listening that he had learned not to judge a long time ago. He also recalled that Seokjin’s file explicitly said not to mention his “friends” so he kept his mouth shut as he waited for the (finally) last introduction in the group.


The boy looked surly and tired. Junseo had noticed that he had been yawning throughout the whole session so far, and could guess at who it was. As he suppressed a yawn, he said, “my name is Min Yoongi, please take care of me.” Junseo had to fight the urge to scowl at the obvious sarcasm and disdain in the younger man’s voice. “Well, now that we got that out of the way, I think we can officially begin our first session now! Is there anything interesting that someone would like to share,” Junseo said with pep injected into his voice. He knew that he should be as cheerful as he could possibly be because it had a positive effect on the patients… most of the time. In this case, it seemed to depend on who it was.


It seemed that most of them were charmed by his wide smile, but Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook seemed to completely ignore it, or not be affected at all. Hoseok rose his hand as if asking permission for him to speak. “Hoseok, you don’t need to raise your hand to speak. You can say whatever’s on your mind,” Junseo admonished. Hoseok sheepishly lowered his hand as he began to speak. “I prefer to be called J- Hope… if that’s ok…,” he trailed off. Junseo nodded in way of saying ‘it’s fine.’


“Are there any other nicknames anybody would like to be called,” Junseo asked. Seokjin piped up with, “Jin. Like to be called… Jin please. Just Jin.” Taehyung was next, standing up to declare his preferred name. “I,” he dramatically began, “would like to go by the name of V!” The older therapist couldn’t help but chuckle at the younger boy’s mannerisms, and he hoped that the kid wouldn’t take it the wrong way. Namjoon kept mumbling something over and over, and Junseo assumed he was saying what he like to be called but Junseo also couldn’t hear him soo… he did the sensible thing and skipped his turn. Yoongi was, surprisingly, the next person to speak. “I like to be called…,” he drifted off and shook his head. “Nevermind.” Junseo half wanted to encourage him but the other half was a little frightened because he had no clue if the boy had any lighters or not and even though it was his job, he didn’t want to check. He figured Namjoon and Yoongi would come around with time.


They probably just needed to get to know him and the others better. Right. That’s what his job was. He took a deep breath and got ready to really begin.

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Chapter 4: Okay, I'm just gonna point this out right now. Referring to/ calling people with mental illnesses "crazy" is very problematic and very offensive. A place where the patients are called "crazy" is neither warm nor comforting (the patients in this facility you've invented are clearly being treated rather poorly and are very obviously being judged and treated like massive burdens by the people who are supposed to be helping them). As someone who has PTSD, I find most of what I have seen so far offensive and rude. Also, if you're going to try to write about mental illnesses and disorders then please research them properly first.
Chapter 2: From what I've read so far, I really don't like the therapist. It says he's learnt not to judge but that's clearly not true because he judged all of them before he even entered the room and acted surprised by the way they were acting even thought he already knew what to expect from reading their files. Not only that but he was pretending to be all smiles when to himself, he was actually acting bored, exasperated and overly sarcastic towards them in his thoughts. It's as though the mere thought of dealing with them and trying to help them is some huge burden to him. Someone like that should not be a therapist tbh.
ahood_bts #3
ARMY .......
ahood_bts #4
omggggggg the story seems to be really interested I loved the the way you write , I will support ur writings even though I'm reading this fanfic from archive of our own I want to support u in asianfanfics too , I want to thank you for updating 10 chapters on archive of our own , the plot seems to be really cooool , thanks for sharing this story with us , I appreciate it , you're an amazing writer , I loved the idea of the story , and ur way of writing , in my opinion this idea is new and unique , 7 boys are sick or maybe crazy , but can they live together and be normal again ? can they help each other ? can they survive together ? can they fight for themselves ? can they find real love and home? there are many questions in my mind , that I can't even count them , but I hope they will stay together and fight for happiness , no words can explain how i'm happy for reading this story , PERFECTION I think this is the word , HWAITING AUTHOR-NIM , I WILL ALWAYS STAY BY UR SIDE AND SUPPORT UR WRITINGS
Maram_Bangtan #5
Chapter 2: OHMYGOD this story seems to be really interesting I love the way you write and the plot seems to be cool
Thank you author-nim for deciding to write this story, we will enjoy reading it!