
fic dump

The cold rain almost made him want to give in to the desire to stay in bed all day, but Kwon Soonyoung believed in productivity. Even if he didn’t have any work today, he sure as hell wasn’t going to waste his time doing nothing. He turned to look at his boyfriend, who was still fast asleep beside him, expecting to see Jihoon's cute sleeping face, but Jihoon had his back turned to him in favor of facing the wall. Soonyoung pouts at the head of lilac hair. He whispered a good morning and pressed a light kiss on Jihoon's shoulder, knowing the other could use a couple more hours of sleep, before getting up to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Afterwards, Soonyoung goes to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. The coffee maker had been taking longer to do its job lately and Jihoon had complained that they needed a new one, but Soonyoung is as stubborn as he is sentimental, and he held on firmly to the first thing the two of them had bought together for their shared apartment.

He decides to plop down on the couch for the time being to watch TV. The remote control is not in its place on the makeshift coffee table, so Soonyoung digs under the cushions, finding instead a pack of condoms and some lubricant. He chuckles to himself.

The first time he and Jihoon had made out in the living room, the two of them had had to halt activities and go to the bedroom where their supplies were. Jihoon had scowled, out of breath and face pink, and swore he would fill every nook and cranny in their apartment with lube and condoms. So he did stick to his word. Soonyoung liked that about him.

Soonyoung gave up on finding the remote and just pressed the “on” button on the TV, lowering the volume so it wouldn’t wake Jihoon up. The smell of coffee seemed to do the job, however, and Soonyoung hears water running in the bathroom.

“Morning,” he hears Jihoon's voice say.

“Morning,” Soonyoung greets back, eyes focused on the bad news on the screen. A pair of small hands come up from behind him to pull up his sweater, and he yelps as cold fingers brush against his ribs. He tries to grab Jihoon's arm by the other had quickly jogged away in the direction of the kitchen, laughing.

“Hey! What was that for!” he yelled after Jihoon.

“You didn’t wake me up!” Jihoon called back. Soonyoung was sure Jihoon would’ve been more annoyed if he had tried to wake him up. Jihoon pads back to the living room on his slippered feet with a frown on his face. He looked cute in an oversized sweater and his underwear, lilac hair sticking in all directions, and Soonyoung immediately forgave him for the tickling. “The coffee’s not even done yet, I told you we should get another-“

“No.” Soonyoung smiled at him. “You go back to bed and I’ll bring us coffee.”

Jihoon smiled back thankfully before going back to their room.

Hearing the familiar click that signaled that the coffee was finished, Soonyoung goes to the kitchen. There’s a set of cups and saucers that they used, and he noticed the uneven ratio of cups to saucers: one cup missing its saucer from an argument between him and Jihoon that had gotten way too heated. Soonyoung shrugged off the memory. The two of them had stayed together after that anyway. 

Soonyoung poured two cups of coffee, sweetening his own and adding both milk and sugar in Jihoon's, then carrying them carefully to the bedroom. Jihoon sat up on the bed with his legs folded under him, still not looking completely awake, and Soonyoung handed him his coffee as he sat down beside him in a similar position. 

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, taking sips of their coffee and listening to the rain pouring outside the window. Jihoon set his empty cup on the bedside table beside Soonyoung. He kissed Soonyoung's cheek, lips warm from the coffee, and Soonyoung took it as a silent thank you.

“What do you feel like doing today?” Jihoon asked, reaching for Soonyoung's hand. Soonyoung laces their fingers together. Jihoon's hand felt warm in his, and Soonyoung knew just what he felt like doing.

“I feel like marrying you.”

He felt Jihoon's hand tense in his own. Jihoon was silent for a while, staring at his lap, and Soonyoung felt a wave of panic rising in his chest when Jihoon retracts his hand from him.

“Was that a proposal?” Jihoon asked quietly.

“It was.”

Jihoon lies back down, burying his face in a pillow and pulling the blanket up until only a tuft of lilac hair was visible to Soonyoung.

“Hey!” Soonyoung protests once he’d gotten over his shock. He shakes Jihoon's shoulders through the blanket. “Your handsome boyfriend just proposed to you and you go back to sleep!”

“I don’t have a handsome boyfriend anymore, I have a fiancé now,” Jihoon snapped, voice muffled under the thick fabric of the blanket. Soonyoung could hear him sniffling, and he pulls the blanket off of Jihoon harshly. Jihoon quickly covered his eyes with one hand, the other trying to pull the blanket back on him.

“That’s a yes, isn’t it,” Soonyoung asked in disbelief. He hadn't planned on proposing today at all and his mouth had just blurted out what was on his mind, but he feels so happy that he starts bawling messily. It makes Jihoon laugh through his own tears and ask him why he’s even crying. Soonyoung points out that Jihoon was the one who cried first, expecting the light slap on his stomach but not the tight hug Jihoon gives him afterwards.

“I asked what you wanted to do today, though,” Jihoon mumbled against his collarbone after the two of them had been reduced to light sniffles.

“Dunno,” Soonyoung answered. He had forgotten what it was he planned to do after all the excitement. He turned to Jihoon. “You?”


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Chapter 3: Aww cute
Chapter 3: I love you. Really. Our Jeongcheol hearts beating as one! *cries* *runs to the nearest Jeongcheol dump*