
Our Vow



Chaeyeon hated herself for being able to sit comfortably while enjoying a cup of warm chamomile tea and a stack of pancakes amidst the amount of works she had to do. Pile of papers was waiting on her desk, but an invitation card beside it caught her attention more. A wedding invitation, to be exact. Written with beautiful cursive fonts were the names of two persons she knows really well. Lee Seokmin and Choi Yuna. Who knows they will tie the knot? Both of them were always bickering in every single encounter.

The girl took the invitation card and examined it. The wedding was still a month away, but Yuna gave her the invitation before anyone else. She also personally asked Chaeyeon to be her bridesmaid, saying best friends from high school will also help her and Seokmin. Jaehyun would also be there.

And that’s what scares her the most.

It has been two years since their last conversation. No matter how hard Chaeyeon tries, the look on his face when she stupidly bid her farewell wouldn’t stop haunting her mind. She was reckless. She was so selfish that she chose to trade beautiful and happy moments for her ambition in college. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t miss him and their memories together. In fact she craved to see him, yet another part of her heart screamed guilt.

Being a coward she was, Chaeyeon called Yuna and told her she was afraid she couldn’t be her bridesmaid.




The wedding day had finally arrived.

Perks of being a part of female population, Chaeyeon spent so much time in the morning for her makeup and her hair. It wasn’t even her wedding, and she didn’t have anyone to impress—well perhaps she did, she might find her future husband there, right?—but she wanted to look presentable at least. Nevertheless, she made it fifty minutes earlier before the wedding ceremony started.

As soon as she arrived, Chaeyeon went straight to the bride’s waiting room, not expecting anyone other than Yuna’s cousins (as her bridesmaids, because most of high school best friends couldn’t make it and Chaeyeon was part of it) and the bride herself to be in the room. Especially Jung Jaehyun. They were talking and laughing at something the guy had said. Yet, the moment his eyes met hers, his laughter slowly halted. Instead, he stared as her as if she was some kind interesting observation object.

“Chaeyeonie you’re here!” Yuna exclaimed. Chaeyeon flashed a small smile at Jaehyun and walked over to the bride, giving her a brief hug.

“Congratulations! You looked gorgeous.”

“Thank you.”

“Uhm.” Jaehyun cleared his throat. Chaeyeon spared him a glance for a few seconds, before turning to look at her fingers that suddenly looked so pretty. She had to stop letting her gaze linger on him longer than she was supposed to. “I’ll head in to the ballroom. See you.”

“He looked great, eh?” Yuna smirked, nudging Chaeyeon’s side once Jaehyun was out of the room. The girl could only shake her head, but didn’t deny anything. Heck, she doesn’t remember when the last time she saw him in formal attire was. He looked so fine in his black shirt and suit, and they matched her black dress, somehow.

“Aren’t you nervous?” Chaeyeon diverted the conversation back to the wedding.

“Very much. I hope Seokmin wouldn’t mess anything up.” She chuckled drily. Her eyes glanced at a clock hung on the wall. “It’s starting soon. Chaeyeon...”

“Everything is going to be alright.” Chaeyeon squeezed her best friend’s hand softly, a wide smile on her face. “I’ll head in now, and take your pictures as much as possible.”

Yuna broke into a grin and slapped her arm playfully.




Jaehyun was standing in front of the ballroom’s door when Chaeyeon got there, leaning his figure right beside the entrance. She wasn’t sure what (or who) he was waiting for. It wasn’t her business, so she walked past him, trying not to take any single glance at his features.

Much to her surprise, he caught up her steps.


What kind of human trying to initiate a friendly conversation with someone who dumped him? Chaeyeon sent him a confused look, plus her slightly furrowed eyebrows.

“Okay. Don’t look at me like that, Chaeyeon.” Jaehyun raised his hands in defense, the edge of his lips curled up slightly. The girl slowly turned her expression to a blank one as she scanned the ballroom, looking for a seat for her, also for him just in case he planned to follow her. She immediately spotted two vacant seats in one of the table and approached them in high speed, Jaehyun followed suit.

 “How are you?” Jaehyun asked as she moved his chair slightly closer to Chaeyeon. For the first time that day, she actually looked at him. He hasn’t changed much, except his jaws are more defined and his face showed maturity—different from the one he had at high school and first year of college.

“I’m... fine? I guess.” She managed to give him a response. In her mind, she was still trying to figure out what Jaehyun’s real intention was. If she was him, she wouldn’t want to talk to herself ever again. “Um, how about you?”

“I miss you.”

His words were so sudden Chaeyeon thought her ears played trick on her. She blinked slowly, watching as Jaehyun fiddled with his fingers.

“I miss you.” He repeated. “Funny, I can’t seem to forget you.”

And there Chaeyeon had always thought he has gotten over everything they had. She thought Jaehyun forgot her and found a new someone special, a person that a hundred times better than her because he deserves it. The thought of Jaehyun thinking of her like she did sent a warm feeling throughout her body.

“I...” She trailed off. She didn’t know what might happen if she started telling Jaehyun how she was actually feeling. “...have promised Yuna to take pictures.”

As if it was on cue, the march was played, and Yuna walked in slowly, her arm was linked with her father’s. She looked so pretty, Chaeyeon couldn’t help a little jealousy she felt for her slim and tall figure wrapped in a beautiful white dress. She took out her camera and started taking snaps of Yuna and Seokmin alternately.

The groom and the bride were standing in front of the altar, and this scene brought a memory back to Chaeyeon’s mind.


Jaehyun had gone crazy. He knew Chaeyeon had never ditched any class in her life. She wasn’t the type to break rules, he also wasn’t. Yet somehow, they ended up sitting side by side far at the back-seat of the bus, fingers intertwined, heading to God-knows-where.

“If something bad happens, you know you’re a dead meat, Jung Jaehyun.” The girl threatened. She sent her death glare, but didn’t let go of his hand.

“Pfft. Like you can live without me.” Jaehyun stuck out his tongue and ruffled Chaeyeon’s hair fondly. She snorted, and that was all. He chuckled softly.

“Do you even know where we are going?”

“No. But I have an idea now.” He smirked a little. Chaeyeon didn’t ask more. She stared at the view outside the window, the movement of the bus lulling her. But before she could close her eyes, Jaehyun dragged her out of the bus.

They stopped in front of a church. The girl was clueless, what were they going to do? Did Jaehyun make a sin? She only looked around confusedly as they walked into the church.

“Wait.” Jaehyun told her before he ran down the aisles, and stopped in front of the altar. He exhaled a breath as he turned around, facing the puzzled Chaeyeon.

“Come here, Chaeyeon.” His voice echoed in the room. She walked towards him slowly but in firm and determined steps. Once she stood beside him, Jaehyun linked her arm with his and turned to face the altar.

“Jung Chaeyeon, do you take Jung Jaehyun as your cherished husband, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by his side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?” Jaehyun spoke in a voice one pitch lower than his actual voice. Chaeyeon stared at him in daze, but quickly muttered her reply.

“... I do.” She smiled. “Jung Jaehyun, do you take Jung Chaeyeon as your cherished wife, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by her side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?”

Jaehyun looked right into her eyes. “I do.”

Her smile grew wider and she let out a soft giggle.

“Hey. We have to seal the vow.” Jaehyun said as he took a step closer to her, his soft lips landed on hers.


“Chaeyeon.” She felt a touch on her shoulder and she turned to look at the owner of the voice, her cheeks grew warm as she realized what she had just thought. She took a glance at Seokmin and Yuna, they were reciting their vows.

“I...” Jaehyun started. “You can call me stupid but I’m wondering if I ever crossed your mind. If you ever missed me. And... And if, we can start over again.”

Chaeyeon blinked slowly, contemplating everything in her mind. Should she just tell him the truth? It wouldn’t hurt, right?

“Jaehyun, first of all, I’m sorry. For being really mean.” She heaved a sigh. “You never really left my mind, and I do miss you.”

“So... should we make our vow back then real?” Jaehyun chuckled. And it sounds like music to her, as always. She looked down at her lap. Her cheeks were warm—no, they were hot.



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Chapter 1: omg crying in the club, these two cuties deserve the world and also each other. I live for the way you write the entire fic, the only thing that saddens me is the length, MAKE IT LONGER CAUSE IM DYING but beside that i love you for making this! hope you'll continue to write
Chapter 1: This is so cute. Please make a part two
jonginni #3
Chapter 1: Awww cute
Chocopie39 #4
Chapter 1: *rolls* this is so cute!!!
soojungtaemin #5
Chapter 1: someone, help me i can't stop smiling oh god ghagsgsggav this is too cute ! hope you can do more jaehyunxchaeyeon !
haha boiiiiiiii

annyeong peri it me 97 sopa quartets no1 enthusiast
rion_01 #8
Chapter 1: Awesome oneshot! I'm actually new to this ship and I've been searching so hard for their fics. Glad I've found this and omg, I hope that there are more than one chapter TT. And there's Seokmin and Yuju, one of my favourite couples too~ Thanks so much for this, I hope you'll make more^^
astaga1990 #9
Chapter 1: HOW IS THIS ONLY ONE CHAPTER ToT this is so goodly written and I guess, the very first updated Chaeyeon x Jaehyun fic? lols
Thanks for this, I hope you make more of these two!! <3<3
Itskimara #10
Chapter 1: Waaang~ finally i found chaeyeon - jaehyun fanfiction TT TT. They are my otp TT.TT. this fanfic is sooooo goooood. I hope u write another chaeyeon and jaehyun fanfic. Sorry my english are bad