
The Great Escape

“Anybody know any jokes?” Wonwoo said as he undid Mingyu’s knot and re-did it properly as he had done with all the others before.

“Your face,” S.Coups said.

 “Your mum,” Mingyu said.

 “My life,” Vernon said.

Wonwoo didn’t look up. “F*** you, Soup. F*** you, Bimbo. Sorry to hear that, Vernie. I feel you.”

“Aww,” Vernon made and poked Wonwoo’s ribs gently. “I feel you, too.”

“I should hope not,” S.Coups said. “You’re is still underage, maknae. The only thing you should feel is Joshua’s influence.”

“Romance under starlight,” Mingyu said.

Wonwoo poked Mingyu in the ribs hard enough to make the tall boy cough. The low tone rapper let the strip of mattress flick between his hands like cracking a whip. “Always wondered how much strength it takes to choke a man. …Anyway, hand me the next bunch of strips. I’m all out.”

“Uh,” Vernon looked around. “I think we did all of them.”

The four hip hoppers looked up from their work and tried to spot any loose ends.

“They’re all connected,” S.Coups remarked. “But why do we have five end pieces?”

Standing up from the concrete, the boys stretched their work across the roof. Somehow they had tied multiple strips together and created something akin to a star drawn by a blind toddler on his fifth cup of espresso. It took some untangling, interrupted only by mutual blame distribution.

Miraculously they untangled the shape into a continuous line in a matter of minutes.

“Get ready,” S.Coups ordered. “Make sure you have your bags, because we’re not coming back. Vernon goes first because he’s lightest. Mingyu goes last because… well.”

The tall rapper put his hands on his hips. “Are we talking about my again? Because I remember a certain somebody here – not naming any names, S.Coups – who insisted on having the biggest thighs.”

“Fine, I’ll go last,” the leader said with an eye roll. “It doesn’t matter. We did the knots well, so the rope won’t tear.”

They stepped closer to the edge while S.Coups fixed a spare shoe from his bag to the rope as weight, so it wouldn’t sway wildly before they climbed down.

“Actually,” Wonwoo said, “Isn’t the one going first in the most danger? If it’s going to tear, it’ll be as soon as it’s used, no?”

“Not going first,” Vernon said.

The leader grunted. “Ugh, fine we’ll do rock-paper-scissor. I only want to get us all down there you dumb, nagging children. Now… Here goes nothing.”

He threw the shoe over the edge and watched the rope fly after it. More and more followed. Soon it would reach the bottom and-

S.Coups realized his mistake when the other end sailed past him and dropped over the edge. He hadn’t tied it to anything. There went their rope. And with it their chance for escape.

“Ah, I realize your mistake,” Mingyu said. “You didn’t tie it to anything.”

“I know.”

“There went our rope.”

“I know, Mingyu.”

“And with it our chance for e-“

I know! I literally just had an internal monologue about this.”

“Guys?” Vernon pointed to the side of the building. The rope had been blow away by the stiff night breeze and gotten caught in the fire escape ladder spiraling down the side of the building.

A fire escape ladder. Leading down. They could’ve just used it. How had they not seen that one?

“It’s a fire escape ladder,” Vernon said. “It’s leading down.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know.” S.Coups waved at the boy dismissively.

“We could’ve just used it. How did we not see-“

“Can y’all stop repeating my internal monologues? Let’s go.”

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Chapter 14: When i read the comment section, everyone was making a fuss over the egg pun nd i was like, 'is it really that funny?' So i read this. Nd yes its mean i read this for the sole purpose of knowing the 'amazing' egg pun. Nd AMAZING IT IS. I LITERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD OVER THAT DAMN EGG PUN. OHMYGOD SO INGENIOUS I'M I CANT GET OVER IT ITS SO FUNNY & GOOD T____T good story i had a lot of laugh bc of this fic. Be back gonna subscribe to this!
banacarat #2
Chapter 14: Vernon and Wonwoo would have appreciated that egg pun. They might have even blew air out of their nose. In all seriousness though, this ff was soooo funny. Especially the beginning and the end!
Chapter 14: Wait. Wait, so Nu'est's brilliant idea was to burn down Pledis and meanie's just gonna make a living doing sketchy stuff? What about everyone else? Did woozi force seungcheol to give him the most money to buy another piano? or it was probably jeonghan and his shampoo
Chapter 13: That egg pun was the best. Hands down the best.
Casandra #5
Chapter 14: did seventeen forget abt nuest...???? hahahahhaha..omg and did nuest manage to get out. what abt the boss..hahah
Jihoon_98 #6
Chapter 14: I seriously need some continuation of this story... Like what happened to nu'est?? What happened to SVT?? What happened to the boss??
Anyway i enjoyed reading this >.<
AmethystGreen #7
Chapter 14: *copies mingyu's voice* that's the endeu? ヽ(´□`。)ノ awwwweee i'll miss this story
Chapter 14: That's it I was enjoying the story :D
AmethystGreen #9
Chapter 13: The egg pun tho hahahaha (⌒▽⌒)It's the thirteenth chapter already and still they did not escape ヽ(´□`。)ノ
LeonorManga #10
Chapter 13: I loved the egg pun so... just informing you that you made my day. This whole story makes my day tbh