oneshot ?

Good Luck for Us

5.30 a.m, you woke up because the cold air but you didn’t move since you were so lazy, but…
*cheer up tone* you groaned and quickly reach your phone on the desk next to the bed,”__-ah! Aren’t you going to apologize? I chatted you last night but I couldn’t even find the ‘read’ mark..”.
You sighed,”sorry, I..fell asleep (?)…what is it? OK, got it. Tell me later. Hang up!”.
You glared to the phone,”what’s wrong with him?! Wait, what’s wrong with me? Why did I mad last night? Why am I talking to myself?!”, you groaned frustrated and run to the bathroom.

It was Monday so you had to go to school, you decided to go early so you could avoid Seungcheol . yeah, your bestfriend since middle school and unluckily you had crush on him.

Since it was early there was not too many students so you put on your headphone. You didn’t even realize the school gate are an inch away. You were walking with no suspicion until you felt someone gaze behind you,”better come out before I..”, you keep the flat expression and calm walking. “ dear friend, it that how much your feeling to me? God..” Seungcheol said while poking your shoulder. You smiled, suddenly you  ran to your class to escape from his speech.

It was lunch time, instead of  take your lunch you decided to sleep on your desk but someone was disturbing your sleep. one but him. “heyhey..there’s something important. So wake up and listen to me..” he whined and keep poking your head. “yah! What the hell Seungcheol? OK, you liked her so what?! There’s nothing to do with me, right?” you calmed and glared to him. Seungcheol put his shock face and smiled. Ah…you have to help him, again.

Seungcheol made an appointment to meet him at school gym. You liked him since middle school but you had too many reasons to keep it inside. Afraid to break your friendship, rejection, not his type, but one thing…it broke your heart. You saw him walking so you tilted your head and sighed,”tell me, NOW”
he grinned,”so…I’ve texted her since a week ago and I wanna ask her to a date…but I don’t know how (?) no..I mean I don’t know what kind of date since she’s..”, you didn’t let him finished,”ask her to watch movie. I heard a nice movie is going premiere this week. But you have to watch jazz concert with me this”.  he thamked you and hugged you.

 The concert day

You were a simple person so you chose a simple outfit. When you were open the front door someone called you and it was Seungcheol? You answer it and he talked first,”hey, sorry __-ah, I can’t watch the concert ‘cause you know…she asked me to watch the movie tonight since she said she’s busy. So?”. You sighed,”it’s okay..good luck. Ah..instead of watching movie, would you like to watch the concert with her? I’m afraid these ticket are waste”. He asked her first and luckily you weren’t going to burn the tickets.

You changed to your casual clothes and lay on the bed. Something’s smiled but something is salty. Finally you called your other bestfriend,”eunji-ah~ I missed you. Beep. Yeah?”, in the other line,”yah! Seungcheol again?!__-ah I have to said it now. You’re coward you know? Keep hurting your own feeling with damn reasons and all of it are speculation? Tell him okay?”
you thanked her and took a long breathe. Coward? Should you admit it? It wasn’t the problem. Yeah, you’ve never confessed your feeling to anyone since Seungcheol is the only one. You’ve tried to move on but kinda shaky? Failed? You felt your eyes teary so you closed it and went to deep sleep.

The next morning you woke up ‘cause your phone keep ringing,”..sorry, the number you’ve dialed can’t be reach. Beep”.  The laugh is Seungcheol’s but kinda different,”then..can you leave *cough* message for her?”. You widened your eyes,”hey, are you sick? I’m coming there! Hang in there Seungcheol-ah” , you forgot your disappointment last night and feeling worried instead.
You arrived there and knocked a few times but no answer. the door arent’t locked,”Mr. Choi? Mrs. Choi? Seungcheol-ah? Aish, what am I going to do?” but then you heard his cough, you found him laying on the couch,”Seung..can you hear me? Are you OK? Can you walk? I’ll help you move to your bedroom.” 
he opened his eyes and smiled. You smiled back and put his hand on your shoulder to help him walk. You prepared wet clothes to put on his forehead,”you’re having fever. What happened? Tell me when you’re feeling better. It’s order, man.”
You called your mother about  how to make a porridge. You bought all of the ingredients and ready to cook. In the middle of cooking, Seungcheol walk behind you and lean his head on your shoulder, you stiffed and held your breathe until you needed air. He laughed,”thanks my lovely friend. You’re really taking care of me. You know…I really love this side of you”. You blushed hard,”y-yah! Get-off, the porridge is ready. Eat it, take the pill, go rest. It’s or-der”, he chuckled because you were stuttering. 
He sat down and staring your back. You gave him a bowl of porridge with worried feeling about how it tasted. “yumm…it’s better than I thought. Is it because you’re here __-ah?”, Seungcheol winked. Your jaw dropped not because the taste but…he just said ‘chessy’ line to you (?). you put your hand on his forehead,”the fever went down. Oh my god, what’s wrong with you?” you closed your mouth with wide eyes. He ruffled your hair and grinned,”what? I’m totally fine. Thanks anyway”. You took a sit across him and asked him what happened.
The Concert Night
Seungcheol waited for that girl since she said she would love to watch the concert. 45 minutes passed. He went to the locket and gave the reservation code from you. He took the tickets and waited until he was left alone in front of the entrance. He called her, he smiled at first but,”ah…your ex want to get back, huh? Haha…good luck then.“ Seungcheol smiled bitterly and sighed,”good luck..yeah…exactly what __ said when I was going to a date. But why does it hurt? He shook his head. Something drops on his face. Ah-it’s going to rain. He ran to the nearest bus stop but it couldn’t be helped, it was raining a lot. he started to think, what is __ doing? She must be nagging all night if she know I’m sopping with rain. He chuckled imagining how you nag usually. She cared for me a lot. did she like me? Aish. Actually Seungcheol liked you too but since he misunderstood the way you act he always hesitated to ask you out as a girl. The rain couldn’t stop at any moment so he ran to home.
After you heard it you stood up and flicked his forehead,”crazy boy, auhh. Yah, call your mom. I’m going to stay here. Be nice to me, man”.
he smiled ear to ear,”my parents isn’t home ‘til Wednesday. And of course mom will agree since his son is sick”, you made a face and smiled to him
Later at night Seungcheol felt better,”__-ah go buy something. Let’s have a snack at rooftop. There’s something that I’m going to tell you”, sometimes you really want to kill him with such attitude. 
he was going to tell you his feelings but just don’t know how so he decided to call one of his bestfriend, yup, it was Eunji.
“Choi Seungcheol~ you guys are coward couple huh? I lived with cowards all this time for god’s sake. Just confess. No speculation! Be confident pabo-yah”, Seungcheol frowned and thought about what Eunji said. Did she like me too? Since when?
You came with a big plastic bag of snack and run upstairs. You found him laying on a big bench,”move, I’m tired. Give this nice creature some place”, you smiled and open one of the snack. 
His face was kinda nervous (?) so you asked him,“so what is it? You seem weird. No way- are you dying Seungcheol?! Don’t leave me my dear friend~” you shook his body and he flicked your forehead.
“I’m not leaving __-ah. I’ll stay by your side…” he said bluntly and you shocked because of his cheesy line,”heol~ you aren’t okay, right? You keep saying ‘weird’ things. Gosh, goosebumps over my body” you said while shaking your head.
“__-ah..we were friend since middle school. We went through everything together as friend, you helped me when I was going to date…but..why I’ve never hear such thing from you?” he asked while playing with his shirt. You coughed, what now? Awkward conversation?
“umm..I..just don’t know how (?) but what do you want to know? It’s okay, just ask me” you smiled to him.
“really? Then…so, we’ve been friends for a few years and there’s something like ‘feeling’ to you. I have this thing since 2nd grade in middle school but I think you just see me as friend, right?” he chuckled awkwardly.
“yah- what- I..liked you too, I mean..I..liked you before 2nd grade? I don’t know why but..I’ve tried to moved on..but..I..just can’t” you stuttered and sighed.
Seungcheol widened his eyes,”then..don’t..move on, please. So..__-ah..I like you, I’m sorry I’m just afraid of everything about you be my best of the bestfriend?” he asked you nervously.
your heart beat wasn’t normal, you coughed awkwardly,”yeah- I like you too Seungcheol-ah…I mean..what’s wrong with me? So…yes ?” you turned your head so you faced him.
he grinned, suddenly he bear hugged you while chuckling,”thanks god~!”
you pat his back because you couldn’t breathe. He let you free and you felt your face heated up. “Yah- let’s wish good luck for each other since we’re in ‘something’ now.” He grinned.
what the- something? God, I’m blushing hard because of Choi Seungcheol. “cuttie~”, he said and peck your lips three times.
you hid your face with your palms,”meannie! I hate you, man”
he chuckled,”I love you too, roger!”


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fifiiioo #1
Cute author-nim :3 just like my experience....