Wedding Day

I can't. Not Anymore
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Raquel P.O.V


The first person I called was my mom. I mean who wouldn't call their mom when they get proposed to? She was happy for me but she expressed that she didn't like that I was getting married at 19 "Mom, I know that I love him. Just like what Jonghyun said. When it's right, you just know it, I want to spend my life with him." 
"I'm sorry sweety. I understand completely. I really do and I support you. I love you." I ended up smiling. I know she means well but it means the world to me that she's supporting me. "I love you to." I told her before hanging up. Okay now I got to call Laney. "Babes what's up?" I took a deep breath. "Lanes? I'm getting married." She was quiet. I can see her standing up, walking around the room trying to process it. Alright, in "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I could hear her jumping on the bed. The screaming went on for at least five minutes. "He proposed!? When!? How!??? Spill !" I couldn't help but laugh. I can't help but love this girl and her filthy mouth. Her personality is wild. You'd think she was the one who was getting married. "Tonight. I didn't even realize it either. I thought he had left early this morning with the boys to practice. Instead they were getting things set up. He sent a delivery guy to bring me a box and a bag which held a dress and shoes. I just thought he was giving me a gift because that's what he does. He left a note telling me to go try it on. I thought it was odd but I still did it. Right before I could take everything off the door bell rung again and this time it was a stylist and he dragged me off and fixed my make up and hair. You won't believe how I different looked. Then he pushed me outside and as soon as I was out side another guy came and took me to this ballroom and said "Mr. Kim will be waiting for you." Still being a dumbbell I walked in looking for Jonghyun. He had these lights set up on the ground to light my way to this single table that he had set up in the middle of the room. He had my favorite flowers next to a candle. The card that was there told me to sit down. I thought that he was being a romanticist and planned a dinner in the ballroom. When I sat down he started singing. Girl. He sung one of my favorite songs. Will You Marry Me by Lee Seung Gi. Then he let the guys take over while he came over to me and we danced the whole song. When it ended he started talking and then got down on one knee!" Laney started screaming again. "Of course I had to let my best friend know because I had to ask her an important question. Lanes, will you be my maid of honor." I could hear her gasp on the other end. "Uh Hell yes!! I mean duh! Oh my, we got to go shopping for our dresses. Ah! I'm packing up right now and flying my over there! Love you! Bye!" And she hung up. I stared at the phone in disbelief. That's my best friend for you. There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Jonghyun popped his head in. "I just wanted to come and wish my fiancé a good night." 
"Ah! Jonghyun.." He gave me a look. "Uh Oppa, hold on." He smiled as he waited for me to get up. He got on me about calling him Oppa and said to make sure I remember to call him that. As I got to the door I took a deep breath. "This had been long over due. You told me you could wait till I'm ready and I'm ready now. I... I love you." He didn't show any emotions for a minute. Oh no... Is he turned off by what I said? Did I take too long to say it back? Then he broke out into a wide grin. "Oh baby I love you too." And he brought his face closer to mine. When our lips touched I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. "I ... Can't wait... Till.... I make you.... Mine officially... In front... Of ....the world..." He said in between kisses. He gripped my body tighter and kissed me with more fierce motion. He was about to come in my room till I broke the kiss and placed my hands on his chest. "Hmm. Not now. Not with the guys still here. Wait till our honey moon when we're completely alone. No interruptions." I gave him a y smile. He gave me a pouty face and  then gave me a kiss on the cheek after whispering good night. I shut the door and jumped into bed. He'll find out sooner or later and I prefer later. That I've never really been with a guy.

I ran downstairs into the kitchen to grab me a water bottle. As I turned away from the refrigerator I bumped into Jonghyun. "Hey! You're not going to have breakfast with me?" I jumped up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry. I don't have time. Laney plane is going to land in a few minutes and I'm going to go pick her up. Since you and the guys are riding with your manager today I'm taking your car. I love you!" I ran out the kitchen smiling before he could say anything back.  I pulled in at the airport within five minutes tops and ran in. I stood behind the line waiting for her to come out. After a couple minutes I saw her. "Lanes!" She pulled off her shades and smiled at me. "Babes!" We ran screaming to each other and hugged. "Come on! We can take your bags back later. We got to hurry up and get to the la beau boutique. Then we have to meet with the wedding planner so we have a pretty busy day ahead of us." She wrapped her arm around mine. "Let's go chicka!" Laughing we headed back to the car. We pulled up to the store and Laney let out a wow. "You weren't kidding when you said it was gorgeous." I cut the car off and got out the car. "You wait till you go inside." Before we walked in she stopped me. "So when is the wedding?" 
"It's next month." Which is not long since this month is over in two days. So I'll be having a wedding in July. As soon as we walked inside she almost collapsed. "Girl! This place is huge. These dresses are beyond perfect." I giggled at her reaction. "They offer nothing but perfection. I already know the dress that I want . I have yours picked out also. I always thought the color looked good on you." She looked at me with surprise. "Damn you move fast! He just proposed last night." I walked towards the desk. "Raquel Smith." She checked her list and smiled. "Right this way ladies." I turned back and looked at Laney. "I never told you this but I already had my dress and my bridesmaid dress picked out when I was in high school. That was my dream dress and I didn't want nothing else. If they didn't have it, I was going to have it custom made. I wanted that dress no matter what." She nodded telling me she understood. I sat down as the lady took laney in the changing room to change into her dress. After a few minutes she came back out and stepped in front of me. "You look fabulous in that dress!" The lady said smiling. I nodded in agreement. "You are working that dress. I knew that that color would look good on you." She walked towards to mirror and posed. What I chose was a long violet strapless dress that had a wavy v cut in the front showing her knees. She hurried over to me. "Hurry! Go try on yours. I'm dying to see it!" She kept pushing me till I was in the room. I looked at my dress. It was long and flowy. It had a rose on at the top of my right and this thing that I pull over my head. It also had this band right below my . I absolutely adored it. I put on my shoes that goes with it. "Hurried up woman, we're dying out here!" Laney yelled.  "Alright! Here I come." I pulled back the curtain and slowly walked out. Both the lady and lanes had their mouths wide open. "Wow.." Laney stood up and walked next to me. "You look absolutely gorgeous." We walked towards the mirror and stared at our reflections. "He is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this dress." I glanced over at her looking hopefully into the mirror. "I hope so. What I do know is that Onew will start to drool when he sees you." She flipped her hair. "Oh honey I know." She was trying to hide the fact that she was blushing but I still saw. "What? Don't look at me like that." She looked up at the clock. "Oh look at the time. We got to change and get to the wedding planner!" She hurried into the room and shut the curtain. All I could do was shake my head as I went in there with her.








Jonghyun P.O.V

"So where is Raquel?" Onew asked. It was just me and him today. Taemin just started on working on his mini album Ace. Minho was cast in a drama so he's off filming. Key was off modeling. "She went to go pick up her friend, go try on their dresses and go see the wedding planner." We were sitting on the couch watching tv. "You let her go do all that by herself?" I glanced over at him. "She didn't want my help. She practically begged me to leave it to her. "All you have to do is get your tux and stay pretty." She told me. Plus she wanted to spend time with her friend. Who am I to object when I'm gone most of the time with you guys?" I paused tv and got up to the kitchen. Before I made it the door bell rung. "I'm back!" Raquel yelled as I open the door. "The dresses are here. The wedding planner is planning. All we got to do is have the wedding!" She gave me a hug. I looked at the girl behind her. "You must be Laney. I have heard so much about you." She stood petrified. Raquel and I followed her gaze to where Onew was. He got up to come greet her. "I'm Onew. Nice to meet you." He bent over and bowed to her. She kept opening and closing . Well. I guess I know who her bias is in our group. I couldn't help but smile. That's one thing I love about fans. They get so overwhelmed that they can't even speak sometimes. "Uh yeah. So Jonghyun I got some things to do if I want to make it to the wedding so I'll be off. Bye Raquel. See you Laney." And he walked out the door. Laney eyes widen as she looked over at Raquel and I knew what was coming next. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I covered my ears just as she started screaming. She ran up stairs with Raquel following pursuit. I rolled my eyes as I tried not to laugh. She's going to be staying here for a couple of days till the wedding. Oh what fun days ahead.









Laney P.O.V


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