The rain fell hard that night, Taekwoon finds sleeping hard, and the storm didn't help. He shifts like he was trapped. He can't find a comfortable position to sleep. He tried being like a starfish, a soldier and even a fetus, but he just can't find the right spot. Sighing to himself he sat up and shook his head abit, throat dry and head spinning from the sudden rise.


why does it have to be tonight? I got a work to go to tommorow. 


He walked to the kitchen like a zombie. If it isn't for the light that shines he would have really look like one. Pulling out a bottle from the fridge, he saw a pudding in the fridge. Jaewhan wouldn't mind if he eat one, right?


He pulled out one from the dozen and grabbed a tablespoon. Before he could even scoop, a thunder strike causing the pudding to fall from his hand.


what the?! Now he'll totally mind since I dirtied the floor.


He immediately look around for a cleaning thing. Anything could help. After he finished cleaning, he just took the bottle that was left when he was about to eat the pudding, since that's the original plan.


He was just a few steps to his door when suddenly a louder and shinier lighting struck. He yelp and shooked in his place. Can I sleep in this type of time? since it's raining and dark outside? He looked around until his eyes landed on Jaewhan's door.


An idea came to his mind. What if I just sleep at Jaewhan's? He wouldn't mind, right? he took slow, steady steps to Jaewhan's room and stopped in front of the door. Should I really do this? A thunder suddenly erupted and he remembered why he needs to. He opened the door, without hesitation this time, and looked at the sleeping figure in the bed.


He walked to Jaewhan's bed and kneel in front of the said boy, observing his features, He doesn't look that bad.. Taekwoon thought.


He's still hesistating in wether to wake up Jaewhan or let him sleep peacefully. He got reminded of what he needs to do again when a loud thunder striked. He shooked Jaewhan's body lightly.


"Jaewhan.. Jaewhan... Jaewhan~!" 


Jaewhan stirred in his bed and Taekwoon can't stop to think that he looks cute while doing so. Taekwoon shook Jaewhan's body with more force this time and Jaewhan finally opened his eyes. 


Jaewhan look around his surrounding first before barely seeing a figure in front of him. When a lightning erupted and showed who the person is, he almost jumped from his bed because he thought that things like that only happens in the movies.


"Oh, taekwoonnie, What's up" he said and sat up, suprised when he realised that taekwoon's kneeling infront of him. When a lighting striked again and Taekwoon said "thunder" in a horrified tone, Jaewhan immediately knew what he's talking about.


He knew that taekwoon's afraid of lightning ever since his born. Yes it may look like he's a wolf ready to slaughter a group of sheeps, but he's just a ball of fluff on the inside. Just like what they say "A wolf in a sheep's wool" only the other way around.


"Are you planning on sleeping here?" Jaewhan asked and recieved a nod from the other. He patted the space beside him, motioning taekwoon to lay beside him. Taekwoon's still choosing on wether he should sleep on the ground or beside Jaewhan, when another lightning striked, he knew what the answer is. He, almost, immideately jump beside Jaewhan when he heard the lightning.


They're now facing each other, a little bit awkward. Taekwoon can't stand it so he just turned his back on Jaewhan and scooted alittle, but not to far since Jaewhan's bed isn't that big.


He shifted in his space and find no comfortable position so he just moved back alittle and stopped when his back touched Jaewhan.


Jaewhan, who doesn't know what to do decided to just put his arm at Taekwoon's waist, hugging the boy. Taekwoon find this position awkward but also comfortable so he just stayed there and sleeped beside Jaewhan.




Morning came and Taekwoon finds an arm resting by his waist, realising that it's just Jaewhan, he relaxed after sometime. Finally getting bored of it, he slowly turned around to face Jaewhan and look at his face for alittle. He doesn't look that bad, considering the fact that he 's sleeping, and not all people can look good while doing so, Taekwoon thought. He's eyes looked around Jaewhan's face and stopped at his fluffy-looking lips. He took a moment to look at his lips when suddenly his body is pressing forward without his brain controlling it, he looked up at Jaewhan and frozed when he saw him looking back with just the same amount of suprise. Before he could even process what's happening, a soft lips touched his for a second before Jaewhan disappeared in his blankets. wait, did that really happened? Taekwoon stood up, dazed and said "I ate your pudding"

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 1: Aww so cute, a little ball of fluff called Taekwoon scared of the thunder... And Jaehwan... can't you just marry me??
Chapter 1: Oh my lord this was adorable;-;