The Wind's Direction

You Don't Know What It Feels Like

Author's POV

West. The wind was blowing to the west at 1:35 pm. And that was also the direction Jihoon's aunt was driving him in. 

Jihoon was sleeping soudly in the backseat with his guitar strapped into the seat next to him. His older brother, Jihyun, was squirming in the front seat next to his aunt and fiddling around with the seatbelt. "Auntie, are you sure Jihoon will be okay on his own? You know one of his biggest fears is falling in love. And this school has a higher chance of doing so..... Will he be fine?"

"For the millionth time Jihyun, he will be perfectly okay. You know how independent he can be. Plus, if he needs any help, you'll be really close by. Plus, he always has Soonyoung. They've been friends for 3 years and both are moving here. Calm down!" His aunt whined.

Jihyun chuckled and softly murmured, "I'll take your word then. Oh yeah, and I know Soonyoung will be there for him. I just hope that Jihoon won't hit Soonyoung too hard with his guitar."

They sat in silence for a while, but not the awkward kind. Sometimes, you just need to appreciate the moments unfolding around you, just savor it. So, Jihyun just sat there and appreciated the scenery as the car rolled past beaches, trees, clouds, highway signs. Slowly, but surely, more dots appeared on the horizon, and once they got nearer, those dots turned into houses, buildings, schools, and shops. The horizon turned into a spectrum of bright and dark colors, all beautifally contrasting but so perfectly existing in a harmony. The blue mountains faded into green mountains once they were drove closer and closer to their destination. The clouds above drifting grew longer, wider, taller, and smaller. They sailed along the great azure sky, puffs here and there. As the minivan travelled past the mountains, the sun began to slowly creep down the vast sky. At about three in the afternoon, the car's speed slowly decreased until they came to park in a semi-full parking lot in front of a school. 

The school had 5 different areas, one for the dormitory, one for lounge rooms and a cafeteria, one for the dance majors, one for the vocal majors, and one for the hip-hop majors. They all were painted a tanish peach hue and the windows sparkled and glimmered in the golden rays of the sun. Jihyun looked around excitedly, then remembered his brother in the backseat. 

Jihoon POV

I was pushed into the car door and forced into a groggy world. The world was all blurry and a mash of colors. Then, I felt someone reach for me and ruffle pink hair. Okay. NO. No one touches my hair unless I give them permission. I snapped awake, grogginess flushed down the (metaphorical) toilet. I grabbed the hand and glared at the person. Oh. Jihyun. My brother. I retracted my hand from his arm, but nevertheless, still stared him down. I ignored him as I stepped out of the car and looked around. Woah. Totally not what I expected. Turns out, I’m now going to some prestigious- looking school. I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins as I followed my aunt to the back of the car and opened the trunk. I took my two suitcases while my aunt and brother each took two boxes. We stopped in front of a room labeled “OFFICE” and I gulped nervously. When I opened the door, the bell attached to it clanked against the door. The lady at the front desk looked up from her tablet and at my expectedly. I took in a breath and smiled awkwardly, then introduced myself.

“Uh….hiiiii……. I’m new here and my name is Jihoon Lee. May I please have my schedule and room information/keys?”

“Oh! You’re one of the new guys!”

One of the new guys?

“Welcome to Blackthorne Coast High! Here’s the baggie with all the stuff you need! Good luck!”

I thanked her and walked out the door relieved. At least she was nice. I opened the top of the drawstring bag and dug around until I found a laminated small card with a number on it: 56. My aunt and brother trailed behind me as I went to look for the dorms. After about 30 minutes of pointless wandering, I finally found the area. Again, another plot twist. (JIHOON STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻) Instead of being in rows or just being in one building, they were kinda scattered cabin looking things. In addition, you had to follow a trail to the dorms, as they were a little bit isolated. I found my room, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. ANOTHER PLOT TWIST. (Jihooooon stahhhhhpppp) Facing me was a huge window with a ledge thing. There was also a couch, TV, and two beds and two corners to study in. On the side of each bed stood a wardrobe in addition to a bathroom on the far right of the room. I quickly spun around and looked at my aunt and brother. They had already but down my stuff and were walking away. I followed them back to the car, unloaded the rest of my stuff, and dropped it off at my room. Quickly afterwards, they ran towards me and enveloped me in their arms.

“Jihoon, take care of yourself here. Don’t stay up too late. If you have any trouble, remember that your brother is in the city. Good luck!” my aunt exclaimed. My brother then winked at me and smiled.

“You’ll get a discount if you ever come over!”

They then left me to get used to my room. After about an hour or so of unpacking, I still had 2 boxes left and went to open the window. Outside, the fluffy clouds were rolling lazily around, and the tall grass danced with the trees.




Someone opened the door and I whipped my head around and was greeted with a huge smile.

“Heyyy! I’m Seokmin! And I’m your roomate!”

:P ehhhhhh not much exciting stuff

as for the school name, it was the first boys school name I could think of, and I read it in a book before ^~^


Disclaimer: I don't own anything but this story :)

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DYSH38 #1
Chapter 3: Wanna jicheol and verkwan kkk~~ waiting for the next
Chapter 2: It's actually good. I like highschool aus, and angst fics are to die for. so plz update soon~
dreamysky #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : I love it ... can't wait for the next chapter .. Fighting ^_^
avantgarderp #4
itll be great xD
Don't worry you won't screw this up:)