
noise complaints

Yoongi jiggles the key into the lock roughly, shoving the door open. He pushes it shut tightly behind him, sighing as he drops his keys onto the counter and drags himself to the living room. He's promptly knocked over by a mass of white fluff. "Jjangu, come on," Yoongi groans, pushing the dog off his chest. He curses Seokjin and his stupid boyfriend Namjoon for leaving him with this drooly, hyperactive nuisance. Yoongi can't even handle making toast without burning it, how in the hell does his best friend expect him to take care of a living thing? He sighs, pulling himself up and shuffling back to the door, Jjangu eagerly following close behind. 


He rubs his hands roughly over his eyes, desperately trying not to fall asleep in the grass. He brought Jjangu out to the small patch of grass next to his apartment complex, giving him time to enjoy the fresh air. "Cmon, how long do you need to take a piss, dog?" he grumbles. Jjangu's ears perk up and his head snaps up. A moment later, Yoongi can hear faint sounds of laughter coming from the complex. He groans. Not again. 


Yoongi was slowly losing his mind. It's bad enough that he stays up till 3 AM with work, but now he can't sleep at all. His new neighbor two apartments down from him doesn't seem to understand that people sleep at this hour, and he's not sure how much more he can take. He tried filing a noise complaint a week ago, but the landlord doesn't give two s. "He pays his rent on time every month", he said, and that was that. Yoongi sighs. That's what he gets for living in a cheap complex. "Let's go, Jjangu," Yoongi calls out, and they return to the apartment. 


Yoongi falls onto the bed face first. Jjangu curls himself in a pile of dirty clothes that Yoongi was too lazy to clean up. Just as Yoongi began to drift off, loud, shrieking laughter jolts him awake. He curses loudly, sitting up. That's it, if the landlord won't do something about this, then he will. He tugs on a soft green hoodie and heaves the front door open, not even bothering with shoes. He stomps down the hallway, stopping at the apartment two doors down from his own and he sharply knocks at the door.


Moments later, the door swings open a crack. A soft, wide looking pair of eyes gaze up at him, and Yoongi's entire angry speech flies out of his head, leaving him totally blank. His neighbor is completely adorable. He's totally ed. "Can I help you?" the man asks quietly. Yoongi suddenly regrets not glancing in the mirror before he left, painfully aware of the fluffy case of bedhead he's got going on and the dark circles under his eyes. "Yeah, uh.. I live a few doors down from you and uh.." he trails off, unsure of how to nicely ask the man to quiet down. He's not that great with words, especially since ninety-nine percent of them are offensive and/or curse words. "Uh.. it's 3 AM," he continues, and the other man tilts his head. 




Yoongi mentally smacks himself. "Uh.. yeah it's 3 AM and I kinda can't.. sleep? Uh because of the noise-" the other man's eyes widen. He suddenly pulls the door open all the way and bows deeply. "I am so, so, sorry! I didn't mean to disturb you, please forgive me um-"


"Yoongi," Yoongi says. "Please forgive me, Yoongi-ssi! It's just that I'm new here and my son- well he's not adjusting well to the move at all and he just won't listen-" Yoongi raises his hand to interrupt him. "It's okay, Jimin-ssi, I understand. Kids are a real pain, aren't they?" He smiles reassuringly. Jimin exhales deeply in relief, but soon after, his eyes begin to water. "It's just- It's just that everything is new here in Seoul and I don't know anyone here, I'm alone, and I don't know what to do, Yoongi-ssi," he rambles, tears beginning to fall.


"Hey, hey it's okay," Yoongi says softly, trying his best to sound comforting. Jimin sniffles softly. "I'm sorry, you don't even know me and I'm just crying here- you know what, why don't you come in? I'll make you some tea for all the trouble I've caused you tonight."


Yoongi's hands are curled around a warm mug of tea moments later as he waits for Jimin to come back. He hears faint footsteps approaching. He turns to see Jimin smiling softly. "Sorry about that. Jeongguk was being fussy again, he'll never just sleep," he says, sinking into the couch next to Yoongi sitting cross legged. Their knees touch lightly. "By the way, how did you know my name, Yoongi-ssi? I never told you," Jimin questions. "You can call me hyung," Yoongi gives him a friendly smile. "And well, I uh- I actually tried to file a noise complaint to the landlord last week," Yoongi stammers, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. 


Jimin laughs, hand covering his mouth as his eyes crinkle. Yoongi thinks it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. "I'm-I'm sorry," Jimin says breathlessly, still laughing, "it's not funny, I just-" he bursts into more giggles, and Yoongi can't help but smile. Jimin pulls himself together, eyes shining with mirth. "Thank you," he says, sounding almost too sincere. "For what?" Yoongi blinks.


"For making me feel less alone," he says softly. Yoongi can feel his heart break a little at that, and he rests his hand on Jimin's knee comfortingly. "Look Jimin, if you need any help with your kid, or with anything really, don't hestitate to ask me. I'll try my best to help you out." Jimin's eyes tear up a bit at the offer. Before he can say anything, a small hand tugs at Jimin's sweatpants. "Jeonggukkie?" Jimin says, reaching down to lift the small boy into his lap. "What are you doing awake, baby? Can't sleep?" Jeongguk nods and blinks tiredly, burrowing into Jimin's shirt. 


"Sorry, Yoongi," Jimin smiles sheepishly. "Jeongguk-ah, say hello to Yoongi-hyung," he says, gently nudging Jeongguk. Jeongguk shyly peeks up at Yoongi. "Hello," he says softly before burying his head back into Jimin's chest. Jimin chuckles lightly. "Jeongukkie is a little bit shy with strangers." Yoongi smiles. "Hello, Jeongguk, nice to meet you." Seokjin would never let him live this one down. Min Yoongi, the grumpiest man alive, actually talking to a child. Seokjin and Namjoon would be amazed that he even interacted with another human on his own.


Jeongguk sniffs quietly. "Daddy, can we go to bed now?" Jimin smiles at Yoongi apolegetically. "Sorry hyung, he'll warm up to you eventually, I promise."


"I'm sure he will, it's okay. Alright, well I'll see you later then, Jeongguk-ah," Yoongi smiles gently, "and I'll see you later too, Jimin." Jimin gets up to walk Yoongi to the door, and Jeongguk wraps his arms tightly around Jimin's neck, already drifting off. "Thanks for everything, Yoongi-hyung," Jimin whispers. "I'll see you soon, Jimin. Don't hesitate to call me," Yoongi replies, scribbling down his number onto a scrap piece of paper he found on the counter. 


Yoongi's eyes widen as Jimin wraps his arms around him, squeezing his waist gently. "Thank you," he whispers into Yoongi's sweater. Yoongi wraps an arm around Jimin softly before pulling away, careful not to wake Jeongguk up.


Yoongi quietly returns to his own apartment, falling asleep quickly with images of Jimin and Jeongguk flashing in his mind.


((( What Yoongi doesn't know is that months later, he'll fall asleep with his arms wrapped around Jimin, and Jeongguk snoring lightly between them.)))

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T6814R #1
Chapter 1: Update soon!! I Love it!
Chapter 1: Omg, i already love this story :D little kookie <3