Ryosuke's little SECRET

IT's our little SECRET


(NOTE: theres too much kiss, if don't want to imagine such kiss then skip the flashback)


  ~   -Break Time-


Ryosuke said that he has something 'important' to tell me so now we are alone in the rooftop.


  He then made sure that nobody's here or even NEAR here


  "So what do you need to tell me?" I asked, putting my hands in my uniform jacket pocket "Is it urgent?"




"Don't tell me--" I asked with my eyes getting bigger and bigger (Im teasing him haha!) "You're PREGNANT!" I said gesturing


Ryosuke hissed while looking at me with disgust "What? Where did you get that idea!? sit down!" 


  I rolled my eyes "Then, why did you make me come all the way here?" i said sitting down


"You're dating Takaki-sensei right?" he smirked


My jaw dropped and my eyes opened wide in shock "W-what are you talking a-about?" I stuttered "W-Why would I date my own teacher. Ryosuke is your head okay?" I said pointing to his head


"Aww" He squeeled putting his arms around my shoulder "We're best friend you can tell me anything" His eyes wandered like a fool daydreamer "Like...*blah blah blah* "


Okay, HE is completely out of his mind 


I pushed him away, "Since when were we best friends?"


  "Since the day I found out" he said and took a picture out of his pocket and it was of me and Takaki making out in an empty classroom.


"J-just because we're hugging it doesn't mean we're dating" I said 


  I sounded too fool 






The day after telling myself that 'Im gonna make him stop thinking im just a kid'   I saw Yuya erasing the board in an empty classroom.




"oh! Hanna-chan" He said while still holding the eraser


  I came closer and closer while he just continue what he is doing


  "What are you doing here" he continued "Aren't you supposed to go home by now?" as he turned I crashed my lips in to his 'all time y lips' *0*   His lips is too soft that I don't want to let go.


It didn't took longer when he had to use his tounge 'that really felt good' i thought


  Both of his hands are on my sides hugging me while both of my hands are on his head taking grip of his hair so he won't let go.   Our 'kiss' lasted like 15 minutes . I know it's too long but when you're the one in the situation, you can't really feel the time and you just don't care.





  "Oh then I guess you wouldn't mind if I showed this picture to everyone in school?" he challenged


I sighed "Fine... We're dating since this school year begun but if---" I took i deep breath then continued "if! if you let anyone know, YOU're DEAD MEAT"


"Of course I won't" he smiled innocently "I'll even help you keep it a secret"


I was about to thank him but I thought about it, we were always enemies... Why would he suddenly wanna help me? And why is he being nice?


"okay" I put my hand on my hip "What do you want?" giving him a look


"We're best friends! I'm just doing this from the kindness of my heart" he smiled innocently.


" please" looking bored


He gave in, "Please hook me up with Risako!"    


I cracked up   "YOU like RISAKO?" I laughed even more


"Shush! what if someone hear you?" he looked annoyed "and-- Will you stop laughing?"



"ok ok" I said between laughs. Then i laughed even moooore



"I guess you want me to show this picure to every-"


"Okay! I'll talk to Risako about it" trying to be calm


"Yahoo!!!!" he smiled and skipped away.


-After School, alone with Yuya-


"Hey Yu-chan~ what do you think about Ryosuke?" I asked thinking of ways to hook him up with Risako.


Yuya twitched at the name "Do you like him?"


I chuckled "Why are people so funny these days?" I laughed "Of course I don't like him"


"Okay then..." he said "by the way, why were you so angry this morning?"   I glared at him.


"Did I do something bad?"


"Of course you did!" I puffed my cheeks





I rolled my eyes "You should know" I looked away from him


"What is it?"


  "Who did you come to school with today?" I gave him a hint "That's what makes me angry!"


"Kato-sensei....OH!" he laughed "Don't tell me you were jealous of her!"


"Instead of apologizing or explaining you just laugh?! Unbelievable!" I said and stood up to leave.


He gently grabbed my arm while still giggling "She missed the bus so I gave her a ride, That's all"


"W-" right when I was about to talk my cellphone rang, "Hello? Dad? What is it? I told you so many times that those vaccum cleaners doesn't work like the normal ones! Dad, just leave the cleaning chores to me, okay? What? I can't hear you, huh Ryosuke? Why is he at our house? Okay... I'll be there" I sighed as I put my phone away


"Yu-chan I have to go home now, see yah"


"Why is Yamada-san at your house?" Yuya eyed me


"I don't know but my dad is always like 'don't make your guest wait!' so I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow!" I gave him hug and he hugged back. I then ran home.

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kaze27 #1
Haha!! :D
I luv ur story:)
He's jealous how cute!! >.<
HSJL22 #2
Finally xD
no__im_asian #3
sakura14cherryable #4
arigato minna !!~~ my updates are really short. gomen~~
but please read it.
cute! :")
HSJL22 #6
Waaaa update soon!! Onegai!!
I want to read more *-*
kaze27 #7
Woah o.o<br />
Nice!! Update soon!! :D
sakura14cherryable #8
haha!! xDD Ryosuke will also be in it!
no__im_asian #9
Ooooohh~ hehe teacher & student situation!
hislastjuliet #10
Woaah. Takaki!! Hihihihi. Sure, I'll check it out!