
あなたは寒いですか? (Are you cold?)
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Momo felt her hands getting crossties as she watched Mina across the bed, playing in the cell phone. Momo wondered how someone with so many skin exposed to the cold air – because her feet and hands were exposed – could not be bothered by the cold.
Furthermore, it was almost ten o'clock and Momo felt a little needy.

“Mina-chan, are you cold?” The oldest asked, letting her head fall on her shoulder in a cute gesture, but Mina not even look at her.

“No.” Mina answered without look away from the mobile screen.

Momo rolled her own eyes in frustation and decided to move in bed, going next to Mina. She looked at the screen phone, where Mina was being fought hard in a match on – then she asked again:
“Are you cold?” 

“No.” Mina returned to answer Momo, without looking at her. Momo did not make effort to hide the hurted pout formed in her lips; she moved her foot near to the girlfriend's legs. Without saying a word – actually, it was automatic – Mina also moved her foot, even if she was focused on the game, her body instinctively responded to Momo's touches. Soon, they two were caressing each other.

The girls were silent for a while – Momo was watching their feet moving on Mina's legs and vice versa. The oldest girl was getting impatient every minute that passed, then she decided to speak again:
“Mina, are you cold now?” Momo asked for the third time and finally, Mina took her eyes away from cell phone, despite that let her

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 1: Tan lindos MiMo ❣️
MinaSr #2
Chapter 1: Cute cute cuteee
1241 streak #3
Chapter 1: Sweet MiMo <3
Chapter 1: Awwwww~~~ Momo is so cuteee
Chapter 1: They're so cute!! >.<
Chapter 1: their cute hehe
2azness #7
Chapter 1: Jsjfhkshsgshd so cutee! Mina so cool here <3
16medel22 #8
Chapter 1: kawaii......
J_T-ara_M #10
Chapter 1: Kya!!!! Mina is so cool!!!