Final Chapter- Alive

Chosen Ones

Lee Hi, the youngest of the Chosen Ones, did not once faint,cry, or scream. She sat there as bravely as a war soldier, holding and protecting the pieces of Leo,Pisces,Aries, and Gemini. 

The war waged on, and the mountains beneath them started to shift and change. Jungkook looked at his friends. He considered all of them his friends, even the people he met just hours before.

"Guys, if we lose..." His voice quivered. " I just want to say that it's been nice knowing all of you." Kris drew in a sharp breath, and Jin had tears forming in his eyes.

"Same here! " Lee Hi said. " I got to see so many places because of you guys, and I got a chance to get out of Ulleungdo!"

Hani laughed, then broke down in tears. Jungkook was weeping too. It began to rain heavily. When they looked up, they saw that the rain was the tears of some of the Gods. They were crying with them, and crying over the losses of their own friends and family. 

But then the rain began to erode the piece of earth they were on. Bit by bit, chunks fell off. Lee Hi was scared for the first time during the war.Their spiritual fire went out, causing further distress. The piece of earth disintegrated before anyone could say a further word.

And then they were all falling. 

The end has come,Taehyung thought, we're going to lose. 

He continued to fall through space.

I miss Mom. Maybe when I die, I can get a chance to meet Dad again.I miss Ju as well. I wonder if Jin's parents are taking care of her alright. Are Jin's parents still alive though?Is Mom still alive?Is Ju still alive? What was the last thing I said to Mom? I can't remember. What were my last words to Mom? What were my last words to Ju? Why does this matter?

He closed his eyes. We're all losers.

He expected to feel himself burn up by now. Land directly into the throat of a monster. Something. But he had a soft landing. He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was seated in the hands of a goddess. It was the same one that had ripped apart that monster earlier, except she didn't look scary anymore but caring and...even loving. 

"Thank you,"he said. She smiled. He looked around him to see she had caught everyone. Except Jin.

"Where's Jin?" He asked everyone. No one answered. "Where's Jin?!"

The sun began to slowly peak over the remainder of the mountains. The golden orb filled the sky with majestic colours. The mourning grey was fading. The war was ending. It brought glimmers of warmth but not hope.

Taehyung stood up. He was surprised that the sun still remembered to rise at such a time. But he was not done here.

"The sun shouldn't be allowed to rise!" He cried. He ran to the goddess's fingers and looked through, for any sign of Jin anywhere  "The sun shouldn't be able to rise if there is no Jin!" He was weeping uncontrollably now. Kris walked over to him and hugged him. 

The last shower of arrows rained down, and the howling of the Ancient Ones ended. The goddess gently brought her hands down to the remaining earth. With a smile directed right at Taehyung, she dissappeared. They all hugged each other, saying congratulations for surviving, thanking the Gods for defeating the Ancient Ones, but Taehyung wondered what that smile meant. He sighed, looking towards the ruined city of Yeong Ju. 

"Well, let's walk to a city that hasn't been ruined and party that we survived," Taemin said, wiping tears from his face. "What do you saw Taehyung?"

"Y-Yeah I guess," Taehyung said quietly. Taemin squeezed his shoulder. "I was joking. Unless you do want to."

"You're going to party  without me?" A voice surprised them. Taehyung turned around.

There he was. Giving them a dorky smile. He was also bleeding a lot from his left leg. He opened up his bruised hands, showing them what he was holding.

"These fell from Lee Hi's hands,"he said. The dress was draped over his shoulder. In his hands were the teddy bear, the necklace, and the flowers, now crushed, but still there.

"You risked your life for those?" Tao exclaimed.

"Jin!" Hani yelled.

"Are you ing crazy?" Taehyung shouted. Tao cursed in Mandarin. "The world had ing ended for me because I thought you were dead!" Taehyung shouted. He was so angry right now. His face was burning, and he went over to Jin and punched shoulder.

"Ah that hurts," he cried. "Yeah that's how it felt here," Taehyung pointed to his heart. Jin chuckled and hugged him.

"Now let's get out of here!" Lee Hi said, worming her way through and grabbing their arms. "This city is giving me the creeps." Taemin shuddered.

"We've made it out alive," Kris murmured, in relief. 

They all walked through the ruined city together, with a sense of unity. Something urged Taehyung to take a look back. 

What's there to look back at besides ruined lives and blood?

But he did.

The mountains were back to where they were supposed to be, the ground had been put back together, and the sun was radiating brilliantly in the blue sky. And he understood what the smile meant.

The pieces of life would slowly come back together for the remaining Chosen Ones.


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Chapter 20: I just have one question... HOW ON EARTH DID NO ONE COMMENT ON THIS? THIS FIC IS FREAKING GREAT LIKE... HOW IS IT NOT GETTING MORE ATTENTION? I truly enjoyed it, thank you so much! ; u ; <3