Coming Together

Chosen Ones

They knocked on the door of a little house that was painted a handsome red. The flowers were dry and had not been watered for a few days now, and there was a small car outside indicating that the family was home. The door was opened by Chanmi's grandmother, who used a cane to walk. 

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes red from crying. She wore a black blouse with a black skirt, and a small cross hung from her neck. Her hair had not been brushed, and hung loosely around her small shoulders. 

"I'm Jin, and this is Taehyung,"Jin said. "We...we're here for Chanmi." 

The grandmother led them into the living room. There were many pictures of Chanmi. Chanmi with her father and grandmother at an amusement park, Chanmi holding a medal she achieved at some high school competition, Chanmi blowing out a birthday cake. She looked so happy and lively. Taehyung almost believed that she was still alive, but he remembered seeing her dead, and he turned away from the pictures.

"The funeral was yesterday," she said. "You're a little late." She adjusted the cross on her chest.

"We're really sorry for what happened,"Jin said, expressing his sympathy. The grandmother nodded. 

Taehyung saw something move in the corner of his eye. He turned and saw something go upstairs.

"Do you mind if I?" Taehyung pointed upstairs. Chanmi's grandmother nodded. He quickly jolted up and ran after the thing. 

After reaching the second floor, he saw the figure standing in front of a door. He looked closer in the dim light, and saw that it was the backside of a girl. She opened the door and went inside. Taehyung ran to the door and burst into the bedroom of Chanmi.

The room was decorated with a few posters of her favorite kpop idols. There in the corner was a small desk for doing homework, and on the left side, a bookshelf with lots of teddy bears and books that were as thick as his arms. And on the bed, there she was, sitting quietly, looking out at the balcony.

Taehyung softly called out to her. She didn't turn around. Just kept looking out the balcony. He carefully walked around the bed and saw her face. A single tear rolled down. He called out to her again.


No response. He stood in front of her and waved his hand across her face, watching for eye movement. When she looked through him, he stepped back in shock, realizing what was happening. The past was unfolding itself right here before his eyes.And there was nothing he could do to stop it. 

"Chanmi no." He said, even though he knew it was futile. Chanmi got up and walked towards the balcony glass door.

"Chanmi, you need to fight,"he said fighting back tears. His mouth was dry, and he had a hard time swallowing and breathing. She opened the door.

He wanted to close his eyes, but they were burning with the urge to cry. He clung onto the glass door to steady himself. 

"Fight for your life Chanmi. Fight for one more day for yourself."

He saw her turn around. This time, she didn't look through him, but directly into his eyes. Taehyung held out his hand to her. 

She stepped onto the sill and fell to the ground. A pool of blood seeped out from her, turning the ground into a horrid red. Taehyung screamed her name in agony.



It was 5:49 in the morning when they arrived at Taeyeon's house. Jin parked the door, and got out. He looked at Taehyung who remained in the car.

"Taehyung?" He asked.

"Go on without me," he said quietly. Jin put his hand through the window, and gave his hand a squeeze.  "Ok."

A little girl opened the door before Jin even knocked. "Are you here for Mommy too?" Jin nodded and hugged the little girl. She was only five, perhaps six. She was motherless, and had to grow up with only the guidance of one parent now.

A tall man with black rimmed glasses walked into the room. "Kyoko, I told you not to open the door to strangers,"he scolded.

"He looks like a nice man,"Kyoko said, holding Jin's hand. Kyoko? Taeyeon had married a Japanese man.

"Hello I'm Ro Hashima," he said, extending his hand. Jin shook his hand with his free hand.

"I'm sorry for what happened," Jin said, offering his condolences.

"Yes," he said, taking off his glasses and quickly wiping his eyes with a handkerchief. "I've never seen you before. How did you know Taeyeon?" 

Jin gave him a brief explanation of the truth. Ro Hashima listened carefully, and Jin prayed that he would believe him.

"'re saying that my wife could have been saved earlier?" Ro Hashima said in a low voice.

Jin began to sweat. That could have been possible. But it had taken so long to find everyone, and Huang Zitao had just stepped into the picture.

"That's uh...a possibility,"Jin said quietly. The man began to shake uncontrollably, and then he began to heave.

"S-sir are you alright?!" Jin got up from his seat, and his daughter rushed over.

He got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. He gulped down the glass of water in a few seconds, then returned to Jin.

"I'm sorry, it's just...been very hard on me..." He motioned to Jin to follow him. He led him to their bedroom. Ro Hashima opened a drawer and got out a blue velvet box. He opened it."This was the necklace I had gifted  her on our first anniversary,"his voice quivered. Jin looked at the necklace. It was a simple necklace with a butterfly hanging from the silver chain. "She said she didn't want anything fancy like gold." He chuckled. Jin managed a smile. Hashima handed him the necklace. He looked into his eyes. 

"If the world doesn't end, I'd like you to bring this back to me." This time Jin gave him a genuine smile. "Yes sir." Ro Hashima led him back downstairs. They paused in front of the door.

"If you don't mind me asking..."Jin hesitated. "How did she die?"

"She was crushed underneath one of the many now ruined buildings in Seoul,"he said.


Kris and Taemin, along with their new companion, Sooyoung, were the first ones to reach Yeong Du. They all cheered when they saw the sign, "Welcome to Yeong Du." They arrived at the hotel the rest were staying at, and got rooms for themselves. Taemin called Hani, and they waited for the rest of their companions to come down and meet them in the hotel's lobby.

"This is weird," Lee Hi said, as she tied her hair into a ponytail.

"What's weird?" Hani asked.

"We're going to be meeting Kris, Sooyoung and THE Lee Taemin. We're all almost together, as one," Lee Hi said, smoothing her shirt out.

Hani nodded. She understood what she was trying to say. "A feeling of unity." Lee Hi nodded. They were done tidying up their tired appearances,and were ready to go to the lobby. Lee Hi held Hani's hand, and they went and knocked on Jungkook and Tao's door. Tao opened the door, dressed in a handsome dress shirt and pants. 

"Aren't you...a bit over dressed?" Hani asked. Lee Hi giggled. "Oh, I should change?" Tao's face flushed, and he looked down at himself, as if someone else had dressed him. "No, no you look great, let's go," Hani said. Jungkook was wearing a a black shirt with a long sleeved jean jacket over it, with black pants. 

"How do I look?" He asked. Lee Hi gave him a thumbs up. 

The elevator ride, although brief, felt like a long time. They all exchanged looks with each other. Hani was very nervous. She realized she was holding her breath. She started breathing normally again when the elevator door opened with a soft ding. They stepped out.

"I'm so glad the fans are respecting me and giving me space," Taemin observed. "Looks like the people in Yeong Ju have manners."

"Or maybe you only have fans in Seoul," Kris snorted.

"Hey, hey, don't say that," Taemin laughed. He glanced over at Sooyoung.

"Nervous?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said. "All of this is bizzare..." Kris nodded. "Truthfully I'm feeling anxious right now," he said. They looked around them. They should be here by now.

"Do you think they'll like me?" Lee Hi whispered to Hani. "Huh?" Hani asked. "What's wrong Lee Hi?"

"What if they don't like me..." she hesitated and stopped walking." I mean, I'm not from Seoul, or Busan, or Daegu, places people know. " Tao and Jungkook turned around. "And I have an accent..."

Hani hugged the little girl. "Is this what you're worried about?" She nodded into her shoulder. Hani laughed. "No one cares about those things Lee Hi. Do we care?"

Lee Hi shifted in Hani's arms and looked at Tao and Jungkook. Tao came over and joined the hug. 

"Lee Hi, I'm not even Korean," he said softly. "And I'm not worrying about what people think about where I'm from, or my accent, or anything like that. So you shouldn't either." Jungkook joined the hug. "Lee Hi you're wonderful the way you are!" he chimed in. They all burst out laughing. Lee Hi's insecurities melted away.

"Hey, there they are!" Sooyoung said, pointing to four people laughing and hugging. "Hey!"

They all slowly withdrew from the hug and looked ahead. There they were. Kris, Taemin, and Sooyoung. They all walked towards each other. When they finally reached each other, no one said a word. They all just looked at each other, smiling. Confusion, shock, happiness, relief, it was all molded into one. They felt the beginnings of something more. Something of togetherness, unity, and a budding hope.

"We're alive," Taemin said.

Then they all felt something. Their sense of unity and harmony became stronger. Tao was not part of the Twelve Chosen Ones, but he felt it too. He felt a certain balance and quiet agreement. He turned around. He sensed something from the opposite direction.

And there they were.



Capricorn and Saggitarius had arrived.



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Chapter 20: I just have one question... HOW ON EARTH DID NO ONE COMMENT ON THIS? THIS FIC IS FREAKING GREAT LIKE... HOW IS IT NOT GETTING MORE ATTENTION? I truly enjoyed it, thank you so much! ; u ; <3