She is.

Crossing Paths

"Sooyoung-ah!" Seulgi shouts for the fifth time in attempt to wake Joy up.

Knowing that it is impossible to wake her up with only words, she pulls her arm back to give Joy a smack on the face. She releases her arm and lands a big slap on Joy's face leaving a mark on her beautiful face. Joy wakes up holding her face with pain and agony.

Seulgi sighed, "You know that didn't have to happen if it was possible to wake you up with just words."

Joy moves to the side of the bed while rubbing her cheeks, "Why did you have to wake me up so early in the morning? It's Saturday."

"Today is Sale Day at the mall. I need you to guard my body from the incoming attacks from other shoppers. You're the tall one so..."

Joy scratches the back of her head, "Huh? What will you buy now?"

"Well Wendy and I have a date! I need a good dress because I'm going to make her fall for me. I will confess to her tonight."

Joy's heart sinks and she fakes a smile,"What? I thought she likes someone else? Irene-unnie...I believe so..."

Seulgi then slowly faces the door, "I told you I'll make her fall for me instead...look, just stand up and get ready."

As Seulgi walks out Joy's room, the smile on Joy's face fades away. Joy falls back on her bed and lets out a sigh of frustration. She smacks her chest in attempt to remove the heart pain.

She has been friends with Seulgi for almost 12 years.

And it has been 6 years since she realised that she is in love with own her best friend.

For 6 years, she went through all of that pain and agony in seeing Seulgi fall for other people and not her. But no matter how much she tried, she just couldn't tell her.

Because it's better off this way.

To be with her even if it she isn't the one in Seulgi's heart.




Seulgi waves her hand at Joy, "Hey, hurry up!"

Joy runs to the door and almost slipped, "I am hurrying up."

"Stop being so clumsy and come with me already!"

Seulgi grabs her hand and violently pulls Joy with her.

"Ow! What the heck? Why so violent?"

"Look, we have to hurry up because there will be lots of people there" A taxi passes by just in time.

Seulgi waves her hand in front of the taxi and it stops. She opens the car door and pushes Joy inside.

Joy quickly fixes up her sitting position, "Ouch! Stop treating me this way!"

"Just be quiet for a while. You're my body guard for the day. Don't worry I'll make it up to you next time."




As they arrive at the mall, a long line of people surprises them.

Seulgi rubs the back of her head, "Look, there are so many people now because of your lazy !"

"Lazy ? What? Anyways, we can still do this, the mall still hasn't opened!" They both dashed out of the car and lines up.

After a few minutes, the guards opens the entrances and all the people in line violently rushed inside the mall. Seulgi holds onto Joy's hand and quickly pulls Joy with her inside the mall. Inside the mall, a huge crowd of people starts grabbing everything they can.

Seulgi sees a white dress at the clothing area and it looks like it's the only dress left. She pulls Joy with her to the dress. As she grabs the dress, another girl holds onto it. The girl seems to be a high school student. Wearing white specs with her hair tied back, she doesn't seem so aggressive. Seulgi pulls the dress off her hands and quickly runs away with Joy. The girl furiously runs after them. 

Joy dashes through the mall while holding Seulgi's hand, "What the heck Seulgi, just give it to the girl!"

"No way! This dress is really pretty, I can't let go of this."

The girl catches up to them and grabs the dress off Seulgi's hand. The girl speeds away really quickly.

Joy pants and starts laughing, "What the heck? She has tiny legs but she runs like that road runner from that cartoon."

Seulgi glares at her, "This is funny to you? Go run after her, my body guard."

Joy sighs, "Why me?"

"You have long legs. You can run faster than me. Now hurry up and get that dress!"

Joy looks at her with disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

Seulgi puts her hands together and begs, "Please do this for me! I told you, I will make it up to you!"

"Aish!" Joy says as she runs after the girl, "This better be worth it..."

After a few minutes of running all around the mall, she sees the girl and speeds up to her. She then catches up to her. Joy jumps to the girl and they both fall on the floor. The girl hits Joy's stomach with her elbow in attempt to break free and then pushes Joy off to the side and slams Joy's wrists on the floor. She then smacks Joy's face using her own forehead. Joy covers her face with both her hands and screams in pain. The girl then runs away with the dress leaving Joy on the floor.

After a few minutes, Joy sits up and notices a silver necklace on the floor. The necklace has the letter 'Y' hanging on it. Joy stares at it. She feels like she has seen in before so she puts it in her pocket. She stands up and walks to the clothes section. She sees a black dress and quickly takes it with her since she failed at getting the white dress.

Joy runs back to Seulgi while holding a black dress.

Joy pants and wipes off her sweat, "I couldn't get the white dress, that girl was so aggressive and even head-butted me on the face! You better pay me back with something big"

"This is pretty enough. Let's go!" Seulgi grabs Joy's hand and pulls her to the counter. Joy sighs and closes her eyes to forget what just happened earlier.




Back at their dorm, Joy lays down on her bed and stares at the necklace the girl dropped at the mall. She can't stop thinking about how familiar it looks. She closes her eyes and thinks back deeply.

A memory from when she was only 10 years old goes into her mind. She sees her own mother. Her mother was smiling back at her and reached out to her pocket. It's a necklace. A necklace that looks exactly like the one she found.

Her mother's voice echoes in her mind.


"This necklace was given to me by my best friend when I was in high school. Her name was Kim Yeonsoo. This gave me luck. So I'm giving this to you. This will protect you. Always wear it."


She remembers wearing the necklace but somehow it got lost and she never found it ever again.

Is the one she's holding right now that necklace? 

Why does that girl have it?

Did she give it her when they were younger and forgot all about it?

Seulgi suddenly barges in and startled Joy. She then quickly hides the the necklace.

"Hey do I look good?" Seulgi asks while turning around while wearing her dress. Joy's heart skipped a beat as soon as she notices how mesmerising Seulgi looks.

Joy smiles at her, "You look beautiful."

Seulgi smiles back and jumps with excitement, "I'd get Wendy's heart this time!"

"Yeah, you will..." Joy said quietly.

"I better go now, see you later!" Seulgi said enthusiastically and runs out. Joy sighs and looks down on the floor.


"I'll be happy for you..."




At the restaurant, Seulgi puts down the car window and sees Wendy at the door waiting for her. She smiles and gets out of the taxi.

Seulgi runs to Wendy and waves her hand, "Hey Wendy!"

Wendy smiles at her, "Woah you're so pretty!"

Seulgi blushes and looks at the side to try to hide her face. Wendy holds her hand and pulls her inside the restaurant.

They sit on their table and orders some food.

"So how's life been going for you? Had any boyfriends? Girlfriends?" Wendy asks.

Seulgi laughs and her eyes turn into small crescents, "None at all. I'm just waiting for someone."

Wendy grins, "And that someone...she is Park Sooyoung, right?"

Seulgi turns red, "Huh? What? Joy and I are just friends..."

"Huh? You guys seem so close...who is it then?"

"Just will know in the future..."

Wendy sighs, "Well I'll wait then."

Seulgi laughs again, "Anyways, what will you tell me? You said you were going to tell me something, that's why you invited me here."

"Oh yeah...well, since you're my closest friend, I'll tell you this and you must keep it a secret. I trust you a lot."

Seulgi puts her face close and is eager to listen, "Well..tell me then..."

"You know Joohyun right?"

"Irene-unnie, yeah, of course I know her!"

Wendy moves her face closer to Seulgi's, "Well I've confessed to her..."

Seulgi's smile fades and her heart drops.

"...and she felt the same so...she's my girlfriend now..."

Wendy pulls away and smiles, "Keep it a secret okay? Promise me that."

Seulgi sits back and fakes a smile, "I will. I promise."

The waiter walks to their table and serves them their dinner. Seulgi just holds back her tears and kept smiling so she won't have to worry Wendy. Seulgi just eats her food silently. She just keeps eating and eating without another word. Trying to forget about the pain she's feeling right now.

Wendy talks about what has happened to her and Irene. Seulgi just politely listens even if everything Wendy says is stabbing her on the heart.

After finishing their food, Wendy stands up and Seulgi follows.

Wendy bows down and smiles, "Thanks for coming, I had a fun night..."

Seulgi smiles back, "You don't have to thank me...well see you some other time maybe?"

"Yes! We definitely should see each other again. Goodbye for now!"

Right after Wendy turns around, Seulgi's smile disappears. Seulgi walks to the bathroom and she starts crying all the pain out.

She looks at herself at the mirror and sees the makeup on her face all smudged up, "I look pathetic."

She smiles in attempt to beat the pain she's feeling, "This is all just pathetic. Why am I doing this to myself..."

She brings out her phone and dials Joy.

"Yo, hey!"

"Hey Joy-ah..."

"How's dinner? Have you confessed?"

Seulgi frowns, "No...I haven't.."

"Oh, well are you going to confess soon?"

"No...I won't"

"Huh? Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Please come pick me up..."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Just come and pick me up please..."

"Okay...okay I will. Just wait for me."


She hangs up without saying another word. She puts back her phone in her bag and reaches out to the faucet. She turns it on and washes her makeup off. She takes a deep breath and pulls herself back up.




Thirty minutes later, Joy arrives and sees Seulgi looking frustrated on a bench. She quickly gets out the taxi and runs towards Seulgi.

Joy places her hand on Seulgi's head, "Hey, I'm here. Did something happen? How are you feeling?"

Seulgi looks up to Joy with a fake smile, "Oh, nothing..."

Joy sighs, "You wouldn't call me to come pick you up if nothing is wrong."

"I told you nothing is wrong..." Seulgi says before she starts crying again.

Joy quickly sits next to her and rubs her back. "What is wrong? Seulgi..."

Seulgi turns her head and stares at her, "Wendy....and Irene-unnie..."

"What about them?"

Seulgi breathes in deeply, "They're dating now...

Joy grabs her by shouldres and pulls her into a hug, ​ "I'm sorry...

Seulgi hugs her back tightly, "Why are you saying sorry?"

"Because I can't do anything for your heart...all I can say is..."

Joy pauses for a moment.

She rubs the back of Seulgi's head, "listen...your feelings doesn't have to be reciprocated...being with her is enough...cherish her even if you aren't the one in her heart..."

Seulgi's tears suddenly stops falling and she takes a deep breath, "You're right. I have her by my side anyways. It's not like I lost her. She's still here. She's still with me."

Joy lets her go and stares into her eyes, "And there are lots of other people in the world...don't be burdened by just one person..."

Joy wipes off Seulgi's tears with her thumbs. Seulgi smiles at her and lays her head on Joy's shoulder, "I'm glad to have you here, Sooyoung..."

"I'm glad to have you too..."





The next morning, Joy wakes up and walks to Seulgi's room. She opens it and stares at her. Seulgi just peacefully sleeps even after what happened last night. Joy takes a deep breath and slowly closes the door. She goes back to room and falls on her bed. She reaches out to her pocket and takes out the necklace again. 

"I have to find that girl again," she whispers to herself.

She stands up and walks to her closet. She takes out her red plaid and pants. 

After changing, she leaves a note on Seulgi's door.


"I'm going out for a walk for a while. Don't look for me hahaha :)"


She walks out and rides her bike on her way to the mall to see if she's going to see the girl again.

As she reaches the mall, she suddenly sees the same girl from before walking inside. She locks her bike and follows the girl inside. 

The girl seems to be looking for something. Joy walks towards the girl and takes out the necklace.

Joy then moves in front of the girl and holds the necklace out to her face, "Are you looking for this?"

The girl tries to grab the necklace but Joy pulls her arm back.


"Hey, give that back ugly!" the girls say agressively.

"Where did you get this from?"

"I bought that! Give it back." 

The people in the mall starts looking at them judgingly.

"This is one of a kind, you can't just buy this."

The girl charges at Joy and slams her on the floor, "Just give it to me!"

Joy pushes her face away as the girl attempts to take the necklace, "What the heck? Just tell me how you got this!"

The girl twists Joy's arm and Joy then drops the necklace. Joy holds her arm in agony and pain. The girls stands up and tries to run away but Joy gets up really quick and holds her leg, "Just listen you little demon!!"

The girl trips over and lets go of the necklace. The girl suddenly blacks out. Joy takes the necklace and shakes the girl. She realises that the girl is unconscious so she quickly calls the hospital incase she got a serious injury.

At the hospital, the girl wakes up and looks at Joy who has been waiting for her to wake up.

"Look, I just want to talk about the necklace.." Joy says politely.

The girl sits up and tries to run away but her head was still throbbing. 

"My name is Park Soooyoung. I am 20 years old and I was the one you headbutted yesterday..."

The girl looks at her, "Hey, if this was about yesterday, I am sorry, just give me back my necklace."

"This necklace is mine. I got it from my mother. How did you get it?

"Someone gave that to me! That is not yours."

Joy stands up, "My mother is gone now and this was the only thing that reminds me of her!"

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I got that from my mother as well."

Joy walks up to her and stares at her, "What is your mother's name?"

"Her name is Yeonsoo! Why are you even asking?"

Joy's eyes widens, "Who are you?"

"My name is 'You don't have to know' wahhhh.."

Joy grabs the girl's hand, "Do you think I have time for jokes?"

The girl laughs, "Probably, I mean your life is a joke and you are still living so..."

"Dude, just tell me who you are..."

The girl yanks her hand out of Joy's hand, "My name is Kim Yerim. I am 17 years old and I just want my necklace back or I'll choke you."

Joy sighs and hands her the necklace back, "I hope I never see you again."

Joy then turns back and walks away.

She hopes that she would never see this girl again.


But little does she know, this girl might just be a part of her life.








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Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 2: Is Seulgi worried that Sooyoung might
date someone? She's jealous keke.. I knew it, Sooyoung and her might end up together. They've know each other for a long time now, I think it's just right for them to date (Joygi pls haha). Why do have this feeling that Yerim and Joy are siblings or somewhat connected to each other? Poor Irene being neglected :( Update soon pls Authornim :)
ilvolo9 #3
Can't wait till the next part
daybreaking #4
Chapter 1: Yes girly!!! Update soon unni XD big fan of your works!!1!1!1!
Homomilk #5
I was about to click next and then I saw your foreword LOL
jkimkidding #6
Too bad for you, i'm a taengsic shipper, pain is our motto.
youngandstars27 #7
Chapter 1: Aww Seulgi :( Anyway, i'm rooting for Joygi and Wenrene. And i hope Saeron will be here too for our baby Yerim kekeke. Looking forward for this.
Chapter 1: Ugh.. As much as I love the two Satan spawns together, I see them as close friends who bicker everyday haha. Seulgi nees Joy, and they've known each other fir almost 12 years :( So yeah, I'm rooting for JoyGi keke.