
Selfish Love
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Seungcheol sighs as leans back against the headboard of his shared bed. It hasn't been the best day for him at all. Jeonghan had been blatantly ignoring him while pouting and sulking half the entire day, leaving the leader to be frustrated and annoyed. All that happened was a little fan service between Seungcheol and Chan whereby Seungcheol hugged Chan instead of Jeonghan, which threw Jeonghan into a major hissy fit. The moment they entered backstage, Jeonghan screamed at Seungcheol for not loving him anymore and calling him unfaithful and useless, causing poor Chan to feel lost and confused. 

"Don't touch me ever again you disgusting unfaithful-" Jeonghan was screaming the moment they left the stage and entered the large van, he was yet to finish his rant when his boyfriend decided that he has had enough.

"I don't want to hear one more word from you." Seungcheol growled and stared piercingly into Jeonghan's eyes. Jeonghan was taken aback. His kind, loving boyfriend has never been so aggressive before. His mouth opened up to argue back but the glare he continued to receive shut him up immediately. Jeonghan pouted and crossed his arms, looking out of the window so that he could avoid the harsh glowering. Seungcheol rolled his eyes before taking out his phone and earpiece to listen to some music in order to calm himself down. He usually was much more calm than this, but this time, Jeonghan has pushed him too far.



The members had dinner and scattered around after having arrived back to the dorm, some going to change while others went to shower. Junhui and Minghao had different plans and wanted to head out for supper instead, however, their romantic date was disturbed by their second eldest hyung, who was begging them to bring him along. "Please guys, I'm bored. Include me in your date will you? I promise I won't be a disturbance!" Jeonghan begged, jutting out his bottom lip so as to enhance his pleas. He would do anything to have some time away from Seungcheol.

Junhui bit his lip nervously, looking between Minghao and Jeonghan, on one hand he really wanted some alone time with his boyfriend, on the other, Jeonghan looked really desperate. Thankfully, an angel called Mingyu was there to save him.

"Jeonghan hyung, why don't I go with you instead? I'm still pretty hungry. Anyone else wants to go along?" Mingyu asked, specifically looking at his boyfriend who rejected immediately. 

"I'll go with you tomorrow babe. I'm really tired today, sorry. " Wonwoo said with an apologetic frown. "Promise."

Mingyu nodded understandingly and went over to peck his boyfriend on his cheek. "Rest well. I'll pack something light when I get back. " 

Jeonghan frowned when he saw the couple's interactions, and his frown grew deeper when he saw Minghao giggling at whatever Junhui was telling him while they walked out of the dorm. Was his relationship the only one which was problematic? How come the others had such stable relationships whereas his was currently down in the dumps. Jeonghan was snapped out of his thought when he felt Mingyu put his arm around his shoulder. "Let's go hyung, what are you waiting for? "



"Mingyu you think I'm unreasonable?" Jeonghan asked, twirling the jjajangmyun with his chopsticks. "I mean, I didn't mean to over react but I was just there! Why didn't he hug me instead? If I was far away and he chose to hug someone else then that's okay but I-"

"Hyung..." Mingyu shook his head at the overflowing excuses coming out of Jeonghan's mouth. "You definitely over reacted. You do fan service with Joshua hyung a lot too! Seungcheol hyung has never complained once right? " Mingyu offered an apologetic smile, "Sorry hyung, but this time I'm on Seungcheol hyung's side." Jeonghan grumbled at that but knew that he was just telling the truth. He sighed as he felt his appetite slowly diminishing at the thought of his angry boyfriend, lucky for Mingyu, who always seemed to have enough space in his stomach to eat his leftovers. 

"Hyung, I'm packing kimbap for wonwoo, is there anything you want to pack as well?" Mingyu asked, browsing the menu for anything else his boyfriend might like.

"Dumplings!" Jeonghan said suddenly, snapping out of his thoughts. "Cheollie likes dumplings...he was too upset to finish his dinner. I'll get him some and apologize too..."



With every step he took towards their shared bedroom, Jeonghan could feel his feet getting heavier. He hasn't planned a speech or anything for the matter, just dumplings. When the door creaks open, Jeonghan could make out his boyfriend's silhouette resting against the headboard as well as Wonwoo, who was lazing around in Mingyu's bed. 

"Wonwoo! I bought kimbap for you!" Mingyu's loud voice resonated from the living room and Wonwoo immediately propped himself up and got out of bed to join his boyfriend for some late night snack.

Jeonghan shuffled in the room before closing the door and moving over to his shared bed with Seungcheol. He places the dumplings on the bedside table and shifts himself into the bed, wrapping both arms around his boyfriend. "Cheollie, I'm sorry." Jeonghan could feel Seungcheol stiffen under his touch and his heart broke at that. Was Seungcheol really that m

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Chapter 1: dear jihoon invite soonyoung...and mingyu go sleep with wonu
Chapter 1: That last line killed me XD Kim Mingyu just have to be that adorable dork HAHA
jesusandklife #3
Chapter 1: "A wild Jihoon appeared" XD
Idk why I haven't commented earlier on this sorry lol but it was absolutely adorable. Poor Woozi! Lol
Chapter 1: Jeonghan the overly attached boyfriend.
Mingyu is such a cutie esp the last line of the story. I wanna squish him even though im tiny af.
woogyuzizii #5
Chapter 1: omg authornim this is jus so cute ^_^!!!!!!
kpopcrazy77 #6
Chapter 1: Omg Mingyu is so cuteee!! I cannot
Chapter 1: mingyu xD i love him ^^
Chapter 1: Haha idk i love it but mingyu at the end was just ♥
TheEvilBlob #9
Oh lol Jihoon the cute lil grump! Ooh, dom!Coups, and woohoo possessive!Jeonghan<3