Chapter 1

Finally Found You

Supernatural creatures were originally feared by regular human beings. But with time that changed. A new era came upon them were supernatural creatures and humans coexisted with one another in peace. Some were pure supernaturals begins, others humans and some were mixed: half supernatural and half human. Some were more than just one supernatural being, having a mix in their linage like wizard with wolf blood. There were no boundaries that separated one individual from another. Everyone was equal. Yet there were exceptions. They were the rare breeds. The ones thought to be extinct or close to being completely gone. Mermaids and the white jaguars. Everyone fought to gain the remaining ones for themselves. However, there was one individual being who was both breeds without knowing it himself.

-Jimin's Point of View-
Since the longest that I could remember I felt like the ocean was calling me to enter it. But something prevented me from doing so. If I enter it or any huge body of water, I felt something will drastically change in my life. So for the whole duration of my early teen years of living, I have avoided any huge bodies of water; however, being in my last year of high school that soon changed. And it all had to do with one individual: Jeon Jungkook.

"TaeTae! Hurry up! We are gonna be late for class."


Hearing a few more crashing noises coming from behind the close door to our dorm, the door finally open revealing a dismantle and panting Taehyung. Looking behind, I knew that we will have to clean our dorm once back.

"Ready! Let's go." Taehyung then took hold of my hand and started to pull me towards the directions of our classroom.

Since Taehyung had his head turned around to chat with me, he didn't see where he was going; therefore, making us crash with someone's back. And not just anyone. But the one almighty, most popular, and handsomest guy on school: Jeon Jungkook. Golden boy that can do anything that he sets his mind to, having skipped already two grade levels putting him in the same classes as Taehyung and me. Well maybe except math which he seems to struggle with still. He also has a strong linage of being a mix of a land dweller and an aquatic dweller: black panther and the great white shark. Making him a great swimmer; therefore, no surprise then that he is also the ace of the swimming team.

Of course for being a strong individual with firm muscles, Jungkook hardly felt the crash, nudging slightly forward while Taehyung and I were pushed back. Quite startled and shock on who we crashed to, I started to panicked and quickly made our apologizes to him and took off dragging Taehyung behind me to our class. Since I was hurriedly trying to escape with Taehyung, I did not noticed Jungkook's amused expression that he displayed along with a chuckle that escaped his lips.

See Taehyung and me were part of a high school were supernaturals and humans attended the same school. TaeTae was a mix of half human and half penguin linage while I was purely human. Once we were in the safety of our classroom, I finally let go of Taehyung's hand. Of course Taehyung was quick to question my actions, "Yah! Why did you do that? It's not like we did anything wrong back there."

"You might think we didn't which I agree with you but others tend to have a different opinion from us. A.K.A: his crazy and wild fangirls." Ending the discussion, I went to seat down at my assigned seat which happened to be in the fourth row right next to the window. Taehyung unfortunately sat close to the front of the room being in the second row of the seating arrangements.

Jungkook then casually walked into the classroom and to his assigned seat which just so happened to be right behind my seat. Shortly afterwards, the teacher arrived and started to announced the upcoming events that was to occur for our grade level. "Alright, everyone settle down. As you know, our trip to the beach is this week and we will be leaving exactly tomorrow at eleven in the morning so make sure you have everything packed and set. Now any questions?"

No one bothered to ask questions since we all knew everything that was needed to know. It was an understatement to say that no one was excited to go and enjoy our long awaited break.

-Back at the Dorms-
I was going through a pile of my clothes when I questioned Taehyung, "Tae have you seen my shorts?"

Taehyung was also in the same situation as my that he emerged from under a pile of clothes to answer my question, "Last time I saw them, they were next to your desk so maybe behind it? Or by the side?" He then continued to resume with his activity of finding whatever article of clothing he was hunting down at the moment. Meanwhile I went towards my desk to hunt down my own clothes.

Once I finally found my shorts that were lying behind my desk, I quickly finished packing the rest of my stuff and headed to bed. Taehyung was already set and lying down on his bed by the time I climbed into the comforts of my bed. I was startled as I heard Taehyung questioned me, thinking that he was already asleep. "So this is our last year, when do you plan to confess?"

Sighing knowing where this conversation was heading to, I turned to face Taehyung, "For the last time, TaeTae I am not going to confess."

"Give me one good reason why you cannot at least try? I mean you're smart, gorgeous, have a firm body, and you have the most beautiful eye smile I have ever seen. Heck you even have a fuller than most girls!"

"Tae!" I threw a pillow right at his face to shut him up. Delighted that I managed to hit my target, I answered his question. "Because Tae he is a mix of a rare breed and I doubt they want to waste his genes on a lowly human like me. Maybe if I was mix I would have considered it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and made one final comment before trying to take off to dreamland. "Being a mix or not makes no difference Jimin. What matters are the feelings and that goes for both supernaturals and humans. Take it from me that I'm the cutest penguin you have ever seen."

A smile started to take over my frown at Taehyung's last comment about his linage which I had to agree with him. He did make a cute penguin when he transformed to his animal form. Not wanting to sadden Tae anymore with my dilemma I made an agreement with him, "Fine. I'll try. But first I have to at least get close to him. I mean all we are, are classmates not even friends."

Rustling noise of blankets being shifted around invaded the silence of the dorm. A few more minutes tick by until finally Taehyung responded back, "Okay. At least now you will try to talk to him right? And not run away each time he approaches us?"

Still unsure if I will be able to do as told, I timidly mumbled back "Yes. I will try?"

Realizing my hesitation Taehyung rose up to a seating position on his bed. "Promise me." Taehyung then got up from his bed and walked towards my own bed to seat down on the edge. He holds out his pinky finger for me to link with his, "Promise me?"

Linking his pinky with my pinky, I promised him that I will try my best to accomplish the task but apparently that was not enough for him to be satisfied that he made me say my crush's whole name.

"I, Park Jimin, promise to try to get closer to Jeon Jungkook."

It was evitable for a blush not to take over my whole face once I finished my statement. Once satisfied with my answer, Taehyung showed me his unique boxy smile which was quite adorable if you ask me and went off to his own bed to sleep since we will have a long day tomorrow.

"Night ChimChim."

"Goodnight TaeTae."

-At the Beach-
The ride to get to the beach was long and draining but it was worth it. It felt refreshing to be welcome by the ocean breeze and tides of the beach. If truly felt that I was back home. The ocean like always calling me to enter it rendering me in a trace that was hard to deny.

"Jimin! We have to check into our room!"

Broken out of my trace by Taehyung's shout, I followed him back to the hotel to settle in with our belongs. Since the day was almost over by the time we arrived at the hotel, we decided to just get dinner at the restaurant associated with the hotel and watch movies back at our room. After seeing two movies, being close to one in the morning by the time the second movie finished, we decided to call it a night.

Taehyung told me beforehand that he would most likely go for an  early morning swim, so if I woke up in a room alone to not worry about him. And that is exactly how I woke up this morning. In a room, alone with no Tae to be seen. Getting up from my bed, I did my morning routines such as washing my face and brushing my teeth. Quickly changing my attire from my pajamas into navy blue swimming trunks and a simple white t-shirt, I went downstairs to the ocean were I'll definitely find Taehyung enjoying his early day swimming in freezing waters.

Being it still quite early in the morning, six a.m., not many people were present at the beach except for those that are immune to the cold temperature of the ocean waters: aquatic dwellers. Hence, no surprise when I spotted Taehyung happily splashing around and swimming in the ocean as if the water were not below freezing temperature. I was about to call Tae over when I saw that he was looking downwards to the ocean floor and seem to be moving his mouth as if talking to someone. Shortly, soon enough, someone did emerge from under the water. Jeon Jungkook.

I was about to high tail it out of here when I remembered the promise I made to Taehyung of no more running away. Reassuring myself that nothing can go possible wrong, I called out to Taehyung as loudly as I could, "TaeTae!" I frantically waved my hand above my head so Taehyung could see me more easily. Spotting me, Taehyung also repeated my gesture and swam towards me.

Reaching the shore, Taehyung ran at me full speed and envelope me in a bear crushing hug. "Jiminnie! You're awake!" Still enjoying our little moment of warmth, I felt the presence of a third person approaching us. Seeming to remember that he wasn't alone before I came over, Taehyung quickly released me from his grip and turned to face Jungkook, "Sorry about the Jungkook. Got excited that Jimin actually woke up early."

"Hey!" Not appreciating the comment, I gave a semi-light punch to Taehyung's forearm. Satisfied with hearing Taehyung groan from the pain, I then directed my attention to Jungkook. An act which I should not have done since standing no less than two feet away from I was a shirtless dripping wet Jungkook. His hard, solid abs and muscles in full display for me to drool over which I gladly I did not or else I would had died of embarrassment but that still did not mean that a blush did not take over my face.​ Redirecting my line of sight towards his face, I greeted Jungkook with a shy smile and quietly mumbled, "Morning Jungkook-ssi."

Jungkook seemed mildly surprised that I greeted him which I do not blame him since most of the time I run away from him. Once he got over the initial shock he returned the gesture and greeting. "Morning. But let's drop the formalities? Ne?"

Agreeing to his request, we dropped all formalities towards one another. Taehyung then excused himself saying he still wanted to swim some more and that Jungkook should keep me company since he has been out swimming for a longer time than him. I was surprised when Jungkook accepted Taehyung's suggestion. With Taehyung back in the ocean swimming, Jungkook and I decided to walk along the beach shore and get to know one another. Of course before doing so, Jungkook went to get his belongs with consisted of a black t-shirt and a towel to dry off. Putting the shirt on hiding away his sculptured body, I could not decide whether to be delighted or sadden by the action, but regardless we started our walk.

Oddly enough it was not awkward between the two of us and we got along pretty well. I will admit that I was nervous at first to being alone with Jungkook so quickly but soon realized that he was not as he appeared to be. Everyone thought of him to be the cold, distant and cool guy based on his appearance and reserved personality. Which he is. No denying it yet he is also the quite the opposite at times. Just based on a few topics that we had discussed so far, I noticed that he can be quite funny making me crack up in a fit of laughter and giggles in a matter of seconds. This then made him show me his cute bunny smile that I did not know he possessed since most of the time Jungkook will have a neutral face or a smirk.

I also discovered that we have a lot in common such as our hobbies, a strong passion for photography, drawing, dancing and singing, and music interest like Big Bang. This got us into petite arguments on who is better: G-Dragon or Taeyang. I was defending my bias as if my life depended on it. "Taehyung is definitely the best! He is y, strong, and cool and his voice is to die for!"

"No G-Dragon! He's a killer rapper and singer. He has a pretty face and a nice body. Plus he has a sense for fashion."

The heated debated went on for quite a lengthy time with each of us backing up our own opinion on why our bias was better than the other until Jungkook finally decided to put an end to it. "You know what Jimin, let's just end this. We are both too stubborn to agree defeat towards one another so a truce? I think this is getting quite pointless." It was evident that Jungkook was quite amused by the turn of events as he let a light hearted chuckle.

Admitting that the discussion was getting a little out of hand, we stopped for the moment talking about the group and moved on to other topics. After a while, we silently walked along side one another by the shore enjoy each other's presence. Jungkook was the first to break the silence by questioning me on my behavior, "You know I was quite surprised when you actually spoke to me. You always run away whenever you see me or if I'm near. I was starting to think you might hate me or something."

I was startled on how Jungkook could think of such a thought and quickly deny it. "What? No that's not the issue. I don't hate you or anything. More like I'm afraid what your crazy fangirls will do to me if I get too close to you. Like right now if you haven't noticed they keep mad dogging me and glaring." To emphasis my point, I directed Jungkook line of sight to a group of girls that kept staring at us and following us from a distance.

Jungkook did not seem thrilled on the idea of being followed as he let out a slight growl. And what was to happened next I was definitely not prepared for. Black triangular cat ears and a long black tail emerged from Jungkook's body. Soon enough Jungkook scoped me in his arms, carrying me like a bride to my utter embarrassment. I quietly voiced out my thought as a permanent blush took over my face, "J-jungk-kook?!"

However Jungkook did not response to me and instead his hold on me got stronger and before I knew it we were jumping through the air. Jungkook was using his natural jaguar abilities, high jumping power along with speed, of his strong lower body to easily maneuver us to a new location on the beach without the pesky eyes of his fangirls. Not expecting to be soring through the skies, I had a vice grip on Jungkook's shirt fearing for my life. Once he deemed an area secured, he gently lowered me down to the ground, making sure both feet were flat on the surface, as he noticed I was quite scared and whispered in my ear smoothing words. "Shh. It's okay Jimin. We are back on the ground."

He still had a hold on me, embracing me to calm me down. Evening out my breathing, I let out one final sigh before thanking Jungkook. "Thanks Jungkook. I'm fine now. Shall we continue walking and head back to the hotel and meet up with Taehyung?" Visibly noticing that I indeed was a lot more calmer now, Jungkook lightly ruffled by hair and replied back with a gentle smile, "Sure. Let's go."

Taking hold of my hand, he started to pull me toward the direction of where we last had seen Taehyung. I could not help but noticed the sized difference between our hands. My hand being tiny and small with chubby fingers compared to Jungkook's long, slender and rough hand. Fitting perfectly together like a puzzle. He was warm. Actually when Jungkook was carrying me, I felt complete warmth from his body and could not help the idea of wanting to cuddle with him.

Enjoying our time together we did not notice time fly by and that we were already close to the hotel until Taehyung called us over to eat brunch since breakfast was long over being close to eleven-thirty in the morning. Meaning that I have been chatting with Jungkook for around four to five hours. Is that even possible?

The whole day was spent with Jungkook hanging out with us and keeping us company until the late hours of the night. And each time one of crazy fangirls kept staring at us or following us, Jungkook will growl at them effortlessly scaring them away. We were currently in our hotel room, Taehyung and mines, watching a movie that was getting close to finished. Once the movie was done, Jungkook decided to call it a night since it was slightly past midnight. I companied him to the door and we said our goodbyes. When departing, we agreed to do this again tomorrow morning at the same time.

"Bye Jungkookie! Goodnight!"

"Bye Jiminnie."

Closing the door once he left, I could not help the goofy smile that took over my face. I knew once Taehyung saw me he will tease me nonstop and that is exactly what he did once I was inside our room.

"So, how was your day Jimin? Not so bad like you thought, huh?"

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