
In The World Where Love Will Still Remain

(read 13)

“Jae Joong hyung! Yunho hyung!” Yoochun frantically shouted at the darkness, trying to get someone awake.

“shhh. We don’t want to wake the…GRIZZLY BEARS! HAHAHAHA!” HyeLee suddenly came back to life, crawling up the stairs, and soon, four other figures came out of the night and peered at the figure on the stairs.

“You know my brother always loved bears. He used to say that he would be a zoo keeper.” she said, all of a sudden seeming very sober.

Yoochun shushed the other four, beckoning them to go back to sleep, and he sat next to HyeLee, even though the way she was acting was scaring him.

“Hey Yoochun.” He scooted over to the opposite end of the staircase and looked at her.

“It’s too bad…” she slurred, smiling goofily at him.

“E-eh?” he tried to maintain his composure, but her behaviour was not something he had seen before.

Before she could answer, she started snoring quietly, and her head lolled to the side, hitting the wall with a dull thud.

Yoochun’s heart stuttered to a normal speed and he picked her up, bridal style.

He was making his way to her room when he remembered he didn’t know where it was.

Sighing, he opened the door to his own room and placed her on the sheets, covering her up.

“I guess I’ll just sleep on the couch.” He muttered to himself, and was making his way out when she suddenly called him.



“It’s too bad he died.”

Yoochun looked at her for a moment and left the room.

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
VIP_Cassie #2
I love this story!
It so intense and angsty :)
update please (:
please comment :)
YAY!~ COMMENTS!~<br />
Thank you to all who did comment, i did read them, and my updates will get longer thankyou!<br />
The story is almost over...T_T
wowowowoowowowowo i hate ChaeYoung & mark (they come every sunday so thats when dbsk can get them)<br />
shes a !!! updates soon pweaze!!!
dewdropper #7
OMG this is the best angst story I've came over so far... Do write longer updates yeah! Love it! ^^