Lost but Found

Lost Boys


“Neh hyung?”

“Would pink hair look good on me? Look at this shade.”

*shows picture*

“Yes that would look really good on you”

“You think so?”

“Yes hyung. It would look good on you.”

“It’s the right shade for me?”

“Yes hyung”


Kibum grabs Jonghyun by the shoulders and looks him in the eye, “It would look good on you. Stop fretting. I’m sure it would suit you and you would look really really cool.”

Jonghyun drops his gaze and sets his eyes on the floor before he spoke again, “You don’t want to talk with me much these days..”

Kibum was stunned. The hands holding Jonghyun’s shoulders dropped to his side.

“That’s not true.”

“But you always keep our conversations short.” Jonghyun mustered up some courage and looked up to meet Kibum’s eyes, “I just miss you. I miss us.”

It’s now Kibum’s turn to stare at their feet.

“I…I just thought you needed more time for your compositions. I didn’t want to be a bother. I don’t want to be a burden to you. And…” Kibum’s voice broke and Jonghyun knew tears are coming “and…I felt like I can’t connect with you sometimes. You talk about music, composing for Taemin, for other artists. I..I just thought you wouldn’t want to be bothered by my useless and nonsense talk.”

Jonghyun’s heart clenched painfully in his chest.

He sat on one of the chairs and reached out for Kibum’s wrist. He turned Kibum around and started slowly

“I’m sorry. It was never meant to be that way. I never intended for you to feel that way. I love having you around.”

Jonghyun pulled Kibum into his lap and held to him tightly.

“We really should talk more. I felt the same way you know. I thought you didn’t want me around anymore since I could be a depressing soul to be with.”

Kibum wrapped his arm around Jonghyun’s shoulders, “I miss you Jjong”

Jonghyun held Kibum a little tighter “I miss you to Bummie”

“So I can be clingy and naggy again? You won’t mind me texting random stuff?”

“Your random stuff lightens up my mood. You make me less depressing.”

“You’re not depressing Jjong, you’re just a bit melodramatic. A true artist channeling his emotion into his art” the teasing glint in his eyes and the edge in his voice is back.

“Whatever you say Bummie” the light in Jonghyun’s eyes just got a little bit brighter.


A/N: Thanks for reading~

This got a little darker than expected. I just really missed legit Jongkey so much i had to put some of those feels in that short drabble.

Maybe i'll write something really fluffy next time :)


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Rellamellow #1
Chapter 1: This was so good and seemed very realistic (because, from a fan's perspective, you didn't see a lot of interaction for a long time, I think?). I really liked it! ^^
Ryukuu #2
A lovely fic written! I really like how you conveyed their emotions. This really gives us readers a different view in the situation. *itmademetearuptoo* Keep it up!! ❤