Last Chance

Last Chance (One-shot)

a/n: Italics are the main girl's thoughts except for the first two italics. 


He didn't think that it could happen. He didn't think about the reason why she was always spending every second of her time(except when they had to go home) with him when he knew he could always see her the next day.

He didn't think she loved him as much as he loved her.

Why didn't he the her earlier?

Why did he let his last chance slip away?


It was a typical hot and sunny summer evening. Myungsoo and Lily, best friends since they were toddlers were having their daily evening walk. Walking side by side down the road, Lily complained about the heat. 

"I wish could just rip my dress right now and jump in that kiddie pool," Lily had said while looking at a kiddie pool as they passed a house.

Myungsoo was amused at the sight of Lily who was puffing her cheeks and fanning herself with her hand. Sweat was beading down her face.

"Let's get some ice-cream to cool down," Myungsoo suggested. Lily nodded excitedly at the mention of ice-cream. She grabbed Myungsoo by the arm and dragged him to the nearest store which sold ice-cream.

The two friends picked their ice-cream from the freezer and paid for them. Lily gobbled down her ice-cream the moment she opened the wrapper while Myungsoo slowly ate his.

"Did you know you eat like a little kid?" Myungsoo had commented. "You have an ice-cream stain by the corner of your lip."

"Shut up! You eat so slow," Lily answered back. She tried of the stain but she failed.

Myungsoo chuckled and took out a tissue from his pocket. He wiped the stain off. Lily's cheeks had a pink tint. She grabbed the tissue from Myungsoo's hand.

"I can do it myself you know," she said.

They continued walking in silence. Lily broke the silence.

“Hey, Myungsoo. What would you do if I told you that I only had 24 hours left to live?”

“Don’t sprout nonsense.” He paused. “But if you did have only 24 hours left, I’ll spend those 24 hours with you going to anywhere you want.”

“Hahaha.. So what you’re saying is, you’ll bring me on a date?”

“If that’s how you put it then yea…”



“Let’s go on a date right now. Just for the fun of it.”


With that said, the two walked to an amusement park nearby.

What if I told you I was told that I had 24 hours to live 20 hours ago?


Myungsoo and Lily paid for their entrance ticket.

"Okay, what do you want to do first?" Lily asked Myungsoo.

"I'll let you lead the way," Myungsoo replied.

Lily nodded and dragged him on all the rides. From the roller coaster to the spinning tea cups. They even went to the haunted house where Lily was practically hugging Myungsoo hand and screaming her head off. And to be honest, Myungsoo was thankful that the haunted house was dark. Every time Lily had hugged his hand closer, he felt heat rushing up his face. How he wished they could have stayed like that(forever?). 

They finally reached the end of the haunted house. 

"Scaredy cat," Myungsoo told Lily.

"I wasn't scared," Lily denied.

"Then what was all the screaming and chanting 'Oh God, save me!' back in there?" Myungsoo teased. His usual smirk formed on his lips.

"I-I wanted to make the other people frightened."


"Oh, look at the time. Let's ride the Ferris wheel before we go home," Lily changed the topic.


Myungsoo followed closely behing Lily as they walked towards the Ferris wheel.

Lily looked at her watch. 9.45pm.

15 more minutes.


Lily entered one of the cars of the Ferris Wheel with Myungsoo right behind her. Lily gestured Myungsoo to sit next to her.

The Ferris wheel started moving. It was a slow ride.  Lily rested her head on Myungsoo's shoulder. She played with his fingers. Little did they know, their hearts were beating really fast at the same time. None of them spoke to each other.

I need to tell him. 

Lily stopped playing with Myungsoo's fingers right when their car had stopped at the peak of the Ferris wheel. She glanced at her watch again.

2 more minutes.



Lily interlaced her fingers with Myungsoo's.

I'm sorry but...

The moment the first set of fireworks exploded in the air, she took her last breath and said,

"I love you."

Then, her hand fell limp.

Myungsoo felt as if his heart was about to burst when the three words left Lily's lips but the feeling faded. He knew something was wrong the moment Lily's hand fell limp. He turned towards her and saw that her eyes were closed. He could see that her chest was not rising up and down like a normal person's. He shook her with trembling hands.

"Lily... Lily... Wake up. We need to get home" Tears pierced his eyes. "Come on. This isn't funny."

His eyes was now flooded with tears that he couldn't see properly. He wiped them away with his arm and continued to shake Lily but she didn't move. He hugged her limp body.

"You can't sleep now," Myungsoo said between sobs. "I haven't told you I love you too."


So,there you have it. My first attempt at one-shots(which was a fail...).  I never actually done one-shots so... yeah. I was actually planning to stop at 'Then, her hand fell limp.' but I realized that I concentrated too much on the main girl and there was too little of Myungsoo parts. So, I added the last bit. 

Whoever is reading this, do you mind to give me a feedback? :3 How was my writing and etc. Bad feedbacks are much appreciated because they could help me improve on my writing techniques. Please and thank you.

And also thank you for reading. *bows*

*showers cookies on all of you*

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alli-boo #1
Thanks for the comments. :)<br />
<br />
@17toINFINITE I was actually thinking if I should put an alternate happy ending so it won't be upsetting... but my brain died... :(<br />
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@MoonGirl98 Would it be weird if I said I almost cried writing it? xD<br />
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@littleocean I would be with my family too... and thanks.
Aww I love this!!!<br />
It is sad<br />
If I was to die, I would want to be with my family and lover!!<br />
I also love your writing skills!!
you did it! i cried!!
<3 this is cute and so upsetting<br />