Day 11

King of the Nerds

"Finally, school has started! I missed you guys!" Bom said as she seated beside Dara.

Chaerin rolled her eyes. "Stop pretending, eonnie. You don't miss school. You miss the gossip. You don't even study."

"Who needs to study when we're still heiresses?"

Dara snickered at her cousin. 

She, too, is happy that school has finally started. She was excited not jsut because everything in school seem to be normal but because this means she gets to see Baekhyun more often. After their date, they have been going out more the past few days after that. But it has been a week since she has not seen him. The last thing he said was that he needed to go somewhere with his family for a trip. She has not heard anything from him since then. She was hoping she will see him today. Knowing him, he wouldn't miss classes.

She got excited when she saw Chen enter the room. She expected to see Baekhyu  but he was not there. Chen took his seat. 

"Annyeong." She greeted.

"Annyeong." Chen answered with his usual smile.

"uh--have you seen Baekhyun?"

"He's still out of the country with his family. Miss him that much?"

She smiled"Ani. I'm just asking. He has not sent me a message since he left so I'm just worried."

"He's fine. He's with his family. He'll be back in a day or two."

She smiled at him and continued to chat with her other friends.


"Your girlfriend is looking for you." Chen said on the other line.

"Shut up.She isn't my girlfriend. How are things there?" I said as I lied back on my bed.

It isn't true that I was out f the country with my family. I was not allowed to go back to school until everyone is sure that we're safe. Even my other siblings are asked to stay home. All my calls and social media accounts were all monitored which is why I can't send messages to Dara. This is official the worst. I have not hated my life until now.But I could not blame my parents. No parent would want their kids be in harm as long as they can protect them. 

It was a good thing that Chen was part of our security measures. Although he has originally asked to stay with me at all times, I managed to convince my parents to have him lead the team once again. But the main purpose is to keep an eye on Dara. For some reason, I have this gut feel that whoever is after me, might target the people close to me. 

"Everything feels normal." Chen answered.

"Are you keeping an eye on her?"

He sighed. " It's not as if you didn't place a tracker on her watch. She's wearing it."

I smiled hearing it from her. " I want her safe."

"That's why I here."

"I know. Keep an eye on her at all times."

"Arasso. I have to go. She's moving. I'll have to floow her just like what you want."

I ended the call after that. 

I cannot wait to see her.


With our parents making sure we stay safe, my brothers and I stayed at our house for the entire time. My hyungs were working at home.  We were all in the library doing our own thing. Both Luhan hyung and Lay hyung are working while Kris hyung is browsing stuff on his phone and Tao kept whining. I was reading some books to make sure that I don't miss anything in class.

"Yah, Baekhyun, my friend told me you were showing off during your PE class." Kris hyung suddenly said. He also showed me a video on his phone.

Ugh. Great. Someone actullay took a video of that game. I rolled my eyes and went back to reading.

"He broke my glasses, hyung." I said still my eyes on the book.

He laugh. "He broke your glasses so you broke his ego? Way to go, bro." he laughed. Tao is now watching the video.

"Yah, don't tolerate him like that, hyung."

Kris hyung snickered. "I'm still the oldest here. You and Luhan just continue working while I finish school."

"You seriously have to finish fast, hyung. IF only you didn't stop studying."

"Can I stop studying, too?" Tao interrupted.

"Do you want me to beat your ?" Kris told him.

"But, yeah, It serves him right, bro. I don't even understadn why you don't want them to know who you are. Life in school would be better for you." Kris continued.

"I want an ordinary life, hyung. At least, I want to experience everything withough priveleges."

"Baekhyun, there are people out there who wants to harm us. Whether you like it or not, people will find out who you are and will hurt any of us. I hope you understand how serious this is. It's not about te privileges. It's about your safety now." Lay hyung said.

I sighed and closed the book that I was reading. "I know you guys are worried but I'll be fine. If people would know who I am, would that make me safe? Would that make any of us safe? I just want to experience haivng a normal life, hyung?" 

"We understand that, Baekhyun. But I hope you also understand how serious this is. Expecially now that someone else aside from us is in danger." Luhan hyung spoke.

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"Sandara Park. She might be in danger." 

After hyung said her name, I felt blood disappear from my face.

"Who is she?" Tao asked.

"It's okay to have a normal life, Baekhyun. I wouldn't take that against you because if I had the chance, I would want one. But now is not the time to think of that. What are you going to do to keep her safe? Luhan hyung asked.

"I ---"

"No one is safe, Baekhyun. Not even us. Unless you want her to die, leave her alone." Luhan said with finality and went out of the room.


I hope everyone is safe and well. :)


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Chapter 13: Aww I finished the update. I hope all is well and you find the inspiration to continue your story. Stay safe and healthy
athena_29 #2
Chapter 13: I hope you will continue your story 🙏🙏🙏
Chapter 13: thanks for ur update...:) :) :)
Chapter 12: Yay! An update! Tysvm! And my God's way to leave that in a cliff hanger.
Chapter 12: Yay! An update! Tysvm! And my God's way to leave that in a cliff hanger.
mySEP_12 #6
Chapter 11: no more updates? :<
Chapter 11: i'll wait for you for as long as you need!
thank you for the update! exo are doing a comeback soon as well! yixing will go back to korea!!! omg! omg! let's support our boys!
Chapter 11: thanks for your update
Chapter 10: that foreboding feeling. i can feel the angst coming in the next chapters. i'm warming up to baekdara.
Chapter 10: i like ur plot/story super because of baekdara,thumbs up & thanks for your update :)