I : Who are they?

I Don't Wanna Be Lost Anymore
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Walking along the long sidewalk the autumn leaves crackled under my boots as I stepped on them. The streets were quiet. And the only sound was the sound of trees being blown back and forth by the wind. Nobody was out except the stray cats and dogs roaming around. It was 6:00 pm, everybody already went home; they didn’t wanna be out past curfew. To be out past curfew, a person must risk punishment. I put the hood of my jacket over my head and shoved my hands in my pockets to keep them warm, but the cold metal inside my pocket did the exact opposite.


Finally I reached my destination. A small grocery shop that was at the end of the street. It was dirty and looked like it could fall to bits at any moment; seldom do people come here. “Okay here goes nothing,” I breathed out before taking a step inside the shop. Keeping my head down so no one could notice me I went to the pastries isle. I looked over my shoulder to see if the shop owner, a middle aged man, was looking at me and turns out he was focused on counting the money he had in the cash register. I took that chance to put a piece of bread inside my jacket. Trying not to look suspicious I was on my way to leave when he saw me.    “Hey!” he called behind me.   ! I can’t get caught! Suddenly I remembered the cold metal inside my pocket. I have to use it; I don’t want to deal with all this right now. I swiftly turned around and took the gun out of my pocket putting my finger on the trigger aiming it at him. His eyes widened and his face turned pale as if he saw a ghost.    “Don’t move or I’ll shoot,” I growled still aiming the gun at him. I kept my head slightly down so he won’t know who I am.   “P-p-please spare me!” He stuttered slowly raising his hands up to show me that he wasn’t going to fight back.   I won’t shoot him; I can’t shoot him. I’m not that type of person. “Turn around and face the wall,” I demanded.   He did what I said and I quickly took that chance to flee. I ran and ran until I reached a dark alleyway. I pressed my back against the wall catching my breath. I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was already setting. I have to go back. I can’t risk getting caught again. My place was right across the alleyway. At the end of the alleyway was a fence, so I had to get over it to reach my apartement. I sprinted as fast as I can, reaching the fence I pushed my self up grabbing onto the top of the fence and jumping over it landing perfectly on the ground.    A few seconds later I was in front of my apartment building. It was run down and it was not the best, but it was all I could afford. Technically it was an apartment building for poor people so we didn’t have to pay to live here. I guess it was the only good thing the government did for us….   It was 7pm and the main gate was already closed so people won’t get out. My only option was to go from the back. I went all the way to the back of the building where the emergency stairs were. Smoke filled the place and garbage was everywhere. I coughed waving my hands in front of my face to make the smoke go away. My apartment was on the 4th floor so I guess it’s not that far up.   Climbing up the stairs I tried not to make a sound to not disturb the other people living here. I got to my apartment window and lifted up the window to get in. I always keep my window unlocked in case I get home late.    “Home at last,” I stretched my arms above my head.    My apartment wasn’t that great. A small bedroom with a tiny bathroom and a kitchen. The walls were plain and all
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magerl #1
Chapter 9: Update please. I can't waittttt
2026 streak #2
Chapter 9: Was this chapter a little short? Or was it just me?
I'm not sure why he slapped Hyungwon though and wonder what will happen now that she knew the relationship between Hyungwon and peacemaker's leader. can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon.