Step 1 : Courage?

Love is a Losing Game

Kyuhyun’s POV

I have a headache. Ever since Donghae hyung got his girlfriend, I’ve had a headache from too much thinking. It’s thanks to me they got together since I encouraged Donghae hyung . . . but his words have left me thinking. He was right. I DO need to tell the girl I like that….well I like her. But it’s not easy ya know? We haven’t been keeping as in touch as hyung and his girl. She’s tougher and more social and snarky…I find that pretty hot and I wouldn’t be surprised if she already had a boyfriend. The heck am I gonna do? Luckily Super Junior has a family vacation week so we’ll all be drifting off to our perspective families and having quality time with them. Me? I’ll probably spend the first 2 days with my family and the rest playing Starcraft. I say…but I really want to see her…sis already knows so she’ll probably bug me until I get out of my room and confess. Gah…the downside to life: Things don’t come easy. 

"Hey...MAKNAE!!!" Of course Donghae hyung would sream that out. My head! AISH!

"Yes hyung? Waddya want?! Can't you see I'm busy here?" No one ever leaves me alone. DOWNSIDE to being popular. Can't blame him though, even hyung wants some of this.

"You're only playing starcraft though." Did he say 'only.' "'re lucky you're my favorite. But seriously, waddya want?"

Oh well I was gonna go on a date right now and wanted to know if you wanted anything because afterwards she and I are gonna go shopping for some supplies? 

"How about you buy me some food and some new games? Yes~?" I tried doing aegyeo towards hyung. He's so easy to get too~ haha

"That won't work on me. I only need my girl's cuteness haha. Besides, we already bought you that expensive game you wanted as a small thanks for getting us together~!"

"Alright hyung. But at LEAST bring me food. I'm starving." It's embarrassing how my stomach growled JUST when I said this. I can cook...but c'mon...I'm lazy. Can you blame me?

"I spoil you. But alright. Have fun playing Starcraft. We'll be back in a few hours. Get some sleep at least or something. Oh, and don't forget to call your parents and tell them you're going back home for break.'re planning on surprising them or something."

"...ah...about that. I don't want to go back home..."

"LIAR! You're just too scared because she'll be there. You call me a baby for keeping my love a secret but you're just a much of a baby." Hyung started pouting. If I were a girl, I'd fall for him. But homo here. But if I were, I'd go for hyung. But anyway he was right. I'm a scaredy cat. I'm a baby.'s just...even if I do confess, I'll probabaly just do it in an idiotic way and she'll laugh or hit me. OUCH! Is hyung headlocking me and pinching my cheeks!? OW OW OW! THAT HURTS!"


"Haha. Let him go, Donghae-ah. He's only a kid." 



"Donghae-ah, stop it." She pulled on his ears until he let go and lectured him. Haha, I got you hyung. Just cuz she's your girlfriend doesn't mean anything. SHe's like a sister to me so of course she's going to protect me. I hid behind her and stuck out my tongue at hyung as she pulled on his ear and nagged at him.

"Anyway, Kyu, you should go back home. Don't you want to at least try. Better knowing the answer than wondering for the rest of your life with a 'what if' question hanging over your head. I know it's scary, but you have to do it ok? Cuz otherwise, if you go, and you come back without trying, I'll personally kick your . I'll be killed by ELFs but at least I got to you first." 

"You better confess because if anything happens to her...I'll get you, maknae. You know I'm grateful but I don't want her getting hurt." They're really cute together...hyung's still pouting like a child and she's comforting him. They're really made for each other. That and she's pretty scary if you get on her bad side...but she's nice. I really do feel like I have a sister here and I'm kind of jealous of their relationship. Not because of the type of relationship...but because they have one. They went through with their actions and got together. Even if I don't get lucky, noona is right, better worth trying and knowing, than not knowing at all.

"Alright. Both of you stop putting your in a knot and stop worrying. I'll go and I'll do my best to confess. If I fail, you guys are going to have to put up with trying to make me happy. Good luck with that. I'm not easy to please." Noona ruffled my head and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck, Kyu. Think of it as a game, ok? You have a mission, and your mission is to win her over. You lose if you can't get her but at least you gained experience from it. So, a win-win like situation." She's smart. I like her. 

"As you say, noona. I'll make it a game! I always win in games so I won't lose! YEAH! I'M FIRED UP NOW!"

"Not fair. How do you get him to listen to you? Do you know how hard that is? It's like...talking to a brick wall or something." Hey hey, I'm right here. Tch. Why's Donghae hyung like this?

"Cuz I'm a girl. Girls on top!" She started singing and dancing her way out of the room to BoA's 'Girls on Top' and she's pretty good. Haha. Donghae hyung is completely entranced and following her out the door. I shut my door right after he leaves. Ah, hyung. I only hope I'm as lucky as you are...only without the dumb face when MY girl does something. OTL That'll be so weird. It'd be like derping 24 hours a day. I’ve made it into a game I guess; my feelings. I started this game a while ago…a LONG while ago…it’s time to finish.  I can't afford to lose. I make this sound like life and death but...a heart wants what it wants right? Putting that aside,...the heck kind of encouragment was that?!

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mrscho88 #1
Gaaaahhhh! I'm so excited for the next chapter. :) I hope kyuhyun will get his girl. :) but honestly I wanted it to be more challenging than donghae's. :D update soon!