The Missing Toy

The Family of 13

Word Count- 1644

It was 4pm and Seungcheol stepped through the front door after a long day of work in the office, and oh god; His husband Jeonghan was comforting a screaming 1 year old child, Soonyoung and Seokmin were bouncing on the couch where there older brother, Jisoo was quietly reading his book. Junhui, Wonwoo, and Mingyu is, once again, 'bribing' Minghao into speaking, by playing and singing his 'favourite' song on the piano, which no one really knows because Minghao can't talk. The younger twins keep on saying that they are 'innocent', while Jihoon is looking down on them. Seungcheol's jaw dropped, yes it's always chaotic but no this chaotic. Seungcheol tredded down the opening hall, hearing hi's and hellos from evey child, getting hugs as he goes. He slowly approached Jeonghan, who was still comforting a sreaming child, via bouning him up and down in the middle of the main room, Seungcheol patted Jeonghan's short blak bob hair. Jeonghan's hair whipped his mouth as he swiftly turned his head to face his husband's, his eyes showing that he was desperate for help. But Seungcheol knew something was very wrong, even though Chan, the screaming child, acknowleged his father's pressene, he was still wailing.

"Okay when did you lose control of everybody?" Seungheol asked pecked Jeonghan's lips. Jeonghan sighed

"Chan lost his toy, you know the Micheal Jackson plush that we got him." Seungcheol would normally sigh at this because it was probably somewhere in is cot, but not this time. This was Chan's FAVOURITE toy, and it cost them a fortune to get, so this was something serious.

Seungcheol placed his suitcase down on the dinner table behind him before howling.

"KIDS BUMS IN THE MAIN ROOM RIGHT NOW!" And like that, the other ten children rushed, or just moved 10 cm in the case of Jihoon and the younger twins, into the main room, all gathering in a hunch. Soonyoung carrying Seokmin on his back, the younger twins standing right next to each other, under Jihoon's nose, Jisoo and Junhui next to their umma, and trying to comfort Chan Wonwoo and Mingyu both holding Minghao's hands, while Minghao stood shyly in the middle. And Chan, of course, with his umma, still wailing.

"Uh can Chan be quiet?" Soonyoung whined, Seokmin nodded his head in agreement.

"No he can't Soonyoung, now listen, Chan has lost his Micheal Jackson plushie, know we all know how speical that is to little Chan, so I want everybody to help look for it, Kapeesh?" Seungcheol stated.

"Ne~" most of the kids chorused, as they began to scatter. The house wasn't small though, of course it wasn't there was 13 people living in it, it was two storyed, with 5 large rooms on the bottem floor, and 10 smaller rooms. The top floor has so many rooms that many guests consider it a maze, But the backyard was 10x bigger, with a climbing frame and large swimming pool.

So it was set, Seungcheol, Junhui, Soonyoung and Seokmin searched the backyard, Jisoo, Wonwoo, Jihoon and Mingyu searched the top floor, and finally Jeonghan and the youngest four searched the bottem floor, escpeically the play room.


Seungcheol ordered Seokmin to check the climbing frame, and the twin the check the infinite amount of bushes they have that fence the grassy area, the grassy area was where the younger ones were allowed to play if it wasn't in the pool, it was because of the prickles that were everywhere in the backyard, hence to protect their feet, they put down fake grass  and surrounded the 'safe' area with bush, to make it safe for the children to play without getting hurt. While the twins were cheaking the bushes, Seungheol handled the shed. Everyone was terrified of the shed, except for Seungcheol and Jisoo. It was abandoned because no one really had use for it, it was just kinda there. But why check it? Well trouble makers, both sets of twins (minus Junhui) and Seokmin would normally throw toys in there as a joke, to see their hyungs or dosaengs get scarred. They would get in trouble everytime

Seungcheol slowly opened the metal door to the dark room, there was nothing in there, just a wheelbarrow and some bag of seeds. Seungcheol sighed as he slowly shut the door.

"ANY LUCK?" He called out to the children in the backyard.

"NO APPA" Seokmin called from the very top of the limbing frame. Seungcheol looked to the safe area, and towards the twins


"NO APPA" The twins chorused, Seungcheol sighed. He walked towards the safe area, and met his kids. He got Seokmin off the climbing frame, and walked back into the house. 

Meanwhile, the umma and his youngests are constantly walking from room to room trying to find the Micheal Jackson plush, well really only one, and that was Minghao. The other three were all with their umma, who's first choice was to ask the twins, becuase they have a habit of polietly taking stuff and never giving it back. The twins sat in their room on Hansol's bed while Jeonghan sat on Seungkwans with Chan on his lap and his tiny head resting on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Okay boys, although you're only two you guys have a habit of kindly taking things, so i'm going to ask you, did you take it?" Jeonghan asked eyeingeach of them down. Seungkwan, being more of a drama queen then Hansol, gasped in shock.

"Umma?" Seungkwan started as he slightly jumped of the bed, "Why do you think it was us, all the time?" Seungkwan whined as he held onto his mother's hand, using his puppy eyes to gaze into his mother's eyes. 

"Because it's always you, with Soonyoung and Seokmin as well." Jeonghan stated firmly. Seungkwan looked back at Hansol, who just simply shrugged his shoulders. Seungkwan turned bak to fae his mother.

"Okay, yeah it always seem to be us, but not this time." Seungkwan stated stamping his feet.

"Please belive us?" Hansol stated out of the blue. Jeonghan hummed before looking over at little Chan.

"What do you think Channie?" Jeonghan asked his baby lovingly, who was just sleeping.

At that moment Minghao walked into the twins' room. Everyone looked over at the quiet boy, Jeonghan smiled.

"Any luck Ming?" Jeonghan asked. Minghao then pulled out a small notepad with a small blue crayon to match, and began drawing out a shape on the notepad. Since he can't speak or write Korean, this is how he communicates, via drawing, which only him, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and too everyone's suprise, Junhui can understand. He wadled over to his mother and showed him the drawing, It was a doll in a jacket with glasses on, with an 'X' going through it. Jeonghan sighed.

"No luck?" He asked, Minghao nodded. He looked back over at the twins, and then the clock. "Alright boys I need to start dinner, you boys do one more search of the top floor." Jeonghan stated as he got off the bed, with Chan, and left the twins room. He went down the hall a bit into Chan's room, which he shares with Minghao, and placed chan in his crib, before going downstairs and starting dinner.


It was now 6pm and everyone reunited at the dinner, except for Chan who was still sleeping ever since 5pm, and too everyone's surprise, no one was able to find the toy. A dark aura filled the table, Seungcheol was a bit mad at the fact theat a toy that he spend a fortune was lost. No one talked at all, which is rare for a Sunday night, even Soonyoung and Seokmin who would always ome up with inredible stories wasn't talking. Hell it's even the kids' favourite dinner, spaghetti. But still everyone was silent.

After an hour of silence and eating it was 7, Jeonghan collected up all of the dishes, as Seungcheol began work and getting the younger kids in bed, this inluded almost everybody besides The older twins, Wonwoo and Jisoo, who all helped out with cleaning, before going into the play room and watching tv. 

After getting all the younger ones to bed Seungcheol relaxes, and sits next to husband on the couch, in the actual lounge room. Jeonghan leaned on Seungcheol's shoulder.

"Shame that it's lost." Seungcheol said as grasped onto Jeonghan's hand. Jeonghan chuckled.

"It's not lost, we'll probably find it as we're going to bed tonight" Jeonghan smiled as hekissed his husband's cheek. Seungheol reached for the remote and began changing the channels on the tv, finding a show to watch, but all for nothing because at the end of it all they would just fall asleep, it was just a couple thing.


Minghao emerged from upstairs and took careful steps down the stairs, trying not wake up his parents.Tip toeing into the playroom, where all of the older children seemed to have also fallen asleep. Minghao smiled before walking towards the couch, he crouched down and reached his small arm under the couch, and reaching for a doll like figure. After retrieving it he quickly ran out of the playroom, back up the stairs and back into his room, he quietly closed the door of his and Chan's room. He walked over to the white cabinet that was in between Chan's crib and Minghao's small bed that was walled. He opened the draw to and pulled a baby blue stool with flower pattens on it. He placed the stool next to Chan's crib and stepping up on it, the doll still in hand. He reached over into Chan's crib and quietly placed doll into Chan's tiny arm, before kissing his forehead. He stepped down from the stool and put it back in the draw and closing the draw, before closing the draw and climbing into his own bed, and fell asleep to the thought that his brother is reunited with Micheal Jackson.

I promise more fluff next time, basically just an introduction chapter, I hope that you all enjoyed it :3 Leave requests in the comments and thank you for reading


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hyachiko #1
Chapter 3: Need more of this story. Family jeongcheol is alwats the best
Kotobabe #2
Chapter 3: i wanted to know if next chapter woozi could be incorporated more
Chapter 3: Awww~~ so cute <333
aigooyaaaa #4
Chapter 2: Hahah it's so cute!! Looking forward to use next update!^^
hyachiko #5
Chapter 1: Cute minghao. It was a nice introduction. Waiting for your update.
arissayagi #6
Chapter 1: so Minghao knew where the 'michael jackson' was but he didn't tell to everyone who looking for it? is that because he didn't want his parents mad at him .. OMG he is so cute ,they are so cute babies :D i can't imagine how can Cheol & Han handle 11 kids,,its like football team *LOL*
i love this story, please update soon :)
kim_play96 #7
Chapter 1: So cute!! Waiting for the next chap! :)
mitchiexx #8
Chapter 1: Omg, this story is soooo cute!!!!!!!
I cannot wait for the next chapter!