Love Hate (II/Final)

IceDeer Library (YoonSic One-shots)

"Will your unnie be alright?" Yoona asked.

"I know she'll follow us. She can't go home without the driver." Krystal pointed the driver outside using her thumb.

They're eating their ice cream in a cafe near their school.

"Hmm, aras--"

"Yoong..." They heard her called.

"What?" Instead of Yoona answering, Krystal spoke for her.

"Soojung-ah, don't be like this..."

"Why can't I? Are you now feeling guilty? Aren't you even afraid that Yoona might be like Taeyeon unnie, too? Huh?" Krystal shouted and stood up to face Jessica, slamming her hand on the table.

Jessica was taken aback. Krystal never shouted at her. Tears start to form in her eyes.

"Krystal, people are already looking at us..." Yoona held Krystal's wrist, trying to stop her.

"I don't care, Im Yoona..." Krystal said, not even looking at Yoona.

"I was afraid, okay?! Y-you... you weren't there for me... They kept b-bugging me... As if we really are friends. I gave up ignoring them and tried to give them a chance. They followed me, they did want I want... just for m-money.. and f-fame... I felt so dominant and submissive at the same time. I can't stand alone without you. You're much braver than me, I admit it... I don't want to happen to Yoona what happened to Taeyeon... I can't lose someone so important again... B-but I can't do anything to stop them... If I left them before you even came, they'll keep hurting Yoona too. I was scared. I d-didn't know what to do..."

I can't lose someone so important again... I am important to her?

Jessica was crying. She felt like a fool. So dumb that she can't do anything to protect her loved ones.She buried her face on her hands, sobbing harder.

Soon, she felt a pair of slender arms wrapped around her body.

"It's okay, Sica ... I forgive you. Please, don't cry. Hush now. Please..." Yoona said.

Jessica cried even more. After all the bad thing she did to Yoona, there she was, hugging her tight.

"Hey, please... I'm sorry, just please don't cry..." Yoona felt guilty.

"Unnie..." Jessica heard Krystal.

She lifted her head up and saw Krystal ready to cry.

She sat beside Krystal and wiped the tears that were ready to fall.

"Don't cry. You did nothing wrong." Jessica said.

"I'm sorry, unnie. I didn't know..." Krystal said.

"No, don't be sorry...  I chose not to tell you."

Jessica comforted Krystal while Yoona sat in front of them, her head hanging low.

"J-jessica... What happened to T-taeyeon unnie?" Yoona asked, almost in a whisper as she prevent herself from cying.


"I want to know, please... " Droplets of tears started to fall on her lap.

Jessica reached for her hand but she pulled it away.

"I... she... Taeyeon was my ex-girlfriend. They knew about it  and they hated the fact that someone was close to me other than them... so they bullied Taeyeon. I though that they stopped because I begged them to. Then I heard about Taeyeon's death and learnt from Krystal that it was because of depression that she suicide."

"But why are you still friends with them?" Yoona looked up, she can she anger in her eyes.

"I'm afraid that they'll hurt me too. Krystal wasn't there. She used to protect me even if she years younger than me. As what I said, they kept bugging me. I didn't tell mom because she's friend with their parents. If their parents scold them, they'll know that I told my parents and I'm afraid they'll be after me."

She looked at Yoona but her eyes were expressionless.

"Yoona... A-are you mad?"  Jessica asked.

She didn't answered instead she looked at Krystal.

"Krystal-ah, can you come with me?"

"But Yoong..."

She didn't finished her sentence because Yoona already pulled her.


Since that talk, Yoona started ignoring Jessica again.

Jessic has no other 'friends' other than Yuri and Sooyoung and without Yoona she feels so... alone.

She misses Yoona. Even if she did nothing but to push the girl away.


Yoona looked up and saw Jessica standing beside her seat.

"Can you eat with me?"

"I'm sorry, unnie. I have to go with Krystal..."

"She could join us."

"We're going somewhere." Yoona said, standing up.

"Can I come?"

Yoona knew that there's not point of forming another excuse so she gave up.


Yoona started to walk and Jessica was behind her.

They went to the school's gym and saw Krystal packing her bag.

"Oh... Yoona! Unnie?" Krystal was surprised that her unnie was with Yoona.

"She wants to come. I had no choice." Yoona nonchalantly said.

And, of course, that hurt Jessica.

"Are you sure you want us to come with you?" Krystal asked,worriedly.

"Of course. It's time for my parents to meet you."

Jessica don't understand why Krystal looks so worried  but she just shrugged it off and followed the girls.


"Why... are we here?" Jessica asked.

No one answered.

She followed Yoona with Krystal beside her as they walked towards a not-so-familiar house.

Yoona opened the door and let them in.

"Yoong, I'll go get some?" Krystal asked pointing to the Kitchen.

Yoona nodded and Krystal walked to the kitchen as if she knew the house very well.

Jessica just stood by the door as I watch them mind their own business.

Yoona was facing... an altar?

Jessica walked towards Yoona and that's when she realised that Yoona was crying.

On the altar was the picture of her family and another picture of Taeyeon. Beside the pictures were their ashes.

So they're dead?

"Yoong..." Jessica rubbed Yoona's back.

"My parents d-died 2 years after Taeyeon unnie's death..."

That was 4 years ago!

"My aunt stayed here to take care of me but she got sick and needs to go back to the States with her family."


"I... I was left a-alone. That's when Krystal told your parents about me..."

"That's why you are staying with us..." Yoona nodded.

"I'm sorry, Yoona. I really am." Jessica said, trying hard not to cry.

"I'm sorry I didn't treat you nicely. I didn't even get to know you. I'm the reason why Taeyeon died. You we're alone and I just let them hurt you. I'm so sorry..." she said.

"I already forgave you, Sica-yah. I'm sorry for ignoring you the past few days. I was just so affected about everything you said about Taeyeon unnie."

"I'm sorry Yoona..."  Jessica started to cry.

Yoona just hugged her, letting her cry on her shoulders.

She saw Krystal placing the food down the table. Krystal looked at them and smiled. Yoona smiled back.

Soona, Jessica stopped crying. Yoona lifted her head and wiped off Jessica tears.

"Let's eat? Krystal prepared some snacks..."

Jessica just nodded as she let herself be pulled by Yoona.


After they ate, all of them were in front of the small altar.

"Eomma, appa, Taeyeon unnie... I'm so sorry it took me a long time to visit you here. You remember Krystal, right? My best friend? Here beside me is her unnie. I'm living with them, now. Auntie is such a nice person. Uncle, too. They took really good care of me." Yoona said,then Krystal whispered something to Yoona. The gesture was not left unnoticed by Jessica.

"Ah... now that Krystal reminded me. Please help me, Taeyeon unnie. I know that you know what I mean." Yoona said, while Krystal chuckled.

"Trust me, unnie. I'll take care of your girl, like how you took care and love her." Yoona said, receiving a slap on her arm.


"Shut up already. You might not want to ruin everything right?" Krystal said.

"Taeyeon's girl? Is she... Is she talking about me?" Jessica thought.

"Yes, unnie." Krystal giggled. And that's when she realized that she had said it out loud. Her eyes widen while the two girls giggled as they walked back to the couch.


They were watching the movie 'Inkheart' and Jessica was spacing out because of what happened earlier.

"Yah, unnie. You're not even watching~" Krystal whined.

"Oh.. s-sorry..."

"Is there something that's bothering you? You've been spacing out, Sica." Yoona asked.

Yes, there is Im Yoona. Did you just indirectly confessed to me? You're even calling me Sica and not unnie anymore.

"N-nothing... I'm just.. tired."

"Ah, right. It's almost 11 pm already." Yoona said.

"Does mom know that we're here?"Jessica asked, Krystal nodded.

"Ne. Mom called earlier and told us to stay for the night."

"But we have class tom--"

"Unnie, it's Friday today."

"Ah, Mianhae..." Jessica said, giggling.

"Ah~ cute~..." Jessica heard someone whisper.

When she looked at Yoona and Krystal's direction, Krystal was now headlocking Yoona.

"Okay, I'm sorry hahaha I didn't mean to."

"Shut up, okay... she might know." Krystal half-whispered, but Jessica heard it.

"I think she knew already..." Yoona said, chuckling.

"Then stop dropping hint and confess." Krystal crossed her arms, glaring at Yoona.

"Aigoo~ are you jealous?"

"What?! Do you really want me to reveal things right now?" Krystal said.

"Ani, ani... I'm just kidding. Hehe. You can stop glaring now." Yoona said, giving out her puppy eyes.

They look so close... Why can't we be like that?

"Then shut you mouth and stick to the plan..."

"What plan?"








"Aish... Why did I even helped you to confess?" Krystal whined.

"Why?" Yoona was chuckling, as she pulled Jessica closer by the waist.

"Look at you... You two are so lovey dovey there and I look like a thirdwheel here." Krystal rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you bring *your name*, along then?" Jessica asked.

"We're not even together... we're just dating..." Krystal muttered.

"Well, I'm sorry then. My girlfriend's just too gorgeous to ignore." Yoona said, kissing Jessica's temples.

"Eewie~~ You're so corny, Yoong." Krystal said, pretending to puke.

"At least, you trust me. Don't you like it? You're best friend is your unnie's girlfriend? You're so sure that I won't hurt her." As Yoona said those words, Jessica hugged her tighter by waist.

"Well, at least..." Krystal smiled.



xoxo ;P


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Chapter 16: Thanks for coming back
oungie87 #2
Chapter 16: Welcome.. Can't wait for soulmate update... Thanks for come back
_Cold_Girl_ #3
Chapter 4: Why i was crying
Yoonaya05 #4
Chapter 14: I thought Yoona was really dead, glad that is not.
Btw, is Amnesia doesn't have a continuation?
YoonSicForever722 #5
Chapter 14: Oh my ghad! Lalabas na sa yung luha ko I thought yoona die... But when I read the part Krystal rolled her eyes...I get it she alive hahahha you got me!!!
Robiul_fa #6
Chapter 13: Make this story two shoot
YoonSicForever722 #7
Chapter 13: author! Can u continue this..i want to know what happen.,please! Soo nice!
deerdea #8
Chapter 13: Can you make it 2 shot or 3 shot? Keke, 'cause I want to know , why Jessica like that.
Ty for update authornim ^^
Robiul_fa #9
Chapter 13: 2shoot please
Yoonaya05 #10
Chapter 13: Oh my heart ㅠㅠ what happened with sica actually? Can't wait for the next update