You Became the Reason I Breathe

Forever Young

      Taehyung drifted in and out of sleep, content with the warmth Namjoon's body offered. Scooting back, Tae snuggled closer to the other man, resting his head back and tucking it under Joon's chin. Taehyung slowly began to fall back to sleep, when a whimper from Namjoon caught his attention. Worried, he turned around to face his still sleeping boyfriend and was shocked to see his body drenched in sweat. Assuming Joon was having a nightmare, Tae laid his hand on the other's chest, intending to shake him awake. As soon as Tae's hand made contact, Namjoon's eyes shot open, mixed with confusion and pain. Taehyung froze, hurt by the expression he was receiving. Realizing the situation, Joon knocked Tae's hand away playfully, trying to break the tension.

"Good morning, Tae," Namjoon said hoarsly. "Getting all handsy this early in the morning? Shame on you." 

     Taehyung said nothing, and Joon started to feel uncomfortable under his watchful stare. Joon noticed Tae's eyes shift down to his chest and then back up. He almost couldn't take it when he looked back into Tae's eyes and was met with suspicion and tears.

"You're hurt again aren't you?" Tae said, clearly holding back tears. "How bad is it? Let me see." 

     Taehyung reached over to grab the hem of Joon's shirt, slowly lifting it up to see the damage. Namjoon gently grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going any further. Using his other hand, he grabbed Tae's chin, lifting it up to look into the boy's puppy-like eyes.

"Listen Tae, I'm honestly fine," Namjoon said quietly, unable to look into his eyes for long. "It's just a scratch."

       Taehyung shouted in anger and yanked up Joon's shirt, brushing over the bandage and causing the other to yelp in pain. Unable to continue holding back the tears, Tae began to unwrap the dirty cloth, apologizing under his breath for accidently hurting Joon. When he finally saw the large, red gash across his boyfriends chest, Taehyung tried to speak but instead broke out into a coughing fit. Resting his head on Joon's stomach, Tae tried to catch his breath. Eventually he noticed a large hand rubbing comforting circles on his back and could hear his boyfriend talking quietly in a deep voice.

"-didn't want you to think of me as selfish, but how else could I possible go about this? I just want to protect you. I want you to continue smiling and making this world a better place. I need you to." Namjoon whispered. "You are the one thing worth keeping forever, the one thing that deserves to last, and with this fountain eternal youth is possible. You will always shine, Taehyung."

       Tae shifted a bit, causing Joon to grow silent. Sitting up on his knees, he looked directly into Joon's eyes.

"You idiot, you'll waste your entire youth searching for this fairytale. You'll lose everything just to live forever. Am I not enough?" Taehyung said. "Are you willing to lose me too?"

       Joon looked at Tae as if he still had a hold of his wound and was now intentionally pressing on it to cause him pain.

"Anything I lose, I have lost so that you can have it all," Namjoon replied. "And believe me when I say that this fairytale is a real, tangible thing. And God I'm so close."

       Taehyung stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom without a word. Returning with the first aid kit, he cleaned Joon's wound and rebandaged it. When he felt it was wrapped tight enough, Taehyung helped put Joon's shirt back on and pushed him back until he was resting comfortably on a mound of pillows. Getting into the bed, Tae gently rested his head on Joon's arm, wanting nothing more than to be close to him and rest. Closing his eyes, Tae slowly began to drift back to sleep.

"There's something you don't understand, Joonie," Tae said sleepily. "I never wanted it all. I only wanted you."



       Tae woke up to a loud crash. 

"Namjoon we've found it! You were right!" a man shouted. "Namjoon!"

       Taehyung felt Joon jump up quickly, running to the mysterious man and grabbing him by the shoulders.

"You've found it? You're sure?" Namjoon asked, clearly excited.

"We haven't gone in yet, but yes we're fairly convinced it has to be the place." Said the man, who tae could now see was very handsome. Jealousy suddenly flared up inside of him.

       Namjoon was throwing on his jacket and walking to the door.

"I'll be back soon Tae! This is it, this is what we've been waiting for." Namjoon marvelled. "We've done it."

       When the apartment door finally shut behind them, Tae allowed himself to fall back into the bed and curl up. Biting his fist, Tae tried to hold himself together. He felt as though he was shattering into a million pieces. Closing his eyes Taehyung saw a dark room, and in the center, a pond full of black water. He was standing just on the edge, the ground freezing his bare feet. Tae had his back to the water but he still felt pulled to it. Not quite asleep, Tae could see all of this vividly. He could see himself standing on the edge, slowling tipping backwards, and as soon as he touched the water, nothing. Taehyung fell asleep with the taste of blood in his mouth.







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Sad but worth it (╥﹏╥)