

twitter based rp
est. 151128
revamp. 160509
general rules
001 // Subscribe once you're joining. Upvotes are not required but appreciated.
002 // It's a closed RP, so no talking to strangers. We strictly forbid following other people that aren't part of the RP. And as for fan accounts, keep it minimal. The tl should be full of people not of retweets.
003 // One account per soul. We //will// know if you own more than one account. No limit to the amount of CCs but you must stay as that particular character for at least 2 weeks before you can CC again. we will hold a week change activity every 3rd week of the month.
004 // TL is R-16 but limit yourselves, guys. Anything more than that goes to DM unless we want some time within TL. No jokes about anything that is universally a sensitive topic (eg. rape) because it's not funny. At all.
005 // Tone down on the dramas. This is not a plot or prompt session. Strictly no OOC drama. On the other hand, please maintain a tolerable IC drama if ever you decide to have one. Again, tolerable drama because if things get off hand then we will kick your asses one by one.
006 // Limited OOC talks and more IC talks. Anything OOC must be said in brackets. Let's try to talk to everyone and not be selective conversationalists.
007 // Rude af? Bye bye. If you think that being rude af constitutes to being swag af then think again. Don't even try to provoke anyone.
088 // Strictly literate. Minimal typos are accepted but drunk typing is not. Better get off TL because one, it's gonna be hard decoding what you're saying and two, we don't like to clean vomit.
009 // No face chasing or we'll chase your face away. Password:timezone + an allergy you have.
010 // We accept relationships no matter what color you are, just give yourself 5 days and 300 tweets. Love at first sight is already debunked uys. Dating ban applies to move in couples too.
011 // Marriage? A month into relationship then it's acceptable. Just make sure your relationship is stable. pregnancy? Sure, we like little humans running intl but inform us please. And you have to wait for at least a month before you give birth. and as for yuri and yaoi couples, you can adopt but not M-Preg. Sorry.
012 // In 48 hours, you need to have 100 tweets. Please be active at least 3 days a week and you're good for us. No activity for 3 days? Bye bye. 013 // Inform base if taking a hiatus, semi-hiatus, leaving, in a relationship, and such. A hiatus can last for only 3 weeks, semi-hiatus for 2 weeks. Once you're back from hiatus, you have to be active again for at least a week before taking another hiatus. Come on guys, let's make tl active.
how to join
001 // Read the rules and bear those in mind.
002 // Check Masterlist to see if the character you want to be is available. If you want. Visit our wishlist and be our personal genies.
003 // Mention the base or comment below your desired character together with the password.
004 // You have 48 hours to make your account. Username should be 9596(IDOLNAME) or (IDOLNAME)9596. We don't mind if you use lowercase or uppercase as long as you follow the format.
005 // Follow the base and follow the admins. Also, put 'HEX' anywhere on your bio.
006 // Mention base once you're ready with your account. No mention, no verification.


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